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Thread: The Budget

  1. #1

    The Budget

    Any thoughts? Interested to see what everyone thinks when he finishes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Budget

    He has scrapped the balancing the books and gone for borrowing ,whcih other parties favour has put some money back in the lower wages of low paid workers , National Living Wage up , middle earners sees the threshold before you start paying at 40% ,stamp duty one should help , I suspect house prices may raise as a consequence and get over the 300k mark .

    More cash for NHS , housing building increased ,£1.2bn FOR wales , Railcard discounts now up to 30 yrs of age

    I'm sure if he had raised the wages of everyone to 40k,given every homeless person a living wage he/they would still be hated

  3. #3

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    He has scrapped the balancing the books and gone for borrowing ,whcih other parties favour has put some money back in the lower wages of low paid workers , National Living Wage up , middle earners sees the threshold before you start paying at 40% ,stamp duty one should help , I suspect house prices may raise as a consequence and get over the 300k mark .

    More cash for NHS , housing building increased ,£1.2bn FOR wales , Railcard discounts now up to 30 yrs of age

    I'm sure if he had raised the wages of everyone to 40k,given every homeless person a living wage he/they would still be hated
    It's one of those stolen Milliband policies.

    Poor guy, didn't stand a chance because of his funny face but thankfully the Tories are enacting his entire manifesto piece by piece.

    Interesting take on this policy -

  4. #4

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post

    I'm sure if he had raised the wages of everyone to 40k,given every homeless person a living wage he/they would still be hated
    Are you "sure" of that?!
    If he found a way to achieve that , and put it into place, i think there would be street parties TBH.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    On here he would have.
    Oh look .. 'a consensus'. ;)

  5. #5

    Re: The Budget

    Underwhelming. Tired and boring. Its like the jacket potato my wife made me earlier, lacks ambition and makes me want to eat a whole pack of biscuits canceling any benefits.Its what they can't get their heads around these torys. You can't keep offering more of the same and not hitting the modest briefs you have set yourself and be credible. Try not to feck brexit up too much and leave the lights on for the next Labour government. I have sympathy to a degree with a guy who's arse is on the line so tries to do the bare minimum so as not to get picked apart but it satisfies no one. Unusual times is all that's saving them. Time won't cause they are behind in most every measure from 50 years downwards in demographic. Its pretty obvious what I think but nobody has convinced me otherwise.

  6. #6

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    On here he would have.

    Brexit has put an end to any of idea of deficit reduction for the time being, I see most of this has being a buffer against a possible bumpy Brexit ride (not sure there will be one myself)

    The annual Deficit has gone down by 66% ish 150 billion borrowed per year to balance the books in 2010 ish - to around 45 billion this year.

    Some commentators have said he house bet the house on this budget by the spending increase, compare that to the 250 billion spend under Corbyn which in the same would mean he bet the whole solar system
    Explain how QE paying off the bankers for billions was ok, yet doing the same on social issues is horrific?

  7. #7

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    On here he would have.

    Brexit has put an end to any of idea of deficit reduction for the time being, I see most of this has being a buffer against a possible bumpy Brexit ride (not sure there will be one myself)

    The annual Deficit has gone down by 66% ish 150 billion borrowed per year to balance the books in 2010 ish - to around 45 billion this year.

    Some commentators have said he house bet the house on this budget by the spending increase, compare that to the 250 billion spend under Corbyn which in the same would mean he bet the whole solar system
    Do you mean the deficit has gone down 66%? Or it's not growing as quickly (but is still growing)?

  8. #8

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Explain how QE paying off the bankers for billions was ok, yet doing the same on social issues is horrific?
    very good point mate

  9. #9

    Re: The Budget

    The Tories initially promised to have eliminated the deficit by 2015 didn't they? The deficit caused by the GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. Despite warnings from Labour that their cuts would damage the economy and delay growth.

    Now they are saying that the deficit will not be eliminated until 2031! But at least we may have a surplus before I need to start drawing a pension.
    More than half of my working life will have been affected by this crisis by the time the Tories have finished fixing it.

  10. #10

    Re: The Budget

    So during a period of instability you can create conflict by finding a scapegoat. The poor perhaps. This creates a yearning for stability. You can then deliver this by producing a budget that broadly appeals to this. Totally devoid of addressing any real problems that underpin the situation.

    A war on benefits, A boon for the rich. Getting the working poor to resent the other poor folks. It's all there.

    You can float along in the us and them stream for a while. Thats George Osborne.

