Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
As someone who was a Police Officer for 13 years and in Probabtion for two years I can confirm that both organisations have been utterly shafted by our lords and masters in a Westminster.

There are sometimes only two officers covering busy sectors in Cardiff, and the only response 'is do what you can do'

The crime figures are utterly massaged to produce a positive outcome. That's how this utter ****wit of a govenrnent justifies their bullshit cuts.

As for Probation, the decision to privatise two thirds of it was almost as act of criminal negligence. Some probabtion staff are managing case loads of up to 50 offenders and monthly phone appts are often the norm.

Glad to be out of both and in the field if utility sales, I've done my bit and as far as I can see sadly the futures ****ed for the criminal justice system with this lot in charge.
What was your thoughts on the softly softly approach and treating criminals like royalty in the custody suites?