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Thread: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

  1. #1

    Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    The EU do not want us to leave because we make the whole thing financially viable. without Britain it will collapse faster.
    At every turn they are stalling the talks and process.

    The Government need to grab the issue fully and LEAVE.

    Then and only then will the unelected undemocratic lunatics realise they have to talk to Britain constructively.

    My patience with the EU is at an end. How much longer will the Government tolerate them?

  2. #2

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysAway2 View Post
    The EU do not want us to leave because we make the whole thing financially viable. without Britain it will collapse faster.
    At every turn they are stalling the talks and process.

    The Government need to grab the issue fully and LEAVE.

    Then and only then will the unelected undemocratic lunatics realise they have to talk to Britain constructively.

    My patience with the EU is at an end. How much longer will the Government tolerate them?
    Which version of the news do you follow?

  3. #3

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysAway2 View Post
    The EU do not want us to leave because we make the whole thing financially viable. without Britain it will collapse faster.
    At every turn they are stalling the talks and process.

    The Government need to grab the issue fully and LEAVE.

    Then and only then will the unelected undemocratic lunatics realise they have to talk to Britain constructively.

    My patience with the EU is at an end. How much longer will the Government tolerate them?
    You can check out any time you like......

  4. #4

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    AA2 you don't even live in the UK so calm down.

  5. #5

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysAway2 View Post
    The EU do not want us to leave because we make the whole thing financially viable. without Britain it will collapse faster.
    At every turn they are stalling the talks and process.

    The Government need to grab the issue fully and LEAVE.

    Then and only then will the unelected undemocratic lunatics realise they have to talk to Britain constructively.

    My patience with the EU is at an end. How much longer will the Government tolerate them?
    You're drowning in debt, the economy is tanking and pig Sterling continues to crash, EU trade is all that keeps you marginally solvent. They dont need you or give a fuk about you.

  6. #6

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilkers View Post
    You're drowning in debt, the economy is tanking and pig Sterling continues to crash, EU trade is all that keeps you marginally solvent. They dont need you or give a fuk about you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Perhaps that's the future collapse of the economy , third world status, Venuzalian type of politics, right wing militia forming in the depths of the new forest and other outback regions. Overthrow the Royality, republic president elected ,align our economies with Catalonia,and South American dictatorships , everyone gets an allotment space to feed a family of four, roads turned into cycle tracks .

    Whoosh end of the capitalist dream in the UK,sorted .

  8. #8

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Perhaps that's the future collapse of the economy , third world status, Venuzalian type of politics, right wing militia forming in the depths of the new forest and other outback regions. Overthrow the Royality, republic president elected ,align our economies with Catalonia,and South American dictatorships , everyone gets an allotment space to feed a family of four, roads turned into cycle tracks .

    Whoosh end of the capitalist dream in the UK,sorted .
    Scotland seeks sanctuary in EU membership and is saved from the chaos engulfing the Welsh Valleys as benefit
    payments are ended by the Corbinista regime after the IMF refuses to bail out bankrupt England / Wales.

    Nigel Farage continues to draw his MEP salary and moves to Belgium because beer and baccy are cheaper there.

    The resurgent IRA creates chaos on the new " hard " border between Ulster and the Republic and ethnic cleansing begins in Protestant and Catholic areas with thousands of refugees on the move.

    A NATO peace keeping force is sent to try to help the civilians involved.

  9. #9

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    Any idea how much debt the EU is in ? , with all those bail outs by the European Central Bank to Greece etc - they're up to their neck in it I would imagine.

    Full fact org says that in 2016 the UK bought £302 Billion worth of goods and services and in the same year the UK sold £242 billion to the EU - in other words we bought £60 Billion more from them.

    So I would guess they very much do give a fuk about the UK, that plus the fact we give the EU 10 billion more than we get back would be another reason - perhaps
    What percentage of their exports are bought by us and vice versa? The impact of us losing our trade with the EU is far greater than vice versa. The eu is also in a better position to quickly replace lost trade.

    We both lose from brexit.

  10. #10

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    What percentage of their exports are bought by us and vice versa? The impact of us losing our trade with the EU is far greater than vice versa. The eu is also in a better position to quickly replace lost trade.

