Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
I dont know mate - but I reckon around 45k maybe , civil engineer types. They arent overly concerned - as they will go and work for whoever buys them out / takes over the contract. Seems to happen a lot in the construction / IT industry.

There is pension fund is deficit of 500m , but I know he has another pension setup (SIPP) and they both have rental properties they let out.

SkyNews earlier saying the UK end of it is sound, the problems seem to stem from valuations they put on overseas work Carillion were doing - it wasnt worth as much as they thought. Over valuation, over investment, over paid a dividend - hence they are now in debt. The Govt quite rightly wont bail them out, administration in the morning. Someone will buy up those UK contracts - guilt edged juicy Govt contracts.

I heard that Costain would be one of them - dont know if they are that big though.
I think the bigger problem is the lack of competition to these huge contracts , governments are under huge pressure to get the cheapest British deal , aligned with penalties costs , that exclude smaller construction companies ,very worrying trend , its like the left are pushing inwards and the right are aware of failure and blame,perhaps a halt to HS2 , and major infrastructures could be a welcomed choice and just concentrate on hospital /school builds only.

I'm sure the government will be blamed for others inefficient decisions , however the lack of UK choice Is probably why they got into bed with Carillion , other than that its off shore companies , and we know what the press will say about that ,a s the per the outrage of the french /Chinese building nuclear plants.

You cant win