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Donald says 'they didn't, he didn't, I believe Pooootn' Theresa says 'they did, they do, we know what he/they are up to'.
How very confusing this all is for the average person like me ..
Well surely it ought to attract some debate, bearing in mind the contents of this thread and the hitherto notion that Russian meddling in Western affairs has been a MSM fantasy. Theresa .. what have you gone and said...
I have to say , after Theresa's anti Putin outburst, I did find this statement rather amusing : "Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is due to visit Russia next month".
Enjoy Bozo :)
'Err .. whoa there a minute big boy ..' ?
Are you expecting members of the deep state to be engrossed in American Idol and the NFL like the rest of the population? Their only goal is to bring down Trump by any means and it has their full and undivided attention 24/7. They are not got going to give up, even for 5 minutes. Just enjoy the show!
You know I'm still on the fence regarding Trump, and I am fully aware that he could also be a player in all of this, but what a plot twist that would be! The notion of a global reset is always a distinct possibility, so we'll just have to wait and see which scenario it turns out to be
Fake news? perhaps some a bit - or all , but .. blimey
President pissed on now rescinding the ban on soveniers from hunted Elephants that Obama brought in.
Further proving if not known already he’s a classless piece of shit.
It wasn't even a Trump policy, but don't let that get in the way of your outrage