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Thread: Type 2 Diabetes

  1. #1

    Type 2 Diabetes

    Friends and family going on and on and on about their sugar levels this and bloods that. Type 2 is MOSTLY caused by laziness and eating crap food which means it is reversible. Change your lifestyle and hey ho it could well reverse the process. I blame McDonalds and The United States of Trump for most of this obesity. Fancy a Mars bar mind you

  2. #2

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Dat Bluebird View Post
    Friends and family going on and on and on about their sugar levels this and bloods that. Type 2 is MOSTLY caused by laziness and eating crap food which means it is reversible. Change your lifestyle and hey ho it could well reverse the process. I blame McDonalds and The United States of Trump for most of this obesity. Fancy a Mars bar mind you
    I have a good friend that changed his diet to overcome type 2. He wasn't particularly overweight, but he drank a lot of beer.

  3. #3

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Sadly you are wrong Type 2 diabetes is mainly hereditary and is a killer but you crack on with your laughing at the fat people.

  4. #4

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by insider View Post
    Sadly you are wrong Type 2 diabetes is mainly hereditary and is a killer but you crack on with your laughing at the fat people.
    Think you're confusing type 1 with type 2 there tbh.

  5. #5

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    Think you're confusing type 1 with type 2 there tbh.
    Not confusing anything tbh

  6. #6

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by insider View Post
    Not confusing anything tbh
    Granted I've limited understanding, but Type 1 is rarer and believed to be down to genes, correct?

  7. #7
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    I have a good friend that changed his diet to overcome type 2. He wasn't particularly overweight, but he drank a lot of beer.
    Was that the friend who was on the ketosis type diet?

    Medium-chain fatty acids could be the answer.

  8. #8

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Generally Type 1 is genetic with an underlying autoimmune cause, whereas type 2 is generally die to obesity (but does have some genetic factors).
    Providing you're not on insulin, diet and exercise can really reduce the extent of, and sometimes reverse, the problem.

  9. #9

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Yeah, that was what I thought - type 1 means no insulin is produced, type 2 means not enough is being produced or something.

  10. #10

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Dat Bluebird View Post
    Friends and family going on and on and on about their sugar levels this and bloods that. Type 2 is MOSTLY caused by laziness and eating crap food which means it is reversible. Change your lifestyle and hey ho it could well reverse the process. I blame McDonalds and The United States of Trump for most of this obesity. Fancy a Mars bar mind you
    I have read stories of people cutting carbs and changing their diet and lifestyle and not needing medication anymore due to reversing the process

  11. #11

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by stan butler View Post
    I have read stories of people cutting carbs and changing their diet and lifestyle and not needing medication anymore due to reversing the process

  12. #12

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by stan butler View Post
    I have read stories of people cutting carbs and changing their diet and lifestyle and not needing medication anymore due to reversing the process
    Not that I was diabetic, but in 2016 I dropped from ~19.5 stone down to ~15.5 stone by cutting down on carbs/sugar and exercising -
    went from 44" waist to 38".

  13. #13

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    You can't actually 'reverse' the insulin levels back to normal but diet and exercise can prolong the onset of needing to inject insulin to point that you never have any symptoms or the need for medication.

  14. #14

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    I have type 2.
    It is under control by diet, but I really need to lose weight.
    Recent studies have shown it CAN be reversed, you need to cut out all forms of sugar and do some exercise.

    This forces the body to use up the stored sugar, and kick-starts the body into its "normal" functions.

    Haven't done it myself yet, needs considerable willpower over a few months, and then more not to slip back into bad habits.

  15. #15

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    I have type 2.
    It is under control by diet, but I really need to lose weight.
    Recent studies have shown it CAN be reversed, you need to cut out all forms of sugar and do some exercise.

    This forces the body to use up the stored sugar, and kick-starts the body into its "normal" functions.

    Haven't done it myself yet, needs considerable willpower over a few months, and then more not to slip back into bad habits.
    Good luck bobh, it's hard to change, often literally, a habit of a lifetime, but it can be done.

  16. #16

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    I have type 2.
    It is under control by diet, but I really need to lose weight.
    Recent studies have shown it CAN be reversed, you need to cut out all forms of sugar and do some exercise.

    This forces the body to use up the stored sugar, and kick-starts the body into its "normal" functions.

    Haven't done it myself yet, needs considerable willpower over a few months, and then more not to slip back into bad habits.
    What are you using (Apps, readers etc) to help control your blood sugar levels and does your Health Care Professional use anything to help you control?

    I work in Diabetes and what you have mentioned is the biggest challenge of all, you can have the tools, apps, medicine, white papers etc but its so hard to change habits of a lifetime. If the Pharma can crack that, they'll be laughing all the way to the bank!!

    One thing that is overlooked in Diabetes and i don't want to scare you (or maybe i do) is just how dangerous and f***ing annoying it is. Those that don't have it seems to think and accept that it is easy to control with a medicine. People who live with this disease NEVER get a break, even in their sleep, none stop.

    Good luck mate

  17. #17

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Was that the friend who was on the ketosis type diet?

    Medium-chain fatty acids could be the answer.
    Exactly. He's on a very strict keto diet. I've been on a version of it myself. Have MCT in my coffee every morning.

  18. #18
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by OurManFlint II View Post
    What are you using (Apps, readers etc) to help control your blood sugar levels and does your Health Care Professional use anything to help you control?

