Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
I think the answer is in the above mentioned book. You can make people believe absolutely anything if you know how. It worked for around 2,000 years regarding religion, but I'm guessing that with the advent TV, radio & media, religion was allowed or even encouraged to die, as it had already served it's purpose. There is also the socialist/communist subversive element which included the destruction of religion as a core doctrine, but by this time the Tavistock Institute and others like Edward Bernays had already worked out how to replace it.

Once you know the rules of the game the role of slogans, repeat messaging, news by ommision, nudge units, propaganda, misinformation/disinformation, conformation bias, bogeymen, etc, becomes very clear. We are like putty in the hand for those who have agendas and big ideas to implement
Anyone who describes modern capitalism as an ugly prison gets my vote , sounds like a cracking read