    All good tension needs a release. A finale. Phillip Hammond is just padding out the plot with more stuffing...Poorest 3rd of households worse off by £700. Never mind. House prices are going up.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Budget

    Overwhelming success then , my guess is we will have more small giveaway budgets up to another election . A few folk I know on medium wages are better off with this budget.

  12. #12

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Overwhelming success then , my guess is we will have more small giveaway budgets up to another election . A few folk I know on medium wages are better off with this budget.
    Will that ensure that they vote Conservative next time do you think?

    I'm not sure its worth having a slightly better paddle while bobbing about in Sh1t Creek. ;)

  13. #13

    Re: The Budget

    Has capitalism failed?

    "Budget 2017: Stagnant earnings forecast 'astonishing'"


  14. #14

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Global - yes , were we in any way shape or form prepared for it - nope we werent. Strangely enough Canada - who kept a grip on their financial services sector - escaped without so much as a bruise, so what did the Canadian Govt do that UK Labour Govt didnt do ?

    Have a read http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/n...-ago-week.html
    Right, so it's all Labour's fault again and what's happened in the seven and a half years since they were voted out of office is down to Brexit - I see.

  15. #15

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Right, so it's all Labour's fault again and what's happened in the seven and a half years since they were voted out of office is down to Brexit - I see.
    We are getting to the point where labour can rightly blame any increased public spending after 97 on the 'mess left by the Tory government'...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
    Will that ensure that they vote Conservative next time do you think?

    I'm not sure its worth having a slightly better paddle while bobbing about in Sh1t Creek. ;)
    Gosh no , as previously stated if they handed everyone 40k a year folk hate them so much they would vote for any oppostion, it's all about hereditary voting.

    I don't blindy default to Labour though , I try and read under the policy chatter ,not bite on the media soundbite .

  17. #17

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Did you actually read Alistair Darlings article? (the one I posted).

    The sub prime issue was toxic American debt wrapped as investments. As Alistair Darling says - we were a few hours from the whole system going down. maybe you want that to happen - most people dont - which is why the Govt had to help the banks - they go bust and everything is gone.

    Add to that the position the economy was in anyway - and you have a perfect storm of financial sh1t. Sub prime not our fault, condition of our economy is our fault and of Labours making (PFI debt, stupid massive public sector projects etc). ANY Govt cannot easily survive a hammer blow like that - and you cannot just get up walk way - AND carry on spending as if there is no tomorrow.

    They said the recovery was going to be low and flat - and it was. Add in to that Brexit 7 years later - and it's another low blow. You certainly can Cameron for making the decision to have a referendum, and you certain CAN blame Corbyn for an utterly shambolic Remain campaign (mainly because he a Brexiteer anyway - giving his EU voting record).

    So to sum up - Labour fecked the economy so when the recession hit we were nearly wiped out, Sub Prime not Labour fault.
    Brexit result cold have been over turned IF Corbyn had campaigned more effectively in Labour heartlands, Brexit could have been avoided altogether if Cameron had just ignored the UKIP threat - or countered it in a different way.
    This smells of feedback

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    This smells of feedback
    But a very sensible summary , the trouble people have they tend to vote on soundbite, image, historical political, allegiances/ past hatred, blame and woe is me.

    We/me may dislike the current bunch ,however are we better off with a strong careful approach , or one of a unknown negotiation from an opposition party who let's be fair are very inexperienced due to the removal of a number of credible MP's , and a leader that doesn't convince on the key matters of Brexit and its key focus/direction , that drove a lot of traditional Labour voters into the hands of UKIP and latterly the no vote .

  19. #19

    Re: The Budget

    We are better off with corbyn

  20. #20

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    But a very sensible summary , the trouble people have they tend to vote on soundbite, image, historical political, allegiances/ past hatred, blame and woe is me.

    We/me may dislike the current bunch ,however are we better off with a strong careful approach , or one of a unknown negotiation from an opposition party who let's be fair are very inexperienced due to the removal of a number of credible MP's , and a leader that doesn't convince on the key matters of Brexit and its key focus/direction , that drove a lot of traditional Labour voters into the hands of UKIP and latterly the no vote .
    Wait a second, you still see the current government as strong?

    Begs the question what on earth they could do to look weak!!?

  21. #21

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Did you actually read Alistair Darlings article? (the one I posted).

    The sub prime issue was toxic American debt wrapped as investments. As Alistair Darling says - we were a few hours from the whole system going down. maybe you want that to happen - most people dont - which is why the Govt had to help the banks - they go bust and everything is gone.