    I work in Diabetes and what you have mentioned is the biggest challenge of all, you can have the tools, apps, medicine, white papers etc but its so hard to change habits of a lifetime. If the Pharma can crack that, they'll be laughing all the way to the bank!!

    One thing that is overlooked in Diabetes and i don't want to scare you (or maybe i do) is just how dangerous and f***ing annoying it is. Those that don't have it seems to think and accept that it is easy to control with a medicine. People who live with this disease NEVER get a break, even in their sleep, none stop.

    Good luck mate
    Coconut oil helps control blood sugar and insulin levels, I'm not diabetic but I know from experience in the last few months it has helped me change the way I eat dramatically, I was all over the place before, I used to binge eat and eat crap all the time, I'm surprised that I never had Diabetes tbh.
    I have mine in the morning but if you have it with carbs they are broken down into glucose more slowly so your sugar levels remain steady even after you have eaten, I feel in control now, I don't have any cravings, I'm not hungry.

    I wont even go in to some of the terrible habits I had before

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Exactly. He's on a very strict keto diet. I've been on a version of it myself. Have MCT in my coffee every morning.
    I'm not even on a strict keto diet, I just have the oil with my own made up diet and that's working for me (88lbs now), do you feel well on it? I feel great!

    More good news..

    Ketogenic Diets Have "Profound Effect on Brain Function," Studies Find

  19. #19

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Coconut oil helps control blood sugar and insulin levels, I'm not diabetic but I know from experience in the last few months it has helped me change the way I eat dramatically, I was all over the place before, I used to binge eat and eat crap all the time, I'm surprised that I never had Diabetes tbh.
    I have mine in the morning but if you have it with carbs they are broken down into glucose more slowly so your sugar levels remain steady even after you have eaten, I feel in control now, I don't have any cravings, I'm not hungry.

    I wont even go in to some of the terrible habits I had before

    I'm not even on a strict keto diet, I just have the oil with my own made up diet and that's working for me (88lbs now), do you feel well on it? I feel great!

    More good news..

    Ketogenic Diets Have "Profound Effect on Brain Function," Studies Find
    I feel pretty good. Perhaps a bit more energy during the day. Nothing crazy. I've lost about 15 lbs over 4 months. What I have noticed, is that carbs upset my rhythm now. I just don't feel right.

  20. #20

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Another thing is that I make almost all my own food now. No more $20 lunches at work. So that's a big plus.

  21. #21
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    I feel pretty good. Perhaps a bit more energy during the day. Nothing crazy. I've lost about 15 lbs over 4 months. What I have noticed, is that carbs upset my rhythm now. I just don't feel right.
    I know what you mean, having stuff I wouldn't normally have over Christmas made me feel like crap, which is good I guess.

  22. #22

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    I really need to to lose weight and have decided to have a proper go at doing so this year. I don't have have diabetes, but, like Mrs Steve R, am somewhat surprised that I don't do so, because, in many ways, I seem a natural candidate for it. I had made up my mind that I would try a soup and smoothies diet, but I'd be interested in hearing more about coconut oil - it seems that the oil helps with the weight loss process, but doesn't cause it, so how would your eating habits change if you started using it?

  23. #23

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I really need to to lose weight and have decided to have a proper go at doing so this year. I don't have have diabetes, but, like Mrs Steve R, am somewhat surprised that I don't do so, because, in many ways, I seem a natural candidate for it. I had made up my mind that I would try a soup and smoothies diet, but I'd be interested in hearing more about coconut oil - it seems that the oil helps with the weight loss process, but doesn't cause it, so how would your eating habits change if you started using it?
    TOBW, before you go ahead with a coconut oil/soup/smoothie diet I would go see a Dr or a nutritionist beforehand.
    I’m glad the coconut oil diet is working for Mrs S, but the evidence for it is anecdotal, there are not enough studies out there to show it helps reduce weight loss, though evidence does suggest that coconut oil increases the risk of CV events, and if, as you say, you’re surprised you don’t have diabetes already then you are probably at an elevated CV risk anyway.

  24. #24

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by OurManFlint II View Post
    What are you using (Apps, readers etc) to help control your blood sugar levels and does your Health Care Professional use anything to help you control?

    I work in Diabetes and what you have mentioned is the biggest challenge of all, you can have the tools, apps, medicine, white papers etc but its so hard to change habits of a lifetime. If the Pharma can crack that, they'll be laughing all the way to the bank!!

    One thing that is overlooked in Diabetes and i don't want to scare you (or maybe i do) is just how dangerous and f***ing annoying it is. Those that don't have it seems to think and accept that it is easy to control with a medicine. People who live with this disease NEVER get a break, even in their sleep, none stop.

    Good luck mate
    Not using anything like that.
    Just eating more sensibly, porridge or muesli for breakfast, sensible lunch, normal evening meal.
    Never add sugar to anything, cut beer to a minimum

    I know how dangerous it can be.
    My bro-in-law has it, but he has learning difficulties, and no matter how hard we try, he keeps eating junk food and drinking cola.
    Losing the toes off one leg didn't change him.
    He still has the same habits, even after losing his other leg below the knee!

  25. #25

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    I have read that Statins increase the risk of developing type 2 which ticks the box in my case.

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