Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
Seriously deluded youngsters these days.

Going back a generation, there was less accessibility to University education, no computers, laptops, mobile phones, satellite TV, one television and one car per household, special gifts, like a bike, would sometimes be for Christmas and birthday presents combined, comparable disposable incomes were far lower.
More and more younger people (and older people) are obese due to eating crap foods, like McDonald's, KFC, pizzas and take aways.
They also lead a more sedentary lifestyle.
Younger people in general are less likely to walk to and from places than previous generations and expect mum or dad to transport them here and there.
We have a more throwaway society than ever before. People in general, but more so younger people want immediacy and generally are not prepared to wait for things like previous generations.
Unemployment was over 3 million when I left school and you laughably say you have tougher jobs market. Utter garbage.
There was NO minimum wage.
There's a 19 year old I know who works 30 hours per week, for minimum wage, lives with his 18 year old girlfriend in a property overlooking the sea and they have bought all new furniture, TV and house fittings. He was not prepared to wait or get second hand or hand me downs.

So yes, this generation, in general, belive they have a greater sense of entitlement than ever before.
That's a yearly wage of £11,700 if he worked every week. I smell bullshit in that little anecdote