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Thread: Latest terrorist outrage

  1. #76

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    We've gone way off point anyway, I'm not clever enough to discuss the nuances of every terrorist attack. But I think it's fair enough to agree with the OP that it's weird people are quick enough to change their Facebook photo when it's an attack in Paris and New York but not give a shit when it's in Egypt. While also thinking its normal to be a bit more concerned about attacks that are happening in the western world.

    I also think it's normal to not want people to completely group every Muslim together because there is a large minority of scum bags who want to kill people.
    Agreed. It wouldn’t surprise me if the TV news shows carried one of those caveats like they have in other shows/films
    “no white people were hurt in the process of making this film”

    Phew! That’s ok, just brown people killing other brown people, nothing to see here. As you were

  2. #77

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Blue View Post
    Sorry mate, but that's where you're wrong. Sunni and Shia muslims have been killing each other for a while now, as has been happening for a while in other religions. This story also immediately sprang to mind when I read your comment:

    Here is the thing though, they lived along side each other fairly happily under the big bad Dictator Sadam Hussain.

    We came along and rid the world of that nasty man and everyone's lot was so improved.

    I am not saying it was perfect under Saddam but I think it was better than it is now.

    It may well have happened naturally , I would be far happier if our country had not had a hand in opening the can .

    I worked in Iraq back in 1983 so I have first hand experience of the place, as I said it wasnt perfect.

    The question about the news is an easy one to answer.

    Brown faces.

    Brown faces are not really news here.

  3. #78

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Agreed. It wouldn’t surprise me if the TV news shows carried one of those caveats like they have in other shows/films
    “no white people were hurt in the process of making this film”

    Phew! That’s ok, just brown people killing other brown people, nothing to see here. As you were
    We must have been tying our opinions at the same time. Great minds....

  4. #79

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    These are two separate issues.

    - People who exaggerate (in your opinion).
    - People who only criticise when it is their own government.

    I have given a rational reason for the 2nd one. The first is just human nature, is it not?
    In my opinion? Don't you think it's an exaggeration to call the UK government fascists and take the liberties that we have for granted? Exaggeration, narrow perspective, ignorance...who knows? I'd certainly call ignorance human nature.

    And those that protest against Syrians being killed only when it's their government doing it still makes them crap humanitarians and inconsistent in their beliefs.

  5. #80

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Blue View Post
    In my opinion? Don't you think it's an exaggeration to call the UK government fascists and take the liberties that we have for granted? Exaggeration, narrow perspective, ignorance...who knows? I'd certainly call ignorance human nature.

    And those that protest against Syrians being killed only when it's their government doing it still makes them crap humanitarians and inconsistent in their beliefs.
    Yes, that is why we call it an opinion. Their opinion might be slightly different, if you looked at everyone's opinion it would be a spectrum of different positions.

    It might make them a 'crap humanitarian', but you labelled them humanitarian to make a point. I have never heard anyone refer to themselves as a 'humanitarian' in passing. They are entitled to their opinion as are you but it is dangerous to group everyone who opposes or encourages something into one specific school of thought.

    People feel broadly responsible for the actions of their own government as they collectively endorsed them and gave them their power. The idea that you can't stand against something because you didn't stand against other similar events in history is just laughable.

  6. #81

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Yes, that is why we call it an opinion. Their opinion might be slightly different, if you looked at everyone's opinion it would be a spectrum of different positions.

    It might make them a 'crap humanitarian', but you labelled them humanitarian to make a point. I have never heard anyone refer to themselves as a 'humanitarian' in passing. They are entitled to their opinion as are you but it is dangerous to group everyone who opposes or encourages something into one specific school of thought.
    Their opinion in this regard may indeed be slightly different, but I still wouldn't give it the time of day.

    And I've never heard anyone refer to themselves as 'humanitarian' either, but that was the word I chose just to make my point. It's their attempt at proving themselves to be "caring" and "kind" whereas (in my opinion ) they fall short.

  7. #82

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    So you’ve never set foot in a church but you’re an expert in the teachings of Islam?
    As a Muslim, I would say Croesy knows more about Islam than you

  8. #83

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Blue View Post
    Their opinion in this regard may indeed be slightly different, but I still wouldn't give it the time of day.

    And I've never heard anyone refer to themselves as 'humanitarian' either, but that was the word I chose just to make my point. It's their attempt at proving themselves to be "caring" and "kind" whereas (in my opinion ) they fall short.
    I don't pretend to know their hidden motives but I find it hilarious that you next to perfectly summarised their behaviour in a different way in one of your first posts of the thread.

    The reason people go crazier if it happens closer to home is because it's not only more newsworthy to them but also because it's not expected to happen around here.
    These 'fake humanitarians' you dislike so much are very similar to the people you were looking to stand up for earlier. They become aware of something (because it become's newsworthy here when the UK decide to intervene) and they talk about it - you justify it for one group but not for another. You are being just as inconsistent as the people you criticise.

  9. #84

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I don't pretend to know their hidden motives but I find it hilarious that you next to perfectly summarised their behaviour in a different way in one of your first posts of the thread.

    These 'fake humanitarians' you dislike so much are very similar to the people you were looking to stand up for earlier. They become aware of something (because it become's newsworthy here when the UK decide to intervene) and they talk about it. You are being just as inconsistent as the people you criticise.
    Read my comments again. I wasn't standing up for them whatsoever. I was providing a reason for why they change their FB profile pic to a flag or whatever and why the media doesn't report on every single terrorist attack, but not at any stage did I defend them for doing so. I am passionately against the idea for the very reasons I stated above.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    ISIS latest caper has resulted in approx 300 people dead.

