Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
Cheers guys. It has been a long day. I have driven 562 miles today. Back on the road tomorrow but thankfully only Bath and back.
It was a decent gate but a bit down on a Yorkshire last year but great to see the team bowl, field and bat so well I thought Meschede bowled superbly. Obviously Ingram was outstanding. Gents we can win this damn thing.

Gutted Finals day is the same day as Wales v Austria. Will be going to the football with a bit of a heavy heart.
Bloody typical eh?
I bet you won't be the only one feeling the same.
Not going to the Welsh game personally so might well have a bit of this if I can drum up some support. I just have to remember to get off the M4!

Meschede defo turned the tie, they were going great guns.
Ingram is pure class.
Rudolph, who has come in for some stick over the last couple of seasons from some quarters (include myself in that) also played an excellent game himself. Once we'd lost the 1st wicket so early I'm thinking oh dear, but he didn't panic and showed that he is an excellent batsman.
Removing the burden of general captaincy seems to have helped.

BTW, De Lange has some frame on him, and quick!

As you say, confidence is high and we could surprise people.