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Thread: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

  1. #1

    The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    These people are very dangerous and are using social media to spread their hate

    It ain't just ordinary Muslims they have a problem with ....black people , homosexuals , all are fair game

    Mind you there is something a bit strange with a group of guys who often don't have girlfriends , say they hate gays yet spend their time pumping iron with their male mates down the gym

  2. #2

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    These people are very dangerous and are using social media to spread their hate

    It ain't just ordinary Muslims they have a problem with ....black people , homosexuals , all are fair game

    Mind you there is something a bit strange with a group of guys who often don't have girlfriends , say they hate gays yet spend their time pumping iron with their male mates down the gym
    That Paul Prison Planet fella has got to be up there with the worst of them. The Brain tablet guy.
    I don't even think he realises he is a right wing fruitcake.

    Everything about him screams dodgy, from his views to his stupid accent.

  3. #3

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by ken smith View Post
    That Paul Prison Planet fella has got to be up there with the worst of them. The Brain tablet guy.
    I don't even think he realises he is a right wing fruitcake.

    Everything about him screams dodgy, from his views to his stupid accent.
    They are all very worrying

    We have a serious problem with Muslim extremists but let's leave the old bill and anti terrorist lot to deal with them , not let this bunch of knuckle draggers spew their hatred

  4. #4

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    They are all very worrying

    We have a serious problem with Muslim extremists but let's leave the old bill and anti terrorist lot to deal with them , not let this bunch of knuckle draggers spew their hatred
    but plenty feel that the old bill are not doing enough, they do not have the funding for a start, how can we have so many walking the streets on a " watch list " and they are not being watched ? ? if they have done something wrong ( and a small % have ) then lets lock em up

  5. #5

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Overseas you're more and more seen as right-wing clowns. The far-right appear to be frustrated ex hooligans. FFS the poppy has become politicised.
    Take the piss out of Trump all you like, over Brexit you're seen as similar. You aren't seen as liberal minded as you think.
    Stick on your clubs jersey, drink your 6 pints of nats piss, and your looked upon in the same light as Donalds merry army.
    What was the thread about again? ;)

  6. #6

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    People, other than the top few percent, are getting poorer - and angrier. I recently rang my doctor's surgery to make an appointment, the first available slot was 33 days later. I kid you not.

  7. #7

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    People, other than the top few percent, are getting poorer - and angrier. I recently rang my doctor's surgery to make an appointment, the first available slot was 33 days later. I kid you not.
    There are undoubtedly issues we have to face but we won't solve them by letting these nutters organise their own vigilante groups

    They are racists , the claim that they are only against Islamic extremists , which we all are , was proven to be bollocks as one of the twats boasted about hitting a black woman , calling her a negress

    Bunch of *****

  8. #8

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    One guy saying how they "recruit intelligent people"

    Well they can't be that feckin intelligent if they get so wrapped up in far-right propaganda that they're running off to join a pan-European white supremacist group!

  9. #9

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    One guy saying how they "recruit intelligent people"

    Well they can't be that feckin intelligent if they get so wrapped up in far-right propaganda that they're running off to join a pan-European white supremacist group!
    It was a joke , they came across as idiots but they will appeal to an increasing number of people sadly

  10. #10

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    People, other than the top few percent, are getting poorer - and angrier. I recently rang my doctor's surgery to make an appointment, the first available slot was 33 days later. I kid you not.
    Same in my surgery. My wife spoke to a receptionist outside working hours - she said the major problem was a certain group of people - non uk citizens mostly,will not , in any circumstances wait for an appointment, but kick up a huge fuss until they're given one there and then on the spot. The surgery prefer to give in to them rather than put them in 'the system' like the rest of us..

  11. #11

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Same in my surgery. My wife spoke to a receptionist outside working hours - she said the major problem was a certain group of people - non uk citizens mostly,will not , in any circumstances wait for an appointment, but kick up a huge fuss until they're given one there and then on the spot. The surgery prefer to give in to them rather than put them in 'the system' like the rest of us..
    Most non uk citizens will not , under any circumstances wait for an appointment ?

    That's clearly an opinion and not a fact

    We are all aware of the pressure on the NHS but in my local surgery .....in an area with low immigration .....the number of missed appointments, where people simply book an appointment and then don't bother turning up ....is staggering

  12. #12

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Princess of Wales out of hours surgery was closed last Saturday & Sunday night due to lack of staff http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/he...p-out-13871228
    Last time I rang my doctors, several years ago now, for an appointment I was told the earliest they could see me was 22 days time.
    They did say that I could just turn up & wait to see a doctor but couldn"t guarantee that I would be seen as they were extremely busy.
    I didn"t bother.
    Put up with the pain for another week or so & rang up again & was told the same.
    Went to hospital & found out that I had pleurisy & a partially collapsed lung so I was definitely ill.
    I do not blame my GP surgery.

  13. #13

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    We are being transitioned to a vastly reduced standard of living. It's not just surgery waiting times; if you have a pull clutching your chest then prepare to wait an hour before an ambulance turns up. Should you survive that then there's a four hour wait gasping on a trolley in a passageway to contend with.

    Keep coughing for higher Council Tax payments in return for fewer services as far as the eye can see. How long before all libraries and sports centres disappear? Pretty soon it'll be a refuse collection once a month, and local authorities will advise you place a clothes peg on the end of your hooter should the stench prove too strong for your senses.

