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Thread: 20-30 more Assembly Members

  1. #1

    20-30 more Assembly Members

    No thanks, Don't need another 20-30 more with their noses in the trough down the Bay


    I'd much prefer to see 60 less and shut the whole waste on money down.

  2. #2

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Do you want a constructive debate or are you just point scoring? FWIW it will not happen for years, if ever.

  3. #3

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy corbyn View Post
    Do you want a constructive debate or are you just point scoring? FWIW it will not happen for years, if ever.
    Happy to debate. Not looking at point scoring. My personal view is that the WG is a complete waste of time and money.

  4. #4

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Lower the number of councils and therefore councillors. Increase the number of AMs. Give the Welsh Government tax raising powers and they can actually start doing things that matter.

  5. #5

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Happy to debate. Not looking at point scoring. My personal view is that the WG is a complete waste of time and money.
    I can agree with you to a point i.e. that our elected representatives are relatively ineffectual. Not sure whether this is due to ineptitude, policies or lack of funds.

    On the other hand I can't see how anyone can argue that we were well looked after by Westminster when we were ruled from there either.

    On balance, I'd prefer us to have the ability to manage our affairs by people who have to live with the consequences of their decisions.

  6. #6

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    The WAG has a much smaller number of AMs compared to similar law-making bodies around the world.

    The Assembly has 60 members, Scottish Parliament has 129 members, Northern Ireland's Assembly has 108.

    If the WAG exists - and currently it does - it should ensure that it has the right amount of people to do the job, until such time as it is it is repealed. If ever.
    It would be self-harming to the country to hope that the WAG cripples itself - simply to wish it withers on the vine.

  7. #7

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Penarth Blues View Post
    I can agree with you to a point i.e. that our elected representatives are relatively ineffectual. Not sure whether this is due to ineptitude, policies or lack of funds.

    On the other hand I can't see how anyone can argue that we were well looked after by Westminster when we were ruled from there either.

    On balance, I'd prefer us to have the ability to manage our affairs by people who have to live with the consequences of their decisions.
    What has improved in Wales since the inception of the Welsh Government? I’m struggling to come up with anything meaningful that has improve the lives of the Welsh population since the WG started.

  8. #8

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    What has improved in Wales since the inception of the Welsh Government? I’m struggling to come up with anything meaningful that has improve the lives of the Welsh population since the WG started.
    I think there are now a number of policies which are uniquely Welsh in their aims and objectives. The Future Generations of Wales Act is one example which I consider will have really positive impacts in time, along with care of the environment being embedded in the Constitution.

    Whether we have the funds and ability to deliver these aims is uncertain but I do applaud their intent

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Do forget, along with 20 or 30 extra AMs at a cost of 9 million, comes extra cars , flights ,hospitality , office equipment , support staff , etc , may I suggest the current lot prove their worth first,or take cut in costs to a accommodate the alleged need ??

  10. #10

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Do forget, along with 20 or 30 extra AMs at a cost of 9 million, comes extra cars , flights ,hospitality , office equipment , support staff , etc , may I suggest the current lot prove their worth first,or take cut in costs to a accommodate the alleged need ??
    Perhaps we should just have say .. 6 AM's then ? That would save some money... eh? And they can walk from their constituency in Bangor to Cardiff. Stay on friends sofa's - Save more money. etc etc.

    IMO, we either don't have a Welsh Assembly at all (a viable argument) , or we have one that is a capable one (also a viable argument, and perhaps a little more useful one).
    Other - similar - devolved regions have a higher number of Ministers than we do, and I'd wager less dissatisfaction.

    Do it properly, or scrap it ?

  11. #11

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    What has improved in Wales since the inception of the Welsh Government? I’m struggling to come up with anything meaningful that has improve the lives of the Welsh population since the WG started.
    We were the first country in the world to charge for carrier bags.

    Back of the net

  12. #12

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Why can't welsh MPs be responsible for debolved legislation? Why do we need another layer of bureaucracy and state?

  13. #13

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    The UK must be the most over democratised countries in the World. Further elected members to have their snouts in the trough plus supporting civil servants and expenses plus accommodation costs is a complete waste of money.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
    Perhaps we should just have say .. 6 AM's then ? That would save some money... eh? And they can walk from their constituency in Bangor to Cardiff. Stay on friends sofa's - Save more money. etc etc.

    IMO, we either don't have a Welsh Assembly at all (a viable argument) , or we have one that is a capable one (also a viable argument, and perhaps a little more useful one).
    Other - similar - devolved regions have a higher number of Ministers than we do, and I'd wager less dissatisfaction.

    Do it properly, or scrap it ?
    Scrap it double layered nationalism politics ,jobs for the boys , we got AM's, Councillors, Euro MP's Westminster MP's ,Mayor's , what more do we need it don't come nothing or it does from the magic money tree.
    Scrap the lot build on schools,health, policing and transport, happy days, don't need an elected official to work that one out.

  15. #15

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Apparently it is all about per capita expenditure then ..
    Nothing else.

  16. #16

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Have you ever watched Welsh First minister Questions ?

    I have, it's terrible. They have nothing to discuss, and it's pointless - 18 years of the same party in power, the welsh 'Govt' can do what they want as A. They will never be out of power B. No one cares or listens anyway
    Yes, it is hardly riveting , but neither is Parliament, most of the time. PMQ's is livelier of course - more like a circus act with braying livestock.

    How does our Assembly compare with Holyrood or Stormont, who both have a greater number of members?
    I've not watched them. You may have?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    What is the total cost for the AM's
    There is obviously the salary which is about 65k I think
    Each AM has staff to. My mates brother was a press secretary / researcher for an AM (that AM was also his Dad) and he was 38k a year. Im presuming there is also additional civil servants that provide resources to each AM.

    I would estimate then that about 140k per year would be the cost for each AM. I can get 5 Ambulance drivers for that for the utterly useless Welsh Ambulance Service - that may help then attend emergencies faster - perhaps.

    The problem with civil servants is that it's very easy to get carried away adding layer after layer of 'democracy' that by the time it comes to deliver a service - the money has been spent elsewhere.

    So it's a NO from ME
    all cost in this and links eeeeeeeeeek

  18. #18

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Can anyone explain why this post has been moved to the politics forum, whilst the post espousing the virtues of socialism remains on the main board.

    Aren’t all posts/posters treated the same?

  19. #19

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Can anyone explain why this post has been moved to the politics forum, whilst the post espousing the virtues of socialism remains on the main board.

    Aren’t all posts/posters treated the same?
    cant see what you describe?

  20. #20

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Can anyone explain why this post has been moved to the politics forum, whilst the post espousing the virtues of socialism remains on the main board.

    Aren’t all posts/posters treated the same?
    ‘It’s a conspiracy against you’.

    Is that what you want to hear to satisfy your persecution complex?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: 20-30 more Assembly Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Can anyone explain why this post has been moved to the politics forum, whilst the post espousing the virtues of socialism remains on the main board.

    Aren’t all posts/posters treated the same?
    its political in its nature of discussion

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