Quote Originally Posted by CCFCPhil View Post
No, Tan would be here every week again, and the press would have a field day.
The press have moved on, it's about time grown men did as well. That season in Premiership wasn't even yesterday's news, yet you still witter on as though it happened yesterday.

If Tan does start to make some money for a change, why shouldn't he?

Yet, you will never accept the good he has done, because he changed the shirt colour in exchange for huge investments in our teams and infrastructure.

It was something that was discussed in detail after the initial leak on this forum.

A majority of fans reluctantly accepted this 'deal'.

TG had initially steadied the ship financially, but could not continue to do so, as he acknowledged he did not have the funds. He brought Tan to the club.

Without Tan or TG previously, we would have been back in court with HMRC faster than you are to criticise.

The larger scale protests didn't occur during our promotion season, where a huge amount of fans celebrated on the pitch the day we were promoted. Tan wasn't the villain at that point.

Tan became the villain once Malky started leaking garbage about him.
The media obviously took the side of a football man over a strange looking Malaysian billionaire.

Malky played the media, helped by the media and PR man (Moody).

Fans were played by Malky, his fist pump and the media.

Tan has been pretty much true to his word, has made concession after concession, backtracked and returned us to blue, trusted far too many football people and eventually got the right people in to tidy up the mess created by Malky and surprisingly by OGS and steady the ship.

Now he has brought in the right man at the right time for Cardiff and the majority of us are now enjoying football more than ever.

Tan has created the opportunity for this to happen.

Yet here we are today and your blinkers remain firmly screwed to your head.

It really is time for you to move on, one way or another. Otherwise you'll become a bitter old man. Be wise and relieve yourself of your anger and vitriol. It's not good for you in ANY way.

Move on...