Quote Originally Posted by BlueArmy 86 View Post
I don't know about that. He's a key player in one of the most successful club teams in history. They've won the champions league 3 times in 4 years. He's front page (or back page) news out there and often mentioned in Zidanes press conference, either lauding him or clearing up speculation (or more often regarding his fitness). I think he's one of the biggest names in football, never mind Spain. Haven't you seen is Facebook, he has fans EVERYWHERE. Millions of them saying I love you Bale etc.

But I'd love him back in the prem
I haven't seen much of the media over there if I am honest.

I am just basing it on the fact he isn't the biggest personality around.

Ye ive seen some of the accounts on twitter. IloveBale as there username etc from an asian or south america country!.