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Thread: Trivial things that get on your nerves

  1. #51

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Mentioned it before on here, but people who start their answers to a question with the word "so" do my head in.

  2. #52

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    "Guys". Hi guys. I'll be over in a few minutes to take your order guys. Everything alright with your food guys? I wasn't even eating at a budget restaurant.

  3. #53

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    - worst of all, he forgot to mention the sponsor's name at one of the substitutions, I should think that's a hanging offence.
    I.d forgotten the sponsors substitute announcements. How bloody annoying were they on Tuesday. Can't say I.ve noticed them to that extent from my usual seat in the Ninian Stand before. I hope Warnock regularly gets the starting xi correct, to limit the number of those bloody announcements we have to listen to.

  4. #54

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Fridge doors that hinge on the left- a terrible blight on society that needs to be outlawed at once.

  5. #55

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
    Singing "1-0 and you f•cked it up..."
    You have to had been at least 3-0 down before you start using that one.

    Singing "you're not famous anymore" - that's quite a flattering song, especially to the likes of Portsmouth, who've never even been famous.


  6. #56

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    What about when you're in a rush in the shop and as you finishing paying to join the exit walk there's about 3 people in front walking snail speed side by side to block the whole aisle... and then stop because they want to get fags.

  7. #57

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
    Singing "you're not famous anymore" - that's quite a flattering song, especially to the likes of Portsmouth, who've never even been famous.
    You obviously don't get the psyche of Pompey mushes who have existed for centuries, winning innumerable naval battles, on the basis that they are down-trodden, worthless under-dogs who should be underestimated at your peril. We are scum - famous for not being famous - until the nation depends on us, and then we rise up with a fury that is terrible to see and give entire continents a bloody nose. We come from an island off an island and have the smallest-minded insular mentality psychologists looking down their hoity-toity noses have ever examined - until they wake up from a right battering. Portsmouth boys revel in being put-down, for then we delight in smashing all the odds to vanquish the mightiest of mighty foes.

    Oh, and can we have our clock back, please?

    (from a 'son of Trafalgar' - and proud of it!)

  8. #58

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Woman that push the pushchair out onto the road thinking they have to stop when they put they're own toes next to the kerb and push the pram slightly onto the road without even looking.

    People that are stood on the bus stop and as I approach in my taxi put they're arm out, as though they are about to flag me down, then just look at the time on they're watch as I pull over.

    Those deliveroo bike riders on the road. Absolute pain in the backside the way they swerve and hog the whole road

  9. #59

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Oh Lord, where do I start ?? Probably my age but there seems to be a constant flow of annoying debris that comes my way each day.

    How about staff in restaurants who say 'ENJOY' when serving you, as if it's an order. Another crappy Americanism.

    Oh, the best [or worst one], football related. People like Hoddle and now others who refer to 'OFFENSIVE' players/tactics, instead of attacking. A perfectly good word used for 150yrs, replaced by one that has a totally irrelevant and confusing one -another Americanism !!

  10. #60
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Using the word 'ordinary' to describe a poor performance.

    It has been adopted from Australian cricketers (or cricket commentators) and - I think - is supposed to give the message that anything less than exceptional is not acceptable. It is OK when used by Australians to promote their winning mentality (alongside 'drongos', 'bush tucker' and 'poms') but sounds totally false and fawning when used by the English. Very ordinary!

  11. #61

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Taxi drivers who think they own the road especially in cardiff

  12. #62

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Shot Hamish. View Post
    I.d forgotten the sponsors substitute announcements. How bloody annoying were they on Tuesday. Can't say I.ve noticed them to that extent from my usual seat in the Ninian Stand before. I hope Warnock regularly gets the starting xi correct, to limit the number of those bloody announcements we have to listen to.
    People who use . instead of '
    People who leave posters on trees and lampposts advertising events then NEVER remove them after the event has taken place

  13. #63

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    People who reinvent themselves on facebook and have changed from being Wayne Sleep to Lenny Mclean

    People who use the term "that awkward moment when....."

  14. #64

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Quote Originally Posted by cantonboy View Post
    People who use . instead of '
    People who leave posters on trees and lampposts advertising events then NEVER remove them after the event has taken place

  15. #65

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenith View Post
    People who don't pronounce "th" and replace it with a "f" or "v" sound instead. Like ovver instead of other. For **** sake it gets on my nerves, more so than ever.
    I am guilty of exactly this, it's a speech impediment.

  16. #66

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    People who take the trouble to pick up and bag their dogs shit and then chuck it into a tree or hedge.Some even carefully hang it on a branch.
    What's that all about?

  17. #67

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    I am guilty of exactly this, it's a speech impediment.
    For some reason my missus can't pronounce words starting with br such as brewery, she says it as booery

  18. #68

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    People who throw fag nips out of their car window, especially when I am driving behind them.

    Next door neighbours who have never worked a day in their lives driving around in a brand new 2017 Audi Q3 paid for by the tax payer.

  19. #69

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    The look on the bloke next door's face as I drive past in my fancy Audi (paid for by my disability benefits)

    Miserable old git.

  20. #70

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    The look on the bloke next door's face as I drive past in my fancy Audi (paid for by my disability benefits)
    Miserable old git.
    That's really weird.

    The post just above yours is from a guy who is dead jealous of his neighbour's Audi!

  21. #71

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
    Singing "1-0 and you f•cked it up..."
    You have to had been at least 3-0 down before you start using that one.

    Singing "you're not famous anymore" - that's quite a flattering song, especially to the likes of Portsmouth, who've never even been famous.
    They're famous in a quiz.

    "Which club held the FA Cup for six continuous years?"

    They won in 1939, and held it until the next comp after the war.

  22. #72

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    People who wear huge rucksacks to work and bash them into you on trains , lifts and crowded
    places. Wannabee Quasimodos the lot of them.

    People who don't give you a thank you wave when you let them in a queue of traffic.

    The Americanisation of English especially the use of Impact.

  23. #73

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    That's really weird.

    The post just above yours is from a guy who is dead jealous of his neighbour's Audi!

  24. #74

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Where and when did the term Brit enter the English language?

    Try explaining to our colonial cousins over the pond that if we are Brits they must be Amers.

    When it comes to correcting them that what in fact they should be saying is Britons they look at you perplexed, as if the addition of o-n-s at the end of Brit was just to much to comprehend

  25. #75

    Re: Trivial things that get on your nerves

    Where and when did the term Brit enter the English language?

    Try explaining to our colonial cousins over the pond that if we are Brits they must be Amers.

    When it comes to correcting them that what in fact they should be saying is Britons they look at you perplexed, as if the addition of o-n-s at the end of Brit was just to much to comprehend

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