    Thanks to the MSM and a plethora of Channel 5 progs aimed at demonising benefit claimants, they became the hate figures for people's ills. Now with the advent of Universal Credit, the lauded but low paid so-called hard workers are also feeling austerity pain and as a consequence turn their ire towards foreigners, mostly perceived goat feckers from Third World crap holes, who've been imported to fulfil that role. Meanwhile, the moneychangers, who pull all the strings, are laughing their tits off.

  14. #14

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    We are being transitioned to a vastly reduced standard of living. It's not just surgery waiting times; if you have a pull clutching your chest then prepare to wait an hour before an ambulance turns up. Should you survive that then there's a four hour wait gasping on a trolley in a passageway to contend with.

    Keep coughing for higher Council Tax payments in return for fewer services as far as the eye can see. How long before all libraries and sports centres disappear? Pretty soon it'll be a refuse collection once a month, and local authorities will advise you place a clothes peg on the end of your hooter should the stench prove too strong for your senses.

    Thanks to the MSM and a plethora of Channel 5 progs aimed at demonising benefit claimants, they became the hate figures for people's ills. Now with the advent of Universal Credit, the lauded but low paid so-called hard workers are also feeling austerity pain and as a consequence turn their ire towards foreigners, mostly perceived goat feckers from Third World crap holes, who've been imported to fulfil that role. Meanwhile, the moneychangers, who pull all the strings, are laughing their tits off.
    What a lovely warm picture you paint .
    If you can’t get a doctors appointment for 33 days I suggest you move somewhere a little nicer where doctor appointments are a little more readily available .

  15. #15

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Any ideas who the next hate figure will be after immigrants? We've already had benefits claimants

    The Welsh and the Scots can't be too far down the list

  16. #16

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    It was a joke , they came across as idiots but they will appeal to an increasing number of people sadly
    Idiots will attract idiots.

  17. #17

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    What a lovely warm picture you paint .
    If you can’t get a doctors appointment for 33 days I suggest you move somewhere a little nicer where doctor appointments are a little more readily available .
    He's got a very valid point. The media has been quick to turn the public against so called benefit cheats, immigrants etc, despite there being a plethora of evidence to show their claims are bollocks. Why do they do this? To divert peoples' attention from what is really going on. Much of the media is run by billionnaire tax avoiders who are always quick to claim that the taxpayer is being taken for a ride, yet they are the ones doing most of the riding.

  18. #18
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    People, other than the top few percent, are getting poorer - and angrier. I recently rang my doctor's surgery to make an appointment, the first available slot was 33 days later. I kid you not.
    This appears to be the norm however, at the surgery I sometimes frequent, they use a system of, if you wait outside in the morning, you are guaranteed an appointment that morning but just have to wait until your turn, it seems to work O.K.

  19. #19

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    This appears to be the norm however, at the surgery I sometimes frequent, they use a system of, if you wait outside in the morning, you are guaranteed an appointment that morning but just have to wait until your turn, it seems to work O.K.
    All fab unless you're not well enough to stand outside and wait for half an hour or more.

  20. #20
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    All fab unless you're not well enough to stand outside and wait for half an hour or more.
    Yes very true, I'm not sure sure what system if any, they have for this scenario.

  21. #21

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Same system here, you can have a same day emergency appointment providing you're amongst the first three in the queue when the doors are opened.

  22. #22

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Yes very true, I'm not sure sure what system if any, they have for this scenario.
    I think if you're poorly enough you'll get help, eventually. I guess that generally means more hospital involvement than doctors, mind.

    My local surgery don't do advance appointments at all unless booked after a consultation. So, say you need to discuss test results or have a non-urgent problem, you need to phone up in the morning to book an appointment from 9am. There's no guarantee of a non-urgent appointment, so you might have to try over a few days to get seen. Absolute rubbish if you're working, especially if you travel a distance to work.

  23. #23

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    The main difference between the far right and far left is that the far right will never ever have a hope of gaining power in this country. The far left however are only a General Election away from the far left with its Marxist policies a la John Macdonald from assuming power which to me is far more worrying than the idiots on the far right.

  24. #24

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    The main difference between the far right and far left is that the far right will never ever have a hope of gaining power in this country. The far left however are only a General Election away from the far left with its Marxist policies a la John Macdonald from assuming power which to me is far more worrying than the idiots on the far right.
    Why do you believe Labour are a far left, Marxist party? Is that your own opinion after reading their policies or your opinion from what the media have told you? It might be interesting to note that in most parts of Europe Labour would currently be considered a centre-left party, yet the right wing press in the UK have been on a scare mission as they're petrified of having a party come into power that might actually clamp down on their tax avoidance. That's why they backed Brexit.

    If your opinion is based on reading Labour's policies first-hand, then fair enough. If it's based on what the media say, then grow some balls and do your own research.

  25. #25

    Re: The rise of the far right in Britain , ITV , tonight , 10:40 pm

    7 months ( so far ) for my 10 yr old daughter to have her back tooth out in the hospital ( by all accounts , the high street dentist are encouraged to send under 12's to the hospital to have the rear tooth taken out )

    at our appointment, i was told the wait could be 15 months

    the system is broken

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