Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
You may not like his methods but they are effective. The whole world now knows that said senior senator misrepresented (some say lied) her Cherokee ansestory in order to obtain a place with funding at Harvard that was reserved for minorities. She also used this bogus "fact" to further her political career. So are you going to shoot the messenger or listen to the message? Personally speaking, I don't think Trump cares about what people like you think, as long as he is cleaning up Washinton DC. He wants to be judged on the end result and not how he got there.
You are absolutely spot on for once when you say I don't like his methods. If the President of the US thinks that a ceremony in the White House to honour Navajo war veterans should be remembered for a cheap semi-racist attack on a Democratic Senator (presumably because she is challenging the legality of one of Trump appointees) then you reinforce those (me included) who believe his behaviour demeans his office and his country. From where I sit there are cleaner and more attractive creatures swimming in the swamp than the one at the other end of the sewage pipe.