Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
It's the Donald Trump thread. Donald Trump posted a tweet. Every Donald Trump tweet is scrutinised and dissected by the words media. Mueller just indicted 13 Russians for posting stuff on Facebook and Twitter, but there was no Trump collusion, no Americans involved, and no effect on US elections.Sorry for posting current news

PS my posts are balanced. These was no Trump-Russia-Collusion. The naughty stuff was done by the Obama administration, FBI & DOJ to stop Trump becoming president, and then trying to overthrow him once he got there.
Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
You still think something is going to happen to Trump? Mueller just played his best hand, and it turns out he only had a High Card, and not a very good one at that. Wait until the the OIG report comes out, and then you will find out what really went on.
So to sum up, the guy who yesterday sneeringly called me a 'resident expert' on a subject I've never spoken about, is, in the space of fifteen minutes, claiming:

a) Intimate knowledge of treasonous acts performed by the Obama White House
b) Complete confidence that there was no collusion between Russians and Trump's team
c) The full extent of the Mueller investigation and its outcome, even though it's still ongoing
d) The extent and outcome of an unfinished and unpublished OIG report

Not bad for a guy who spends every day on a Cardiff City messageboard!