    We both lose from brexit.
    Over 48% of our worldwide export trade is with the 27 member states of the EU. Germany is by far the biggest member state in terms of trade and they had 7.5% of their exports with us. You need to look at the member states that have a trade surplus with us who have more fragile economies as possible allies. On that basis you would target Spain and maybe Poland, Czech Republic and Belgium to influence. About 20 member states including France have a brought parity of imports and exports give or take 10%.

    Our biggest trade surplus with the rest of the world is with the USA where we import about £60 billion and export £100 billion. It will be interesting to see the favourable trade deal we negotiate with the Make America Great Again Trump Administration that greatly improves on tht position.

  11. #11

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Leaving the EU is fecking stupid , I still can't believe that idiot Cameron offered a straight in out vote and the country was fecking stupid enough to vote for it

    We are going to be fecked for generations to come

  12. #12

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    In purely monetary terms 9% of the UK GDP is with the EU, according the Cardiff Professor of economics at Cardiff University. So why should the remaining 91% comply with EU standards - not sure myself. I am presuming he is correct though
    Sir Patrick midford is a raving right wing economist who advised Thatcher , he's off his head and nobody takes him seriously

  13. #13

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    We did have controlled immigration. We weren't in Schengen for a start.

  14. #14

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I think you maybe right Sludge, Cameron should never have offered that referendum. I get the suspicion that if other countries offered a referendum there would be a few that may also vote to Leave.

    Easy to say - but far better for the EU to address the concerns of its electorate than to have member states leave (and make it weaker).

    I watched "Sir Patrick Minford" in the house of commons committee, I dont care who he advised previously (not that small minded) , some of what he said made a lot of sense especially re the importance of being unimportant. Just because someone doesnt agree with you - doesnt make them mad by the way.....

    I think the bit that was missed by him and most others re trade etc is this :-
    Goods are covered by WTO rules, so if it is hard brexit that is what all sides fall back to (mutually beneficial to no one) far better to agree on something re movement of goods.

    The interesting bit is that the UK exports 'services' to the EU and other countries - apparently 'services' are not covered by WTO rules - which is something that needs to get sorted asap.

    personally I'd like to be in the EU, trading freely with the EU, but with controlled immigration rules, like what we used to have. I dont want the EU to expand anymore, dont want a European army, dont want TTIP etc... not going to happen
    Our government wanted ttip and therefore will presumably press on with a similar kind of deal with the USA as soon as possible.

    WTO not covering services is another reason why no deal is better for the EU than for us. Theresa seems to trying to bluff with a busted flush draw that the rest of the table can already see.

  15. #15

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Does No Deal mean we don't have to pay the EU anything? I'm not sure that's right. Where did you read that?

    Edit, ok I've found there's a House Of Lords report that suggests that but legal action would be likely.

  16. #16

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Shame for the Leave voters who were sold the idea of low immigration and some bollocks on the side of a red bus as opposed to an enormous cluster **** of trying to establish new trade deals, no single market and onngoing endless negotiations going nowhere.

  17. #17

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    We did have controlled immigration. We weren't in Schengen for a start.
    The Schengen area is for people outside of the EU who want to visit and they only have to apply for one travel visa.

  18. #18

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The Schengen area is for people outside of the EU who want to visit and they only have to apply for one travel visa.
    Yes and it also affects EU people.

  19. #19

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Frankly I am utterly amazed.

    It's bad enough that the average voter literally had no idea what the impact of their vote would be.

    It is becoming more and more apparent that neither did the government.

    How on earth can any organisation make such an important decision without a full understanding what the outputs would be? Clearly Plan A was "business as usual" but they lost, and there wasn't, and there still isn't, a Plan B.

    If your local corner shop demonstrated such a lack of planning and general awareness they'd be out of business.

  20. #20

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Sorry I should added that , some EU commentators say that the EU could appeal to the ECJ, which they are entitled to do. BUT there is no mention of it in Article 50. Article 50 presumes you will reach an agreement and if not then WTO rules apply. Very hard to see the EU winning that one, there is no precedent for it, there is no law for it and there is no treaty clause that stipulates it.
    Article 50 was written assuming that no one would ever invoke it and there's obviously no precedent.

