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Thread: Theresa May massive blunders

  1. #1

    Theresa May massive blunders

    1 calling an election
    2 offering Donald Trump a state visit
    3 getting in bed with the dup

    All have or will come back to bite her.


  2. #2

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Lucky for her she's got so much goodwill saved up in the bank, eh?

  3. #3
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    And I guess the oppostion will be riding high in the polls,she must be a very worried puppy.

  4. #4

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    No sympathy from me. Wasn't so long ago she was guffawing over the bench at Labour being in disarray and recieving slaps on the back from the ghouls behind her. She has made herself look stupid. All from her own doing. The dup will pull the plug soon over the border or Europe will just say you haven't sorted the border no trade talks. Donald Trump will attract massive protests if he comes for tea with the queen. And far from being a good ally he mugs her off on Twitter. She couldn't get to him quick enough when he won. It would almost be funny if it weren't so serious. Who advises her? Russell Slade?

  5. #5

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    She is not in control. Clearly. Heaven help us if she is.
    We are being duped I suspect. Who is really in control?

  6. #6

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
    She is not in control. Clearly. Heaven help us if she is.
    We are being duped I suspect. Who is really in control?
    Michael Morris.. crickey. ..😮

  7. #7

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    This thread is about May and her blunders.
    Her blunders are many, but none of them are 'because JC is sh1t' ! (I don't think that he is 'sh1t' btw). Etc etc
    What we currently have is truly awful.

    I will be voting Labour at next opportunity, to rid this country of them.
    Like many will.

  8. #8

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    It is bout Theresa May and her blunders. Just seems one after another. The next ones in the post. The usual stuff regarding Jeremy Cornyn is par for the course. The terrorist stuff and John MacDonald yeah yeah but I just reckon Theresa May makes schoolgirl errors. Of course it's easier to make more errors when you are running the country rather than shadowing it but I honestly think she lacks political foresight and seems to act from a position of weakens a lot.

  9. #9

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    It doesnt matter how good or bad you are - if the opposition is worse - they wont win. The same analogy applies to football - if we they score more own goals than us - we win.

    May wont be going anywhere anytime soon - no matter how her competence is perceived by anyone. No doubt the 1992 committee have issues, but they wont be changing their stance at all.

    And yes - to anyone that thinks they want a Labour Govt - you might have got your wish by now had it been David Milliband rather than Ed or Jez. The current Tory front bench is a bit weak in some respect - but it doesnt have to be any stronger as the benches opposite are even weaker - apart from Keir Staman and possible Emily Thornberry (or Lady Nugee - to give her, her correct title)

    Here is my prediction - after the next general election - Ruth Davidson will be leader of the conservatives and Lady Nugee will be leader of Labour.
    You missing the point a bit mate. It does matter how good or bad you are when you are running the country.. It matters a great deal.

  10. #10

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    I wonder if we overthink these things, I suspect that while Brexit trundles along, and then bobbing about in it's long wake, the collective rationale of the Country will likely be to avoid risking wholesale change at this time. It might be a skin of the teeth result again
    Or it is perfectly feasible that the current Govt will do themselves irreparable damage, and any fresh start would be welcomed.

    I think we know now that the British public are not a deeply political beast, but rather a reactive collective.

  11. #11

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    I am convinced that the Conservatives will not win the next election. Even people who dont usually vote will be fed up with working all the hours and still being skint and will want something else. The torys can blame brexit, markets and every thing else but when you are knackered after a massive long week and your old mums in a crappy run down nursing home and there is 38 kids in your boys class andyou cant see a Dr for 3 weeks more of the same won't do if you think there might be something better.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    I do wonder how others would cope , yes the snap election was a error, however a lot of folk thought it was a good move at the time , so lets call it a collective blunder as its a better description with so many media outlets ,analysis ,polls and people alike all stating the same (at the time ) .

    Then comes a moment I thought I would not see , apply policy decisions from her core electorate like the triple lock ,and heritance tax folk to bolster social care budget .

    Then we had terrisom in the streets and the police cuts playing out.

    Lets not forget she was dumped into Brexit by others .

    She's up against a European body who will spin against us at any given moment .

    She has nasty little people around her like Gove and Boris and controlling them can't be easy .

    I think she a tough cookie whom I would not vote for in a hundred years,but deserves credit for sticking in there, it's so bloody easy to be a critic , much tougher to deliver and make unpoplur decesions.

  13. #13

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    I'd describe them as more of a handful

  14. #14

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I do wonder how others would cope , yes the snap election was a error, however a lot of folk thought it was a good move at the time , so lets call it a collective blunder as its a better description with so many media outlets ,analysis ,polls and people alike all stating the same (at the time ) .

    Then comes a moment I thought I would not see , apply policy decisions from her core electorate like the triple lock ,and heritance tax folk to bolster social care budget .

    Then we had terrisom in the streets and the police cuts playing out.

    Lets not forget she was dumped into Brexit by others .

    She's up against a European body who will spin against us at any given moment .

