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Thread: Corbyn the Cold War spy

  1. #1

    Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Why on earth would anyone vote for this idiot who clearly hates this country.

  2. #2

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Why on Earth would any idiot believe such a ludicrous story?

  3. #3

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Why on Earth would any idiot believe such a ludicrous story?
    Its funny how it mysteriously appears the day after Boris' speech falls flat.

    I think people began to switch off to the anti-Corbyn stuff during the last election so it is interesting that CCHQ still perseveres with it as their primary weapon.

  4. #4
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Why on earth would anyone vote for this idiot who clearly hates this country.

  5. #5

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Why on earth would anyone vote for this idiot who clearly hates this country.
    I did,l would,l will.

  6. #6

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    I would vote for him over the capitalist Tory scum anytime

  7. #7

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Why on earth would anyone vote for this idiot who clearly hates this country.
    He is a Privy Councillor which means he has been fully vetted by the security services and is squeaky clean. They are clever people. You are very silly.

  8. #8

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    I wouldn't vote for him as he is pro - brexit. Simple !

    Will make it easier for his Russian pals to march in when we are little Britain all alone.

  9. #9

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Why on earth would anyone vote for this idiot who clearly hates this country.
    This story is all about Corbyn refusing to do as he is told by the Israel lobby. Anyone who opposes them will be destroyed.

  10. #10
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Don't understand all the fuss, it's quite clear where his politics and allegiances are ,he's not hidden them ,and the story supports that , so let's just move on, vote for him or not ,it's that bloody simple

  11. #11

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    This story is all about Corbyn refusing to do as he is told by the Israel lobby. Anyone who opposes them will be destroyed.
    Not the thread's theme but can't be bothered to create a new one. My doom antenna, which is finely tuned, is humming. I predict it's going to kick-off big time in Syria within the next three days. If, and it's a big if, Russia directly engages Yanks or Ashkenazi forces in Assad's defence then we're on for the big one, else a huge Middle East conflict will ensue as Syria/Iran won't allow the partition of the country without a fight.

  12. #12

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Corbyn is an ideological idiot - and there are plenty of other ideological idiots out there who will vote for him - who believe the dream / bollox he is promising. So if an idiot votes for an idiot - that doesnt actually make him a genius.

    It seems in this case https://news.sky.com/story/jeremy-co...d-war-11253891 Corbyn was done up like a kipper - a willing kipper from someone who doesnt necessary hate this country - but someone who despises any politics other than his own - is prepared to jeopardise the security of it.

    It is akin to letting an ex bank robber who has now been 'reformed' and wants to be in charge of the bank...... - there are better left wing candidates out there
    I cringe at Corbyn quite regularly but the plan since 2010 has failed at almost every turn. The ideology has failed in practice, trickle down is a myth, QE hasn't worked (unless the aim was to hand extra cash to the richest people), this has led to almost every one of their own targets being missed. So what do we do? Everyone who dismisses this governments (including 2010-now) approach based on factual evidence is an idiot now?

  13. #13

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I strangely agree with you Eric, and it is partly that failure that has let Corbyn in - and the fact that Margaret Beckett lent Corbyn her vote so he could get on the ballot box in the first place "I was a moron to give my vote to Corbyn" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33625612

    The simple answer is - if it was that easy it would have been done by now. The long answer is - there is no quick solution - trying to get the deficit down alone was a near impossible task - anyway the thread is not about economics, it's about Corbyn and his credibility.

    My own opinion - he is an ideological dreamer, that has never been anything other than a back bencher before becoming leader, so it's easy to carp on from the side lines - it's a bit harder - when you have to write the cheques / balance the books / keep everyone onside. If you think Trump is bad - wait till you get a real idiot in charge of a country.
    The final paragraph makes no sense. All the reasons you list for Corbyn being unqualified make Trump even more so. So why would he be worse?

  14. #14
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    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    The final paragraph makes no sense. All the reasons you list for Corbyn being unqualified make Trump even more so. So why would he be worse?
    Th PM of our country has much more power than the president of the USA,.

    Trumps only real power is the armed forces , which we may not need if JC comes to power.

  15. #15

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Th PM of our country has much more power than the president of the USA,.

    Trumps only real power is the armed forces , which we may not need if JC comes to power.
    Unless Corbyn guts the plp then what you are saying is absolutely not true.

  16. #16

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Basically as others have said - The President of the USA has certain limits on what he can get through - so in Trumps case - military action, lowering tax (I think) and building a wall.

    A Prime Minister can do just about whatever they want - as long as they can take the cabinet with them. So in Corbyn's case - he would have no problem with a cabinet, he would have no problem with MPs as they will have all had to pass a Momentum check list - or be deselected, and he has changed the Labour leadership process as he not ?
    - Mandatory deselection is talked about a lot but I don't actually think the appetite for it is over egged.
    - Labour would need a majority in the house to have anything like the power you are suggesting (if they gut the party of popular constituency MP's then they almost certainly wouldn't gain one).