    Given that there's a lot of things that say we have to pay for leaving and not many things saying that we don't, I wouldn't be as confident as you about it.

  21. #21

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Why do we need any trade deals - when you can simply trade with any country you like on WTO rules ? I know that is over simplistic but all trade deals seem to do is create protectionist environments.

    There was article I read last week that said the Ivory coast would be open to exporting coffee and cocoa direct to the UK rather than us buying from the EU. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-38155872

    In order for the ivory coast to sell cocoa into the EU, they must open up 80% of their market to the EU in return - this is not a good deal for the Ivory coast at all. The UK is the 4th largest consumer of chocolate - so far better for them to sell to us directly.

    I know it's easy to say and with complex supply chains in place, changing those becomes a ball ache for business, which just wants to make as much money as possible for the least aggravation.

  22. #22

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I'm not a lawyer Lardy, and would not presume anything re the validity of paying to leave, we are net contributors - does that mean if we were net beneficiaries the EU would still pay us ?.

    There are way too many variables in this whole situation which means there many many outcomes, but it's all a big pain in the @rse and impossible to sort out in the time remaining
    It certainly is impossible now. This is why I think people are wrong to ask could Britain be better out if the EU (answer, yes it's possible) but will Britain be better off out. Then you need to look at our politicians and what they are realistically going to achieve. The Government and opposition are not strong enough to take us out and rebuild in my opinion. Their track record seems pretty clear on that.

  23. #23

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Yes and it also affects EU people.
    Not with immigration though.

  24. #24

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Eric I bow down to your better judgement, I thought TTIP was an EU initiative and was included in the 5 presidents report for the EU roadmap of the next 8 years (along with the European defence initiative etc).

    For services to continue - we need the 'passporting' system to continue to work. However, by just having a subsidiary office in the EU seems to suffice as far as I can tell.

    No Deal is better for us - if it means paying the EU 100 billion (in my opinion)
    No deal is worse for the EU - as we can just walk away and not pay them a bean.
    No deal is bad for the Financial Services sector, I think that works both ways though as EU financial institutions deal heavily with London.

    One big mess is worse for all sides and seems to be the inevitable outcome as it stands.
    The UK was one of the countries in favour of unsavoury parts of TTIP like ISDS which the other major EU powers (France/Germany) were concerned with.

    With the government we currently have I can't see ISDS being off the table in any talks with Trumps lot.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Leaving the EU is being made much harder than it actually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    It certainly is impossible now. This is why I think people are wrong to ask could Britain be better out if the EU (answer, yes it's possible) but will Britain be better off out. Then you need to look at our politicians and what they are realistically going to achieve. The Government and opposition are not strong enough to take us out and rebuild in my opinion. Their track record seems pretty clear on that.
    Without doubt this is not easy for anyone politician or business man or the ordinary punter to agree something with 27 states , even the clever people who voted for this can't come up with an answer ,other than point fingers at the government .

    I do wonder how those finger pointers would be reacting to other parties being in charge ,is this just a fashionable Tory rant , to turn this on any government is bit rich ,having dumped them in it without real thought of the outcome .

    They have the upper hand, as they know we have been caught cold by this decision, the only subjects we have the upper hand on is the Financial square mile of the City of London , Security ,Arms .

    Anyone of of us could negotiate a deal, if we rolled over and agreed to their terms on :
    trade tariffs
    divorce bill
    continued support of the crazy £36 bn EU pension
    freedom of movement and the rights of their citizens in the UK.
    European Court of Justice membership.

    Me I would live or die and play hardball , we could create a type of Singapore-on-Thames , slash corporation tax to attract business to our shores , tell the Germans we will heavily tariff their imported cars , and french wines , seek bilateral deals with those like Poland who may want to deal and Spain relies heavily on us ,conduct trade deals with others like India ,support Catalonia and the Dutch movements .

    Yep lets divide and conquer and see if others follow .

    I voted to say , but hey bugger them , they have no interest in us or our people or they would agree or move forward ,their worry if we get a deal others will follow, thats what this is about , brought upon by us and the very people who are moaning for their own political allegiance or gain , who are now the moaners , classy.

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