Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
Joanna Williams on the tyranny of gender-neutrality:
'The current war against gender tells us far more about the concerns of a small number of adults than it does about children. Having failed to eradicate all differences between men and women in society, campaigners turn to a captive audience of schoolchildren to shape the world as they would like it to be.'

Oh and did you hear the one about a rapist in a women's prison? not even a joke..

'It is time we asserted our right to opt out of trans people’s fantasies. If a man wants to refer to himself as a woman, that is absolutely his business. But there is no reason the rest of us have to accept that he is a woman. There is no reason the birth registrar has to change the sex on his birth certificate (replacing the truth with a lie), or that a women-only college has to accept him as a student, or that the prison system has to place him in a women's prison. The rise of the trans ideology speaks to a really problematic 21st-century idea: that society has a duty to respect our chosen identities. It doesn’t. Society must only respect our rights — our right to speak, our right to vote and our right to personal autonomy — not what we believe. Society must uphold our freedom, not our feelings. So yes, a man has a right to say "I'm a woman", but society is perfectly within its rights to say: "No, you are not." And it should say this far more often.'
Hear, bloody hear!