    Add to that the position the economy was in anyway - and you have a perfect storm of financial sh1t. Sub prime not our fault, condition of our economy is our fault and of Labours making (PFI debt, stupid massive public sector projects etc). ANY Govt cannot easily survive a hammer blow like that - and you cannot just get up walk way - AND carry on spending as if there is no tomorrow.

    They said the recovery was going to be low and flat - and it was. Add in to that Brexit 7 years later - and it's another low blow. You certainly can Cameron for making the decision to have a referendum, and you certain CAN blame Corbyn for an utterly shambolic Remain campaign (mainly because he a Brexiteer anyway - giving his EU voting record).

    So to sum up - Labour fecked the economy so when the recession hit we were nearly wiped out, Sub Prime not Labour fault.
    Brexit result cold have been over turned IF Corbyn had campaigned more effectively in Labour heartlands, Brexit could have been avoided altogether if Cameron had just ignored the UKIP threat - or countered it in a different way.
    People talk about PFI as if Labour were building elevators to the moon with it. PFI is a result of three things:

    Previous government leaving vital public premises to rot
    The British people not wanting to face up to the cost of things
    Labour wanting to get into power at any cost and therefore not explaining that making things 'better' costs actual money

    Also re: Corbyn as the guy who lost Brexit (which is a remarkable conclusion in itself). You might be forgetting that he was a complete laughing stock all over the country at the time, I don't think he held much sway beyond Islington. I know loads of Tory voters who plumped for Brexit, why is it only Corbyn who gets hammered for not convincing his parties 'followers' to change their mind?

  22. #22

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Did you actually read Alistair Darlings article? (the one I posted).

    The sub prime issue was toxic American debt wrapped as investments. As Alistair Darling says - we were a few hours from the whole system going down. maybe you want that to happen - most people dont - which is why the Govt had to help the banks - they go bust and everything is gone.

    Add to that the position the economy was in anyway - and you have a perfect storm of financial sh1t. Sub prime not our fault, condition of our economy is our fault and of Labours making (PFI debt, stupid massive public sector projects etc). ANY Govt cannot easily survive a hammer blow like that - and you cannot just get up walk way - AND carry on spending as if there is no tomorrow.

    They said the recovery was going to be low and flat - and it was. Add in to that Brexit 7 years later - and it's another low blow. You certainly can Cameron for making the decision to have a referendum, and you certain CAN blame Corbyn for an utterly shambolic Remain campaign (mainly because he a Brexiteer anyway - giving his EU voting record).

    So to sum up - Labour fecked the economy so when the recession hit we were nearly wiped out, Sub Prime not Labour fault.
    Brexit result cold have been over turned IF Corbyn had campaigned more effectively in Labour heartlands, Brexit could have been avoided altogether if Cameron had just ignored the UKIP threat - or countered it in a different way.
    Yes I did and I'm wondering how you arrive at the conclusions you do from it. I've always believed that deregulation (i.e. free market philosophy) was at the root of what happened in 2008 with the banks and that Labour were to blame for what happened in this country to the extent that they tried to out tory the tories with their desire to virtually let the banks do much as they wanted.

    As for Brexit, Corbyn in particular can be blamed (if you are looking to apportion blame) for his half arsed campaigning which made it clear that he was not an enthusiastic remainer, but it was Cameron and Osborne in particular that have to be blamed for what was a disasterous campaign - Corbyn was a bystander compared to them.

    Returning to 2008 and what's happened since in pure left and right terms, then it's very much a crisis caused by right wing thinking that we've had to live through for nearly a decade, with the promise of as much as fifteen years more to follow. Similarly, if you look at Brexit in Labour v Tory terms, the former can be criticised for being ineffectual, but it's the latter (with their Civil War over the EU that has, to varying degrees, been carried out in public for at least a quarter of a century) that is responsible for the current mess and uncertainty - hubris from Cameron and May in thinking in purely party political terms with no regard for what it might mean to the country, is at the heart of where we find ourselves now.

  23. #23

    Re: The Budget

    It's time to stop thinking about right & left and red & blue, as they are all on the same team! The core policies continue no matter who is in power, and the rest is just window dressing.

  24. #24

    Re: The Budget

    Yeah, the Political Class, AKA Team Rothschild.

  25. #25

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's time to stop thinking about right & left and red & blue, as they are all on the same team! The core policies continue no matter who is in power, and the rest is just window dressing.
    There has been right and left in politics for centuries. Just because it hasn't always been represented in party political terms it doesn't mean it didn't exist and it's seems arrogant to try to claim that what has held for so long no longer is relevant.

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