Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
This was started by John whittingdale the former culture secretary, who is rampantly anti BBC and very pro Rupert Murdoch.
He would love to dismantle the BBC.

Currently you have to pay for a TV licence, but even if you don't watch, read or listen to any BBC content you get a real benefit from the BBC being there.
For starters there is a very good return on money invested in the BBC, additionally it has a profound effect on the quality of output on other channels by simply being there producing a certain quality of output.
If it wasn't there C4 and itv would not need to spend much on programming to gain market share and we would get lots of cheap output and a hell of a lot more USA imports.
If you have spent much time watching TV in places like Australia or France then I think that's the way we would be heading.

Whittingdale thinks that without the BBC then itv would become the next HBO. I think the reality is that itv would become ITV2.
Good post. BBC production standards keeps production values up in the commercial competition. We all win in that respect.

The BBC is not perfect. It has been bullied by the Tory Gov't over the licence fee and appears to have given in to them to some extent. And f*ck knows what happened to its news reporting.

But some some of these people are clearly paid too much, and not worth it.
Who would miss Chris Evans if he fooked off- really?

When we consider that their inflated swag comes from the pockets of millions of hard-working low paid workers who are struggling to make ends meet and will get into legal trouble if they cant afford the license fee, it is a bit repulsive.

Also, it does seem to be a bit lad heavy that list eh?
I hope that the 'fix' is not to equally inflate the wages of the most prominent women in the BBC.
Those blokes need a damn good trim first ..