Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
'Deluded'? Far from it. There are some hard cold facts of life being faced - and some tempers being lost. There's no delusion. There is agreement that we are playing poorly and losing games we should be winning. Nothing deluded about that.
If you're playing poorly then you shouldn't be winning.

What you're seeing is the cold hard facts of modern day football - if you want to stay in the money league then being frugal will only lead to one thing and that's inevitable relegation. There's only so long you can keep hoping that there's three teams shitter than you to avoid the drop. Sooner or later the lack of investment catches up with teams. It happened to Villa, it happened to Blackburn, it happened to Sunderland and it'll happen to you. Maybe this year, maybe not, but sooner or later you'll get relegated.

On the plus side, the championship is a great league for excitement and unpredictability and you might get more than one shot on target during the game.