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Thread: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

  1. #26

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I think it's such an important issue and a disgrace I hope it stays on here as long as possible
    Me too

  2. #27

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    The number of job centre sanctions issued under Universal Credit is set to triple from current levels. Here's the rules: http://benefitsaware.centralenglandl...dit-sanctions/

    Unless I read it wrong, someone in receipt of JSA and Housing Benefit who's sanctioned will lose both payments during the sanction period as they both come under the UC umbrella. That could be for either 4 or 13 weeks for a minor infraction such as arriving 5 minutes late for an appointment. Homelessness would likely rocket.

    It's brutal ideological punishment from the Political Class 'cos Labour supports UC.

  3. #28

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The number of job centre sanctions issued under Universal Credit is set to triple from current levels. Here's the rules: http://benefitsaware.centralenglandl...dit-sanctions/

    Unless I read it wrong, someone in receipt of JSA and Housing Benefit who's sanctioned will lose both payments during the sanction period as they both come under the UC umbrella. That could be for either 4 or 13 weeks for a minor infraction such as arriving 5 minutes late for an appointment. Homelessness would likely rocket.

    It's brutal ideological punishment from the Political Class 'cos Labour supports UC.
    Labour and indeed a few Tories are calling for a halt in universal credit and for the government to look at this benefit again , as it's clearly got some serious flaws

  4. #29

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by Badly Ironed Shirt View Post
    So, nothing to do with Central Government?
    No, you're wrong there, it was to do with central Government in the time from the 2008 crash to the election in May 2010, but not since then.

  5. #30

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    No, you're wrong there, it was to do with central Government in the time from the 2008 crash to the election in May 2010, but not since then.
    Very true lol

  6. #31

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    As Splott Parker said the closure of the bus station means more homeless people visible around the city.
    These tended to be the ‘clean’ homeless ie those who didn’t have drink or drug issues
    Sadly there is a lot more aggressive begging these days with people walking up to members of tne public’s askinb for cash in what can be an intimidatory manner.
    South Wales police have an operation on at the moment, but it’s like putting a plaster over a gaping wound.
    Not sure what the answer is but it’s the worst I’ve ever seen in my lifetime

  7. #32

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    As Splott Parker said the closure of the bus station means more homeless people visible around the city.
    These tended to be the ‘clean’ homeless ie those who didn’t have drink or drug issues
    Sadly there is a lot more aggressive begging these days with people walking up to members of tne public’s askinb for cash in what can be an intimidatory manner.
    South Wales police have an operation on at the moment, but it’s like putting a plaster over a gaping wound.
    Not sure what the answer is but it’s the worst I’ve ever seen in my lifetime
    Tip of the iceberg I fear. Not likely to get better, nor be a priority for Govt any time soon

    Nobody would deliberately choose a 'life' on the streets.
    These people are not the ones sucking the money out of the system.

  8. #33

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    There is a housing crisis and with year on year immigration growing how wouldn't there be. We haven't got enough houses to affordably accommodate everyone at the moment before you factor in the fact that hardly any more are built which explains why temporary accommodation is groaning under the weight of families living in one room for years on end and often miles from where they are from. Some of these fall down into street homeless.

    You will always have people with different reasons falling through the nets and ending up street homeless and years ago there were properly resourced services to deal with this. These services are perilously funded now. Government policy is just plain wrong I include the last Labour government in this as well.

    The current bunch of back slappers included an extra 2 week delay in UC for reasons only known to themselves. Added to the mandatory 4 week wait as you would get ' in the real world' and bravo. The lack of housing is a disgrace when you factor in the hidden homeless of sofa surfers and folks staying with friends then it is unforgivable. It just gets a bit more coverage this time of year.

  9. #34

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by joecity View Post
    There is a housing crisis and with year on year immigration growing how wouldn't there be. We haven't got enough houses to affordably accommodate everyone at the moment before you factor in the fact that hardly any more are built which explains why temporary accommodation is groaning under the weight of families living in one room for years on end and often miles from where they are from. Some of these fall down into street homeless.