    She has nasty little people around her like Gove and Boris and controlling them can't be easy .

    I think she a tough cookie whom I would not vote for in a hundred years,but deserves credit for sticking in there, it's so bloody easy to be a critic , much tougher to deliver and make unpoplur decesions.
    It would make a great Shakespearean drama if only it was all scripted

  15. #15

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I do wonder how others would cope , yes the snap election was a error, however a lot of folk thought it was a good move at the time , so lets call it a collective blunder as its a better description with so many media outlets ,analysis ,polls and people alike all stating the same (at the time ) .

    Then comes a moment I thought I would not see , apply policy decisions from her core electorate like the triple lock ,and heritance tax folk to bolster social care budget .

    Then we had terrisom in the streets and the police cuts playing out.

    Lets not forget she was dumped into Brexit by others .

    She's up against a European body who will spin against us at any given moment .

    She has nasty little people around her like Gove and Boris and controlling them can't be easy .

    I think she a tough cookie whom I would not vote for in a hundred years,but deserves credit for sticking in there, it's so bloody easy to be a critic , much tougher to deliver and make unpoplur decesions.
    No, let's call it a monumental and arrogant blunder by the Prime Minister and her advisors. I can remember avuncular old Jim Callaghan telling the country that he knew best and so he wouldn't hold the autumn election in 1978 that everyone was predicting. Instead, he held on and a few weeks later we were in the middle of the winter of discontent and the Thatcher Government became a certainty rather than a possibility, but I rate May's blunder as greater than Callaghan's given what we knew lay ahead for this country after the Brexit vote.

  16. #16

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I dont Bob, she called an election , on the grounds of having a clear mandate re her being PM and Brexit etc. The electorate delivered a different result. If she had not have called an election people would say she has no mandate to lead as the country has not voted for her. Exactly the same accusation was to Gordon Brown when he took over mid term.

    Brexit was happening regardless of whoever won the 2017 election. So I dont think it is even on the same ball park as Callaghan winter of discontent - that was a situation with regards to his own policies. There is no alternative Brexit policy by any of the parties , leaving the EU means leaving the customs union, single market etc etc. Unless the EU change their policy on this - then we will be outside of it.

    To be inside the single market and customs union takes the agreement of all 27 member states - which may happen if Barnier deides to fudge it somehow - in return for a wadge of cash.
    Funny that, I can hardly remember any pundit or politician arguing that line before May called the election - what I can remember was the sense of incredulity when the rumours first started circulating that she was going to announce that she would be going to the country. The election was a pointless exercise as far as the country was concerned (that old lady from Bristol summarised the mood of the country with her "another one?" speech) and was called purely for the benefit of the Conservative Party. From being told about how little time we had for the Brexit negotiations, we went into a situation where three months and more were written off for May to have her vanity exercise election - people don't often get what they deserve, but she and her party did..

  17. #17
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    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by joecity View Post
    1 calling an election
    2 offering Donald Trump a state visit
    3 getting in bed with the dup

    All have or will come back to bite her.

    I've seen a couple of shite Tory PM's in my time, she's a fkin disaster, clueless, worse than Thatcher (I've said it!!)

  18. #18
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    No, let's call it a monumental and arrogant blunder by the Prime Minister and her advisors. I can remember avuncular old Jim Callaghan telling the country that he knew best and so he wouldn't hold the autumn election in 1978 that everyone was predicting. Instead, he held on and a few weeks later we were in the middle of the winter of discontent and the Thatcher Government became a certainty rather than a possibility, but I rate May's blunder as greater than Callaghan's given what we knew lay ahead for this country after the Brexit vote.
    Where does it sit in Gordon Brown's moment of judgement and blunders, if you ask me they all have the ability to call it wrong .

    I think May and her team miss read the mood after Brexit ,the result of youngsters feeling agrieved at Brexit and finding a convenient bed fellow in Labour to shown their angst at the decesion .

    Cant wait to see the next election post Brexit.

    I think both Parties should find new leaders before that election though.

  19. #19

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Bearing in mind what you said you would expect the opposition to be soaring ahead in the polls ?
    That however is not the case - Labour are not an effective opposition, a marxist for a shadow chancellor who cant remember what the debt and deficit level was. OR more importantly how much the repayments are per year - or how much the repayments would be if his spending plan was introduced.

    Jez - nice guy perhaps, wants to be friends with Hezbollah - an organisation that wants all jews to move back to Israel so he doesnt have to go hunting them before he executes them. Countless anti semitic statements from his own party. Lady Nugee trying to out do Boris in anti diplomacy. And people wonder why......

    The Lib Dems and the SNP seem to be the only ones that dont have sh1t on their shoes at the moment.

    Nothing will happen now in terms of a general election / leadership elections until after Brexit and even then there is talk of a 2 year transition deal which takes us up to 2021 (mark these words - as they could come back to haunt me....)
    Feedy, are you still pretending to be apolitical? Corbyn does not want to be friends with Hezbollah - he wants to talk with them. It's a radical idea, and one that could well work.

