Quote Originally Posted by Zenith View Post
Believe me, after that I demanded them and she didn't like it and got obviously even more defensive. Just wondering why the **** she is making this last for so much longer than it needed to.
Ok time for some truth young man.

She's doing it because she can. Probably because she's a manipulative bitch.

Text her, give her one final chance to get her shit out of YOUR house. Give her a date and time and tell her that anything she doesn't collect at that point will be donated to the charity shop. Be there when she comes so you can make sure she doesn't take anything that's not hers but don't waste your breath on her. Tell her you have no interest in anything she has to say from now on and ask her to delete your number.

As soon as she's got her stuff, delete her from your life completely - phone, Facebook and anything else. If she texts or rings you, ignore her. Just get on with your life and start looking after number one. Don't waste your time trying to analyse why she did what she did - some people are arseholes and the best thing you can do is just leave her where she is.

It'll hurt for a bit but once she gets out of your head you'll be surprised how quickly you'll forget her. One day you'll look back and realise you had a lucky escape.