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Thread: FusionGPS

  1. #1


    It looks like the company behind the Trump Russian Dossier could be a little bit more than an opposition research company, they may even be seeding the MSM and news agencies such as Reuters with fake news reports. It seems their speciality is smear campaigns and propaganda. No wonder their chairman pleaded the 5th amendment during a recent congressional hearing. I bet the Donald Trump thread is full of examples of their handiwork

  2. #2

    Re: FusionGPS

    I'm guessing Trump knew the truth about FusionGPS and CNN when this little confrontation took place. It all makes sense now, they really are Fake News!

  3. #3

    Re: FusionGPS

    Doesn’t really tell you much that link does it ?

    Except Donald Trumps likes regurgitating the phrase ‘Fake News’

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: FusionGPS

    Does this mean Donald is right

  5. #5

    Re: FusionGPS

    Dirty pants wherever you look IMO.
    It will - or may - all come out in the wash.

  6. #6

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Does this mean Donald is right
    Most certainly regarding CNN, and highly likely with Reuters news agency. The thing is FusionGPS aren't the only ones manipulating the news that we read, it seems to be quite common place. There are too many cosy relationships where there shouldn't be, and the press gave up being objective years ago. These days it's all agenda driven, you choose your side and promote the cause.

  7. #7

  8. #8

    Re: FusionGPS

    FusionGPS bank records are on their way to the congressional comittee responsible for investigating Russian influence, after a secret deal was reached.

  9. #9

    Re: FusionGPS

    FusionGPS paying journalists to write articles?


  10. #10

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    FusionGPS paying journalists to write articles?

    In the interest of 'balance' , I don't recall you ever getting so excited about Mercer funding Cambridge Analytica for example?

  11. #11

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
    In the interest of 'balance' , I don't recall you ever getting so excited about Mercer funding Cambridge Analytica for example?
    I thought he was a shareholder?

  12. #12

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Why not refresh our memories who is Mecer and who is Cambridge Analytica
    Cambridge Analytica (CA) is a privately held company that combines data mining and data analysis with strategic communication for the electoral process. It was created in 2013 as an offshoot of its British parent company SCL Group to participate in American politics. In 2014, CA was involved in 44 U.S. political races. The company is partly owned by the family of Robert Mercer, an American hedge-fund manager who supports many politically conservative causes. The firm maintains offices in New York City, Washington, D.C., and London.

  13. #13

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    What did The Donald say of CNN and Reuters ? and how was he right ? - I cant keep up with all the updates
    Donald didn't say anything, it was investigative reporters who made the connection and congress subpoenaed FusionGPS bank records to see who and what they were up too. The matter is ongoing.

    As an aside, journalists from CNN used to work with the owners of FusionGPS at the WSJ, and they are still best buddies.

    In short, Washington DC is very swampy.

  14. #14

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
    In the interest of 'balance' , I don't recall you ever getting so excited about Mercer funding Cambridge Analytica for example?
    And to answer your question I'm not really concerned about CA, it's the paying of top MSM journalists to plant ficticious stories for political gain that is quite alarming.

  15. #15

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Cambridge Analytica (CA) is a privately held company that combines data mining and data analysis with strategic communication for the electoral process. It was created in 2013 as an offshoot of its British parent company SCL Group to participate in American politics. In 2014, CA was involved in 44 U.S. political races. The company is partly owned by the family of Robert Mercer, an American hedge-fund manager who supports many politically conservative causes. The firm maintains offices in New York City, Washington, D.C., and London.
    And !.. was gifted to the Brexit Leave campaign by a foreign influence, and ..was instrumental in getting Trump increased popularity via Social Media.
    You forgot to mention the meaty bit.

  16. #16

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    And to answer your question I'm not really concerned about CA, it's the paying of top MSM journalists to plant ficticious stories for political gain that is quite alarming.
    TBF, I think most folks have worked out what you happen to be concerned, and not concerned about, by now ;)

  17. #17

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
    TBF, I think most folks have worked out what you happen to be concerned, and not concerned about, by now ;)
    Yep, corruption of the political process. Drain the swamp! It's time that the citizens got their voices back.

  18. #18

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Donald didn't say anything, it was investigative reporters who made the connection and congress subpoenaed FusionGPS bank records to see who and what they were up too. The matter is ongoing.

    As an aside, journalists from CNN used to work with the owners of FusionGPS at the WSJ, and they are still best buddies.

    In short, Washington DC is very swampy.
    Interesting insight from the FusionGPS team on their meetings with the committees and their level of interest in getting to the truth.


  19. #19

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Interesting insight from the FusionGPS team on their meetings with the committees and their level of interest in getting to the truth.

    It's a mighty fine crime drama, and it now looks like we've reached the stage where it's going to be every man for himself, as people suddenly realise there isn't going to be any kind of grand getaway at the end of it all.

