Quote Originally Posted by Badly Ironed Shirt View Post
Woodburn and Brooks are both impact players, for me. As well as Woodburn has done, he has done it as a "super" sub and I'm not too confident about putting so much on young shoulders.

Saying that, Bale has hardly been in his usual form for Wales of late, and I still believe Wales can qualify without him. Wales struggled to get a draw at home to Georgia with him in the side.

Tom Lawrence, though, offers little in terms of an end product, and so I would vote for Woodburn to start in Georgia with Brooks to replace him if he is struggling, or if he isn't struggling and Wales are winning comfortably. It may actually help Woodburn if Coleman just says "you are starting both games, the pressure is off".
I agree about telling who ever is starting early., as soon as Coleman and Osian have decided take them aside for a quiet word, build them up.