Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
And then nuts on the Wrexham fans outside

As Danny Dyer would say it was Pwoper naughty after the game. And before the game if memory serves.

Wrexham got chased from Down Town (Now O Neills) up to the old Toys R Us and got themselves trapped and caged into some building works on the Hayes.
After was Lively, didnt they try and take the Owain at one point that night

I remember the year before we played them in the semi's of the welsh cup, home and away, we had beaten them in a league a few days before on the Saturday then had to go back up midweek, I foolishly ( with a few mates, some not so city fans ) got the train, Saturday the train was packed, midweek, no-one on our train, couldnt find a pub that would let us is, despite us putting on the best scouse accents we could, pretty sure we won that game aswell, made our way to the station expecting to see a few city, nothing, just very angry wrexham lads , a announcement came over the tannoy, would any fans travelling to cardiff please step forward as British rail will hold the connecting train at Shrewsbury
we stood back and one of the guys ( first city game ) stepped forward and waved at the guard and shouted " Cardiff here ", a few angry men headed towards him, the train pulled up and we jumped on with a carriage to ourselves courtesy of British transport police