Quote Originally Posted by Badly Ironed Shirt View Post
The thing is, because CC thinks that name calling is harmless (and I speak from the vantage point of being called a faggot by him, among many other things, purely because I have a viewpoint that differs from him). And, because he thinks it is harmless, therefore it is harmless.

Calling someone a **** is just harmless name calling.
Calling someone a effing N****r is just harmless name calling
Callings someone a fat tw@t is just harmless name calling.
It's all purely harmless. Until, the person at the receiving end decides to retaliate. Then it's no longer harmless - then the instigator is the victim.

Or, until the person at the receiving end goes home and locks themselves in their room to avoid being called names. CC lacks empathy, he sees the world through just his own eyes and if someone is offended at something he doesn't find offensive, then they are flawed. This is the perverse logic being applied.

Remember, Emre was fouled and decided his retaliation would be to use a racist insult. Zokora and his team mates decided that they had to take their own form of retribution.

I wonder if, say, the Reading centre-half calls Hoilett an effing N****r on Monday, and the Cardiff players decide to respond in the same way as Zokora's team mates responded, would CC deem it great team-spirit, or scandalous. Judging him purely on the different degrees of hypocrisy he has demonstrated in this thread, and in his own unsavoury behaviour over the years, I suspect I know the answer.
Your psychological profiling in the first 3 paragraphs feel really accurate to me.

Just my interpretation, but it feels to me that the lone wolf in this thread has little or no appreciation of the effects of mental health issues

I’ve encountered more devastating effects on lives from words (bullying,prejudice etc) than I ever have from violence. Maybe it’s juat that violence gets a higher profile.