    Burst into a mosque, set off a bomb, then shot at people trying to escape, including incoming ambulances.

    Absolutely shocking.

    Strangely though, I’m not seeing #jesuisegypt trending, profile pics changed to the Egyptian flag.

    Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson are strangely silent.

    Why is that I’m wondering?
    Does this explode the myth , this radicalism is down to invading of western countries

  11. #86

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Terrible news, but will we lose any sleep over this ? I don't think so
    that must make me sound like a
    horrible spineless piece of shitte
    but an honest horrible spineless piece of shitte

  12. #87

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Blue View Post
    Read my comments again. I wasn't standing up for them whatsoever. I was providing a reason for why they change their FB profile pic to a flag or whatever and why the media doesn't report on every single terrorist attack, but not at any stage did I defend them for doing so. I am passionately against the idea for the very reasons I stated above.
    Your attitude and tone was different whilst the circumstances were, broadly speaking, the same.

  13. #88

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    The people most affected by these terrorists are those in Iraq, Egypt , Syria , Afghanistan , Pakistan etc

    These evil people know no boundaries

    The likes of Katie Hopkins are , as you say , very silent

    It says it all
    Katie Hopkins would be more upset if the Sons of Glydwr set fire to an empty holiday cottage.

  14. #89

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Your attitude and tone was different whilst the circumstances were, broadly speaking, the same.
    Sorry, but I'm not sure exactly what you mean, probably because it's late, I've had a few beers, I'm half asleep and about to go to bed. Anyway, have a good weekend.

  15. #90

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    Bore off. Give us all an early Xmas present and have one day off. As if I was going to post all the cities..."London Paris new York" is fashionable init brah.
    I won’t, if you don’t mind, buttercup.

  16. #91

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by elytillidie View Post
    Katie Hopkins would be more upset if the Sons of Glydwr set fire to an empty holiday cottage.
    Leather faced old rotter

  17. #92

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
    As a Muslim, I would say Croesy knows more about Islam than you
    Genuine questions adz, I understand that the victims of this attack were followers of a particular denomination of Islam that ISIS brand as “heretics”, is that true?
    Even so, surely a mosque is sacred to them?
    I can, almost, understand their albeit twisted ideology to kill non-believers, but these victims WERE believers surely?

  18. #93

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
    As a Muslim, I would say Croesy knows more about Islam than you
    ADZ is this true yes or no ?

    surah an-nisa (4-34) when reading the quran because it says "hey guys! you can beat your wives when they disobey you. it is ok."

  19. #94
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Its all very sad as the Islam faith and the Muslim faith has good virtues, and in a lot of cases their faith sets better standards than some of our own behaviours and better respects others.

  20. #95

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Blue View Post
    Sorry, but I'm not sure exactly what you mean, probably because it's late, I've had a few beers, I'm half asleep and about to go to bed. Anyway, have a good weekend.
    You too!

  21. #96

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Genuine questions adz, I understand that the victims of this attack were followers of a particular denomination of Islam that ISIS brand as “heretics”, is that true?
    Even so, surely a mosque is sacred to them?
    I can, almost, understand their albeit twisted ideology to kill non-believers, but these victims WERE believers surely?
    Well Sufis are persecuted but the Qur'an says that Muslims should not divide themselves.
    A mosque is sacred
    IMHO, they are believers as a Muslim is someone who believes in Allah and that Hadrat Muhammad was his prophet

  22. #97

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by I.8.POLITICAL.CORRECTNESS View Post
    ADZ is this true yes or no ?

    surah an-nisa (4-34) when reading the quran because it says "hey guys! you can beat your wives when they disobey you. it is ok."
    With the Qur'an, I would take the English translations with a pinch of salt. I have English copies and they all say different things. The "strike" part varies on the translation but it is worth noting that Prophet Muhammad never hit women and discouraged domestic violence a lot.

    I would say no violence, especially domestic violence is okay and there are several mainstream scholars who condemn domestic abuse

  23. #98

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    ISIS latest caper has resulted in approx 300 people dead.

    Burst into a mosque, set off a bomb, then shot at people trying to escape, including incoming ambulances.

    Absolutely shocking.

    Strangely though, I’m not seeing #jesuisegypt trending, profile pics changed to the Egyptian flag.

    Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson are strangely silent.

    Why is that I’m wondering?
    Should have seen the queues outside the tattoo shops this evening getting pyramid tattoos.

  24. #99

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
    With the Qur'an, I would take the English translations with a pinch of salt. I have English copies and they all say different things. The "strike" part varies on the translation but it is worth noting that Prophet Muhammad never hit women and discouraged domestic violence a lot.

    I would say no violence, especially domestic violence is okay and there are several mainstream scholars who condemn domestic abuse
    so its all about interpretation then mate?
    and Muhammad never hit women ?
    but as an adult he married a CHILD ?

    I'm guessing its

  25. #100

    Re: Latest terrorist outrage

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
    With the Qur'an, I would take the English translations with a pinch of salt. I have English copies and they all say different things. The "strike" part varies on the translation but it is worth noting that Prophet Muhammad never hit women and discouraged domestic violence a lot.

    I would say no violence, especially domestic violence is okay and there are several mainstream scholars who condemn domestic abuse

    Oh wow, that's great....several scholars? Great.

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