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Thread: This is the end for the EU Remainers

  1. #1

    This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Yesterday JC Juncker has made our exit certain.
    He has called for all the things that EVEN the remainers would not tolerate.
    EU members will be forced to give up their vetoes on foreign policy and Tax.

    This will bring about the collapse of the Eu over just a few years.
    The French handing those powers away.
    Not a chance in hell.

    Riots in Paris coming

  2. #2

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Not sure what you saw but I did see Nigel Farage making a twat of himself again.

  3. #3

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    * United States of Europe
    * European Army
    * Ending of Veto
    * Forced adoption of Euro currency
    * One step away from a single world government controlled by the Banks and the Corporations

    This was all predicted during the referendum debate, so we knew that this would happen.

  4. #4

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    * United States of Europe
    * European Army
    * Ending of Veto
    * Forced adoption of Euro currency
    * One step away from a single world government controlled by the Banks and the Corporations

    This was all predicted during the referendum debate, so we knew that this would happen.
    Single world government, easy to see the Yanks, Chinese and Russians going for that with the EU leading the way

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Not sure what you saw but I did see Nigel Farage making a twat of himself again.
    and another awful chap said this ,I quote ::

    """" Jean-Claude Juncker today called for an ever-more powerful European Union and warned that Britain would “regret Brexit”, in a defiant speech that was branded a blueprint for a United States of Europe.

    The plans push for “ever-closer union” on defence, asylum and foreign policy in a bigger, more powerful bloc under a new, directly elected EU president. A eurozone finance minister would be appointed, with every country to adopt the euro.""

    """Mr Juncker called for a special summit of the 27 remaining member states the day after Brexit in March 2019, in the Romanian city of Sibiu, to map out the future of the EU. He insisted the “wind is back in Europe’s sails” despite deep divisions on eurozone reform, migration quotas and democratic values.""

  6. #6

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    and another awful chap said this ,I quote ::

    """" Jean-Claude Juncker today called for an ever-more powerful European Union and warned that Britain would “regret Brexit”, in a defiant speech that was branded a blueprint for a United States of Europe.

    The plans push for “ever-closer union” on defence, asylum and foreign policy in a bigger, more powerful bloc under a new, directly elected EU president. A eurozone finance minister would be appointed, with every country to adopt the euro.""

    """Mr Juncker called for a special summit of the 27 remaining member states the day after Brexit in March 2019, in the Romanian city of Sibiu, to map out the future of the EU. He insisted the “wind is back in Europe’s sails” despite deep divisions on eurozone reform, migration quotas and democratic values.""
    I don't know the Daily Telegraph's Europe correspondent so it is difficult to say whether what he wrote and what you quoted makes him an awful chap or not! That said from the stuff that came directly from Juncker's mouth there is enough to show that his view of the future may not be helpful to those who wish a strong alignment with Europe in the future. More comforting would have been the words of a number of the Heads of Government of the member states who were quick to pour cold water on much of this.

  7. #7

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    I'm still a remainer and always shall be. Ferk Brexshit it will be the death of the UK.

  8. #8

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    This is what the 5 presidents report said - a road map for the EU for the next 7 years. Add on to that the inclusion of
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    (Turkey wont be joining for a while)
    The unemployment rate in those countries ranges from 20% to 34%. So more cheap Labour for companies, to keep your wages down. An influx of yet more people that will put pressure on housing, schools, health etc.

    It seems the EU want tighter and tighter integration until it becomes a country of it's own, run in Brussels. Ironic that Belgium was a made up country in the first place.
    Belgium, a country made up of three regions with two different languages who's borders were settled about a century before the UK's. Ironic indeed!

  9. #9

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    Single world government, easy to see the Yanks, Chinese and Russians going for that with the EU leading the way
    Nothing a war or two can't sort out, just bring back Hillary

  10. #10

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Nothing a war or two can't sort out, just bring back Hillary
    Jeez ..
    I wonder, can you manage a day without mentioning (the increasingly irrelevant to current affairs) Hilary?

    You seem to be echoing and emulating that embarrassing hero of yours? - the one whom you are on the fence about ;)

    If she has done wrong, then I hope she cops for it.
    She is not coming back, and she is not going to start a war.

  11. #11
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    Single world government, easy to see the Yanks, Chinese and Russians going for that with the EU leading the way
    UN global tax body anyone? "A key step towards a coherent global system"

  12. #12

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
    Jeez ..
    I wonder, can you manage a day without mentioning (the increasingly irrelevant to current affairs) Hilary?

    You seem to be echoing and emulating that embarrassing hero of yours? - the one whom you are on the fence about ;)

    If she has done wrong, then I hope she cops for it.
    She is not coming back, and she is not going to start a war.
    Expect a condescending comment like' the players are moving into place' or some nutty article from some alt right 'hero'.

  13. #13

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Seems like someone is looking to start some kind of war.
    Not sure who TBH, but possibly it is not Hilary.

  14. #14

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
    Seems like someone is looking to start some kind of war.
    Not sure who TBH, but possibly it is not Hilary.
    Yet more verbal diarrhoea from you. Meaningless guff that barely qualifies as piffle. Have you had anything worthwhile to convey since your debut on CCMB three very long months ago?

  15. #15

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    Yet more verbal diarrhoea from you. Meaningless guff that barely qualifies as piffle. Have you had anything worthwhile to convey since your debut on CCMB three very long months ago?
    think you've been whooshed mate, he's mocking wales bales but knock yourself out anyway

  16. #16

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    think you've been whooshed mate, he's mocking wales bales but knock yourself out anyway
    Mocking? You don't know half of the crap that's going on

  17. #17

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    Yet more verbal diarrhoea from you. Meaningless guff that barely qualifies as piffle. Have you had anything worthwhile to convey since your debut on CCMB three very long months ago?
    No. Nothing worth while TBH. Ah well.

