I do wonder how others would cope , yes the snap election was a error, however a lot of folk thought it was a good move at the time , so lets call it a collective blunder as its a better description with so many media outlets ,analysis ,polls and people alike all stating the same (at the time ) .

Then comes a moment I thought I would not see , apply policy decisions from her core electorate like the triple lock ,and heritance tax folk to bolster social care budget .

Then we had terrisom in the streets and the police cuts playing out.

Lets not forget she was dumped into Brexit by others .

She's up against a European body who will spin against us at any given moment .

She has nasty little people around her like Gove and Boris and controlling them can't be easy .

I think she a tough cookie whom I would not vote for in a hundred years,but deserves credit for sticking in there, it's so bloody easy to be a critic , much tougher to deliver and make unpoplur decesions.