Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
That's the one that had the shop on the corner of Pearl Street.

Did you know the tall lad who lived on the corner of the next street towards Beresford road. Can't remember his name, but we used to call him Torres (Eusabio's team-mate)
Two shops in fact, one either side of the junction of Pearl Street and Arthur Street. I never lived in Arthur Street, only visited in the 60's to early 90's when my nan died. My great grandfather moved to Arthur Street some time in the 1890s, from Devon, possibly via Reading, working in the biscuit factory that later became Leos. Consequently I didn't get to know too many people down that way. There were some right characters though. Some rough diamonds but a real sense of community.
Was it your family that had a fruit n veg shop in Splott?