    You will always have people with different reasons falling through the nets and ending up street homeless and years ago there were properly resourced services to deal with this. These services are perilously funded now. Government policy is just plain wrong I include the last Labour government in this as well.

    The current bunch of back slappers included an extra 2 week delay in UC for reasons only known to themselves. Added to the mandatory 4 week wait as you would get ' in the real world' and bravo. The lack of housing is a disgrace when you factor in the hidden homeless of sofa surfers and folks staying with friends then it is unforgivable. It just gets a bit more coverage this time of year.
    We need a massive house building programme , both private and public .....in council housing .....and it needs to start now !

    But what have the Tories done ? Extended the fecking right to buy meaning more stock will be lost !!

    They promised to replace each council or housing association property sold with a new build .......that was just another Tory election fib .....as it hasn't happened

  10. #35

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
    Tip of the iceberg I fear. Not likely to get better, nor be a priority for Govt any time soon

    Nobody would deliberately choose a 'life' on the streets.
    These people are not the ones sucking the money out of the system.
    I beg to differ.

    There is a bloke in my local area who has a flat yet sleeps rough.

    Also the brother of an ex councillor who sleeps rough.

  11. #36

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

  12. #37

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    I beg to differ.

    There is a bloke in my local area who has a flat yet sleeps rough.

    Also the brother of an ex councillor who sleeps rough.
    People who choose life on the streets aren't really a problem. There is enough provision for the tiniest number of genuine people that genuinely choose to live in a box rather than a flat. It is provision for the rest of the rough sleepers wider homeless that's lacking.

  13. #38

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Lets stop discussing he says /she says re politics and talk reality

    So we have someone who is on drugs/alcoholic, who is homeless, has no money, no job and needs to get off their habit.

    The response is we need to build them a house, pay their rent for them , fit out the house with white goods etc then when we have done that - we need to get them off drugs, stop them drinking, get them trained up and then try and find them a job.

    Have I missed anything ? end to end any idea how much that costs when everything is taken into account?

    The budget is set,so there is only so much to go round, what budget would you cut to get them housed,trained,educated, clean, and employed.

    Unfortunately it seems politicians of all colours dont see this as a priority - a sad fact of life.
    Maybe if councils, non Doms and large corps stop doing dodgy offshore deals there would be enough for everyone.
    I wont hold my breath
    What you've described as the answer is what is now commonly known as the 'Housing First' model. The theory and results show that the initial costs to providing housing and continued support will prevent individuals costing the public pot more in health, police and social care costs.

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    I'd build a sort of pre - fab estate down on Rover Way , and provide warmth and food and offer them a place ,along with minimum benefits and make it illegal to beg.

  15. #40

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    What a bunch of tossers the conservatives are
    In the interests of balance and fairness, I would just like to point out what a bunch of tossers those Labourites and Lib Dems are.

  16. #41

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Shipping containers are the way forward for emergency housing

    cheap to buy and convert, enough space for a single person / couple, not much they can wreck ( and i have worked on council housing and house association stock for many years, they smash them to bits and when the council / housing ass take them to court from the money end up saying they can afford 50p per week and they never pay it )

    I know the popular cry will be ( it looks like a prison cell ) but its a warm place to sleep with a small kitchen, all self contained and they can come and go as they like

    Infact, i will go as far as the shipping container idea will be the future for people starting on the housing ladder

  17. #42

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Wonder how many places are like this


  18. #43

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Shipping containers are the way forward for emergency housing

    cheap to buy and convert, enough space for a single person / couple, not much they can wreck ( and i have worked on council housing and house association stock for many years, they smash them to bits and when the council / housing ass take them to court from the money end up saying they can afford 50p per week and they never pay it )

    I know the popular cry will be ( it looks like a prison cell ) but its a warm place to sleep with a small kitchen, all self contained and they can come and go as they like

    Infact, i will go as far as the shipping container idea will be the future for people starting on the housing ladder

  19. #44

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by joecity View Post
    People who choose life on the streets aren't really a problem. There is enough provision for the tiniest number of genuine people that genuinely choose to live in a box rather than a flat. It is provision for the rest of the rough sleepers wider homeless that's lacking.
    Completely agree.

