I was a reluctant red from the off, as I could see the bigger picture and well remember the club encircled by the HMRC vultures, dangling their winding up orders and court appearances. We really were up shi*t creek back then, and not for the first time.

Amid that backdrop, the red for investment was for me, a necesary evil to keep the club alive for myself, my kids and my potential grandkids.

I always felt it would be a temporary thing, therefore I simply couldn't let myself get too worked up about it.

Several years on, we're back in Blue, sit top of the league with five wins from five, have a wealthy owner who now seems to have understood the football culture, have had the best ever transfer window (both in and out) and possess vast footballing knowledge throughout the club.

I personally couldn't be happier with the way things have turned out and have great hope for the future.

In answer to the original question - I haven't forgiven Tan. Largely as I didn't accuse him in the first place.