    Reading between the lines, is he trying to push the blame onto a drunken George Papadopoulos, who was allegedly shooting off his mouth to an Aussie diplomat in London?

  20. #20

    Re: FusionGPS

    That Chomsky video is good. He makes Marr look like a clueless student.

  21. #21

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Fusion GPS - arent they the company with a british guy at the top or very near the top of them ?.

    That name rings a bell on a session I went on and the demo Im sure was about fusion gps and the tool they use that feeds newstories (well crafted and well written news stories) into various newsfeeds - which then get fake Likes, fake retweets, fake facebook shares etc - basically the system they have games the search engine algo's
    It really does read like a spy thriller and I don't think we have heard the last of Fusion GPS. The next time we hear from Simpson and Fritsch may very well be under oath in front of a Grand Jury. In the NYT segment, Simpson failed to mention his secret meetings with senior DOJ official Bruce Orr, the activities of his wife Mary Jacoby, or the fact that Bruce Orr's wife was working for Fusion GPS!

  22. #22

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It really does read like a spy thriller and I don't think we have heard the last of Fusion GPS. The next time we hear from Simpson and Fritsch may very well be under oath in front of a Grand Jury. In the NYT segment, Simpson failed to mention his secret meetings with senior DOJ official Bruce Orr, the activities of his wife Mary Jacoby, or the fact that Bruce Orr's wife was working for Fusion GPS!
    If even half of what they did mention is true then Donald is in deep do-do. Couple that with Bannon throwing the Trump inner circle under the bus and there is the feel of the last days of Rome about this.

  23. #23

    Re: FusionGPS

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    If even half of what they did mention is true then Donald is in deep do-do. Couple that with Bannon throwing the Trump inner circle under the bus and there is the feel of the last days of Rome about this.
    You won't have to wait long, the preliminary OIG report is due to be released on the 15th, and depending on it's contents Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley may appoint a special council to investigate the FBI & DOJ.

  24. #24

    Re: FusionGPS

    From the Twitter account of Rep Jim Jordan (Committee on the Judiciary, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform)


    Rep. Jim Jordan @Jim_Jordan 7h

    18 questions in 2018 about Russia and the FBI. The American people deserve answers...

    1) Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele, author of the dossier?

    2) Was the dossier the basis for securing FISA warrants to spy on Americans? And why won’t the FBI show Congress the FISA application?

    3) When did the FBI get the complete dossier and who gave it to them?

    •Dossier author Christopher Steele?
    •Fusion GPS?
    •Clinton campaign/DNC?
    •Sen. McCain’s staffer?

    4) Did the FBI validate and corroborate the dossier?

    5) Did Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, or Bruce Orr work on the FISA application?

    6) Why and how often did DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr meet with dossier author Christopher Steele during the 2016 campaign?

    7) Why did DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr meet with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson after the election? To get their story straight after their candidate Clinton lost? Or to double down and plan how they were going to go after President-elect Trump?

    8) When and how did the FBI learn that DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr’s wife, Nellie Orr, worked for Fusion GPS? And what exactly was Nellie Orr’s role in putting together the dossier?

    9) Why did the FBI release text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page? Normally, ongoing investigation is reason not to make such information public.

    10) And why did FBI release only 375/10,000+ texts? Were they the best? Worst? Or part of a broader strategy to focus attention away from something else? And when can Americans see the other 96% of texts?

    11) Why did Lisa Page leave Mueller probe two weeks before Peter Strzok? This was two weeks before FBI and Special Counsel even knew about the texts.

    12) Why did the intelligence community wait two months after the election to brief President-elect Trump on the dossier (January 6, 2017)? Why was James Comey selected to do the briefing?

    13) Was the briefing done to “legitimize” the dossier? And who leaked the fact that the briefing was about the dossier?

    14) The New York Times reported last week that George Popadopoulos’ loose lips were a catalyst for launching the Russia investigation. Was President-elect Trump briefed on this?

    15) Why did Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson meet with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after her meeting with Donald Trump Jr.?

    16) Why was FBI General Counsel Jim Baker reassigned two weeks ago? Was he the source for the first story on the dossier by David Corn on October 31, 2016? Or was it someone else at the FBI?

    17) Why won’t the FBI give Congress the documents it’s requesting?

    18) And why would @SenSchumer, leader of the Democrat party, publicly warn President-elect Trump on Jan. 3, 2017 that when you mess with the “intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you?”

    It doesn’t work that way in America. We are not ruled by unelected bureaucrats, police forces, or intelligence agencies. In America, We The People ELECT officials who govern.

  25. #25

    Re: FusionGPS

    Fusion GPS Fails to Block Congressional Bid for Bank Records


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