Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
I don't believe in 'no platform ', I don't believe in censorship.
I don't believe that it is a good idea to normalise hatred and bigotry - Is it for those who have seemingly begun to seek a way to feel more comfortable that they now embrace some increasingly 'bizarre' notions?
Notions aligned with social abhorrence perhaps?

Back to the article - I have always said that abhorrent C***'s should be given opportunity to show what they stand for, and others can judge whether they require to be challenged - also publicly. All cuts both ways.

Stick your little "war" eh..
Who is normalising "hatred and bigotry"? And what does "stick your little 'war' eh.." mean?

I think that you are labouring, heavily, under the misapprehension that your prose tickles your audience with its flourishes and jocularity, when in fact it results in you coming across as someone with mid-course dementia.

Like I have said before, your written diarrhoea stinks, both literally and metaphorically.

You're welcome