    The SNP have a lot of crap on their shoes. The Lib Dems have relied on a younger voter base, but Corbyn has that sewn up.

    We are only a few by-elections away from a general election. I think we'll be asked to vote again in 18 months time, as the Brexit deal unravels and the UK is forced to make yet more concessions.

  20. #20

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by joecity View Post
    You missing the point a bit mate. It does matter how good or bad you are when you are running the country.. It matters a great deal.
    Exactly. Tony Blair wasn't really that convincing in opposition. He didn't need to be. Labour would have won in 1997 with John Smith in charge. They would have won with Kinnock in charge.

  21. #21

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I've seen a couple of shite Tory PM's in my time, she's a fkin disaster, clueless, worse than Thatcher (I've said it!!)
    Thatcher was worse, but at least we knew what she stood for. She was a strong and stable leader. Theresa May is the weakest PM in my lifetime, weaker than John Major. The only thing keeping her in Number 10 is the mess of Brexit - the people who campaigned for that seem reluctant to want to lead it. As always with the Tories, it's about retaining power at any cost. Unless they change radically before the next election, I can see them splitting into two parties. Either way, Theresa May could be the last Tory PM for a generation or more - because Brexit is going to be an effing shitstorm.

  22. #22

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Funny that, I can hardly remember any pundit or politician arguing that line before May called the election - what I can remember was the sense of incredulity when the rumours first started circulating that she was going to announce that she would be going to the country. The election was a pointless exercise as far as the country was concerned (that old lady from Bristol summarised the mood of the country with her "another one?" speech) and was called purely for the benefit of the Conservative Party. From being told about how little time we had for the Brexit negotiations, we went into a situation where three months and more were written off for May to have her vanity exercise election - people don't often get what they deserve, but she and her party did..
    Brexit referendum - called for the Tories.
    Coalition with the Lib Dems - called for the Tories (notice how the crap policies tainted the Lib Dems)
    Last election - called for the Tories
    Hard Brexit - benefits the Tories

    I think only John Major out of my lifetime of Tory PMs comes across as someone who put country before party. I labelled him weak in a previous post (weak in that he was in a minority Government, and relied on the Speaker vote a few times), but he did face up to his backbenchers.

    When May called the election, I could see nothing other than an increased majority. I wasn't voting for Corbyn - then his policies came out and I agreed with most of them. I think other people did too, and May started to look increasingly incompetent. She is getting thrown under the Brexit bus daily, and it would be entertaining if it wasn't fecking up the country for those most in need.

  23. #23

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by Badly Ironed Shirt View Post
    Brexit referendum - called for the Tories.
    Coalition with the Lib Dems - called for the Tories (notice how the crap policies tainted the Lib Dems)
    Last election - called for the Tories
    Hard Brexit - benefits the Tories

    I think only John Major out of my lifetime of Tory PMs comes across as someone who put country before party. I labelled him weak in a previous post (weak in that he was in a minority Government, and relied on the Speaker vote a few times), but he did face up to his backbenchers.

    When May called the election, I could see nothing other than an increased majority. I wasn't voting for Corbyn - then his policies came out and I agreed with most of them. I think other people did too, and May started to look increasingly incompetent. She is getting thrown under the Brexit bus daily, and it would be entertaining if it wasn't fecking up the country for those most in need.
    I never voted for him but I think history should be kinder to John Major. As you say he was ballsier then all of his sucessors inb the Tory party.

    Cameron was the ultimate shit house.

  24. #24

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Where does it sit in Gordon Brown's moment of judgement and blunders, if you ask me they all have the ability to call it wrong .

    I think May and her team miss read the mood after Brexit ,the result of youngsters feeling agrieved at Brexit and finding a convenient bed fellow in Labour to shown their angst at the decesion .

    Cant wait to see the next election post Brexit.

    I think both Parties should find new leaders before that election though.
    Gordon Brown shouldn't have sold nearly all the gold reserve for a pittance just before the most massive gold price surge of all time. A blunder yes. Call it for what it is. That's a big one for me but I reckon he was decent on the main.

    If it were up to me then Boris Johnson would be the next prime minister and he can run against Jeremy Corbyn. Momentum are dying for that to happen.

    Much easier to demonstrate a buffoon born to wealth blundering and bombastically blundering his way up the pole and contrast him with Corbyn.

    It's the manifestos that matter though. Labour's will be even sharper next time. The Tories should be better if they actually care but the world will have changed again. For the worse. This time people under 60 will turn their back on the Tories n all. It's gonna happen.

  25. #25

    Re: Theresa May massive blunders

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    I never voted for him but I think history should be kinder to John Major. As you say he was ballsier then all of his sucessors inb the Tory party.

    Cameron was the ultimate shit house.
    John Major had to fight his party tooth n nail the Euro sceptics.. Always undermining him. Always a vote away from defeat. He done some cracking work laying the grounds for peace in Ireland. Theresa May is in a similar position but without the cracking work.

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