    Unlike yourself of course.
    I mean, who could forget your amazing post about .. ..about ... umm ..

    Ok, how about that enlightening point you made so well - which had everyone sitting up and taking notice - about .. .. . err..

    Just whining and insults yet again from you then.

    Why the anger anyway? - Has someone annoyed you denying the existence of lizard people on the David Ike forum?

  18. #18

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
    No. Nothing worth while TBH. Ah well.

    Unlike yourself of course.
    I mean, who could forget your amazing post about .. ..about ... umm ..

    Ok, how about that enlightening point you made so well - which had everyone sitting up and taking notice - about .. .. . err..

    Just whining and insults yet again from you then.

    Why the anger anyway? - Has someone annoyed you denying the existence of lizard people on the David Ike forum?
    This is very poetic

  19. #19

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    This is very poetic
    Really? You must see things that nobody else does.
    No shit ..

  20. #20

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    It would seem likely that the great and the good running our country are gearing up for a leadership election. It appears that Boris Johnson is seeking to cut May's attempt to reset the Brexit talks via her Florence speech next week off at the knees by setting out his "vision" of a post-Brexit world (low regulation, low tax, no transition and a red coach outside every NHS hospital promising jam tomorrow).

    Probably a precursor to a leadership challenge from the Brexit cabal who see some of their party colleagues when confronted with the realities of previous rhetoric moving to softer positions. Meanwhile the country twists in the wind whilst all this self-indulgent vanity plays itself out.

  21. #21

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
    No. Nothing worth while TBH. Ah well.

    Unlike yourself of course.
    I mean, who could forget your amazing post about .. ..about ... umm ..

    Ok, how about that enlightening point you made so well - which had everyone sitting up and taking notice - about .. .. . err..

    Just whining and insults yet again from you then.

    Why the anger anyway? - Has someone annoyed you denying the existence of lizard people on the David Ike forum?
    This all started when, for reasons known only to yourself, you decided to have a pop at me by claiming that I "couldn't insult my way out of a paper bag." Which I have since proved to be total horseshit. My last meaningful post was a link to Brendan O'Neill's podcast/article discussing why Nazis must have freedom of speech.


    So your juvenile jibe at me is meaningless, wrong and ill-founded; it reveals you to be just what I have accused you of being: an arsehole spewing verbal diarrhoea.

    In ten years on CCMB I had never had a dispute with anyone. Then you came along with your trite, airheaded pseudo-intellectual bullshit. Cheers.

  22. #22

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    This all started when, for reasons known only to yourself, you decided to have a pop at me by claiming that I "couldn't insult my way out of a paper bag." Which I have since proved to be total horseshit. My last meaningful post was a link to Brendan O'Neill's podcast/article discussing why Nazis must have freedom of speech.


    So your juvenile jibe at me is meaningless, wrong and ill-founded; it reveals you to be just what I have accused you of being: an arsehole spewing verbal diarrhoea.

    In ten years on CCMB I had never had a dispute with anyone. Then you came along with your trite, airheaded pseudo-intellectual bullshit. Cheers.
    Lets just be clear and honest! ;)
    This , below is the opening gambit here. What you posted, out of the blue.
    Apparently inflamed that I made a short, throwaway remark about Hilary Clinton's irrelevance:

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    Yet more verbal diarrhoea from you. Meaningless guff that barely qualifies as piffle. Have you had anything worthwhile to convey since your debut on CCMB three very long months ago?
    I seem to remember you did something similar previously, though I cant be sure. I don't carry the details around like some chip on my shoulder .
    All the best.

  23. #23

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
    Apparently inflamed that I made a short, throwaway remark about Hilary Clinton's irrelevance:
    Hillary is not irrelevant, she still has the Clinton Foundation and half of DC in her pocket, DOJ, Judiciary, etc.

  24. #24

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Hillary is not irrelevant, she still has the Clinton Foundation and half of DC in her pocket, DOJ, Judiciary, etc.
    I'm very sure Hilary does have some relevance.

    The point here is that you injected a fantasy hypothesis to bring her in to a thread in which she has little relevance - i.e. that presidential candidate Clinton is somehow 'going to going to come back and start a war'
    I took that as an ironic joke, and responded similarly.
    That seemed to enrage severncity and now you appear to defending your hypothesis.

    Whatever... really.

  25. #25

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    Listening to Dennis Skinner talk on Brexit - it was very interesting to hear him say - When we had the first vote nearly all the Tories voted IN and Labour voted OUT, roll on forward 40 odd years and it's mainly the other way around. Other than Skinner who still voted OUT. Well worth a watch to hear his thoughts on it all.

    Interesting but some of the above is not quite correct with regards Tory MPs referendum stated voting intentions.

    According to a survey of all 650 MPs carried out by the Press Association ahead of the referendum on June 23:

    :: 480 MPs said they would be voting Remain, including 184 Conservatives

    :: 159 MPs said they would be voting Leave, including 139 Conservatives

    :: 11 MPs were undeclared, including four Conservatives

    This gives Remain a notional Commons majority of at least 310.

    Some 218 Labour MPs said they would vote Remain while just 11 backed Leave.

    All eight Liberal Democrat MPs intended to vote Remain, along with all 56 SNP MPs, all three Plaid Cymru MPs, all four Sinn Fein MPs and all three SDLP MPs.

    Green MP Caroline Lucas also said she would vote Remain, as did independent MP Sylvia Hermon and the two Ulster Unionist MPs.

    The eight DUP MPs said they would be voting to Leave, along with Ukip MP Douglas Carswell.

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