    It's really sad when you think that there is nowhere for so many people to sleep away from the harsh elements.
    Summer may not be so bad but then there's still the whole "where do I keep my personal stuff and where can I was every day

    Wouldn't liken to be a female on the streets, bet that gets pretty bad with their 'women's problems'

    Gives me an empty feeling to know that so many people are being failed.

    The ignorant among us will blame drink and drugs (often comes a little while after being homeless from experience of talking to people on streets and D&A councillors)
    Everyone deserves a roof over their head and running water...

  20. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    To just blame a single political party is very short sighted ,its too complex to badge this issue , a lot of funded councils are not all Tory , how many are homeless in
    London Boroughs run by Labour ?

  21. #46

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    I beg to differ.

    There is a bloke in my local area who has a flat yet sleeps rough.

    Also the brother of an ex councillor who sleeps rough.
    They may have become that way inclined, but how did they start sleeping in the street, in the very first place ? A whim?
    Ok I'll rephrase my earlier post -
    Not many people willingly choose a tough life living rough on the streets.

  22. #47

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    If there were enough homes to go round then house prices would plummet. That would be bad news for homeowners, bad news for landlords and extremely bad news for banks who would make far less interest on mortgage loans. Money they don't actually have, by the way.

  23. #48

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
    They may have become that way inclined, but how did they start sleeping in the street, in the very first place ? A whim?
    Ok I'll rephrase my earlier post -
    Not many people willingly choose a tough life living rough on the streets.
    I'd be guessing if I tried to answer, maybe being anonymous has something to do with it.

  24. #49

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    If there were enough homes to go round then house prices would plummet. That would be bad news for homeowners, bad news for landlords and extremely bad news for banks who would make far less interest on mortgage loans. Money they don't actually have, by the way.
    Very interesting, and probably 100% true.

    Why care if there are people on the streets as long as house prices stay high..

    There are multi million pound houses in rich boroughs of London that are practically falling apart..owned by super rich Russians etc...

  25. #50

    Re: Since the Tories came in , rough sleepers on the streets has doubled

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I beg to differ a little, Sludge if I may, it is cheaper to use private Landlords (if you can find them) to house people rather than build the property yourself, and maintain it ie white goods, maintenance etc

    Merthyr council I think were offering a deal to private landlords - if you had a 1 bed flat, they would pay the Landlord £500 a month, guarantee the rent full occupancy for 5 years and they would also do the maintenance themselves. I had a mate who had a 2 x 1 bed flats - he had murder with tennants not paying, smashing the place up etc. He bit their hand off when they offered it to him - guaranteed hassle free / maintenance free rent - it worked out cheaper for the council than having to buy land , build a houses / flats etc.

    I would argue that this is the best of both worlds - private sector carries the cost build / purchase, public sector guarantees the rent and conditions of the property. It didnt extend to maintenance of roofs etc though or rewires - just general stuff
    That is only one part of a housing strategy. There is a role for private rented but where are the new private rented properties being built. Certainly the price tag of new build property excludes a value for money month rent scenario on a buy to let mortgage along with profit. Private rents are truly eye watering and often poor value for money. The tenancy is not secure either so cant really be considered long term solution. The council, housing associations are building investments and will get a return over a period. Don't forget the shortfall in housing benefit in private rented is made up by the tenant leaving the poorest short and land owners chuckling. Trying to save a deposit in private rented is hard enough for the next bond/months rent let alone a house. Home ownership has never been so far away for many. Time to build. A mix of housing provision is the answer.

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