Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
I reckon more. I also reckon that there are others who have come back who no longer have the same enthusiasm - they no longer have season tickets and no longer attend every home game. Once you realise there are other things out there than just football, I dare say it's not so easy to pick up where you left off.
I'd go along with this. At the time, those who stayed away (many extremely loyal) were replaced just like people said they would be. Once the success dries up, the people who attend for reasons other than success have started to be missed.

I am not saying 100% of the fan loss is down to Tan's antics in the years when he gave a damn. However, people here suggest it's negligible - that is ridiculous. It's easy to compare crowds this season with 2010-11 or 2011-12. The prices are the same, the team are getting better results. I've yet to hear any other reasons being given for the loss of numbers.

We can all offer anecdotal evidence if fans coming back, or fans not coming back. The fact is both sets exist, and if every fan returned, or if the effect is negligible, then please offer an alternative reason for the lower gates.