  17. #17
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Unless Corbyn guts the plp then what you are saying is absolutely not true.
    I think he would gut a lot of things, his anti western ,establishment and big business is well documented , we wont need borders just extra housing, hospitals ,school's and a beafed up welfare bill.

  18. #18

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Why on earth would anyone vote for this idiot who clearly hates this country.
    Give it a few years and he'll be out of the way, and this experimental period of immaturity and silliness in British politics will be over. Given time, he will be reviled and laughed at even more than Michael Foot or the hapless Gordon Brown.

    It's just a phase that's all. Just a phase. Just a like a fancy new crepe shop that pops up. People think "Oooh that's new let's give it a try." Responses range from "ooh lovely" to "uuurgh that's odd". And eventually the fad or phase goes away. Years later people wonder what the fuss was all about. The only people that don't need to experiment are the ones who know it isn't new and was done all before, decades ago, and resulted in disaster. To them, it is money for old rope. To those who don't remember it they think it's new or novelty. But it's just a phase. Give it time and one way or another, most will come to their senses and he'll barely figure in the annals of history.

  19. #19

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    As said Corbyn seems to be an ideological idiot, that couldnt run a bath let alone a country.
    It's the people behind Corbyn I find quite sinister, the creeping anti jewishness, the momentum short listing and de selection threat. The promise to spend 250 BILLION over 10 years.

    To say they are way too far to the left is an understatement ... so not my bag, I just fear that the dreamers out there are being hood winked by it, just like I was by the union campaigns of the 80's.

    Not overtly fussed on the conservatives at the moment either - so very little choice at the moment. The only saving grace is that even with the conservatives getting distracted by Brexit etc - Labour still seem to be in complete disarray, a front bench that no one likes, and all the talent Labour did have has been replaced by amateur at best, politicians.

    Keir Staman - I have time for, Dianne Abbott - I switch off now, Chuka - is a choker - when he had the chance he cited press intrusion - although that problem never seems to stop him popping up on every news program these days.

    Back to the 3 spies, it seems they were all used for information - and paid for providing it - I doubt we'll have a Trump / FBI style interrogation though
    The founder and chairman of momentum is Jewish. You can read a lot about him in the right wing tabloid press, he is typified as a money grabbing Jewish champagne socialist (which obviously isn't anti-Semitic at all).

    Which bits of the manifesto were far-left in your opinion? Labour are beyond far left at the minute so it isn't a difficult question for you to answer.

  20. #20

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    The founder and chairman of momentum is Jewish. You can read a lot about him in the right wing tabloid press, he is typified as a money grabbing Jewish champagne socialist (which obviously isn't anti-Semitic at all).

    Which bits of the manifesto were far-left in your opinion? Labour are beyond far left at the minute so it isn't a difficult question for you to answer.
    Now that Raul Castro has stood down in Cuba, perhaps Jeeremy Corbyn ought to die his beard a latino-dark colour and change citizenship. He can then help move Cuba to the right.

  21. #21

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Labour Party has three separate “categories” of anti-Semitism but has “a lot of denial” that the problem exists, the founder of the Corbynite group Momentum has admitted.

    Jon Lansman, who is himself Jewish, said Labour must do more to “stamp out anti-Semitism in the party, though he said there is no “one size fits all” solution to the problem.

    Antisemitism inside Labour must be dealt with despite a “lot of denial” that the party has a problem, the founder of the pro-Corbyn group Momentum said yesterday.

    Speaking at a Jewish cultural festival, Jon Lansman (went to private school - so a good socialist then) said that there were three categories of prejudice towards Jewish people within the party, ranging from “petty remarks about big noses” to “blood libel”.

    Seems to me - like the Leader of Momentum and Corbyn's bum licker in chief thinks there is a problem


    "Unlike some on the hard Left, Lansman has been willing to admit that Labour has a problem with anti-Semitism"

    I seem to remember you calling someone a member of the Gestapo (Nazi secret Police) last week
    I am not sure Mr Lansman had much control over where he went to school. I am also not sure what the point of any of that is. I know nothing of the inner workings of the Labour party as i am not a member, they probably do have a problem. It feels like you were trying to avoid the question.

    I'll try again.

    Which bits of the manifesto were far-left in your opinion? Labour are beyond far left at the minute so it isn't a difficult question for you to answer.

  22. #22

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    Now that Raul Castro has stood down in Cuba, perhaps Jeeremy Corbyn ought to die his beard a latino-dark colour and change citizenship. He can then help move Cuba to the right.
    I thought political satire was meant to be easy in these days of Corbyn, Trump and brexit.

    Question is open to you too.

  23. #23

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I thought political satire was meant to be easy in these days of Corbyn, Trump and brexit.

    Question is open to you too.
    What question?

  24. #24

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Eric - it may come as a surprise to you - but you dont tell me what to do - #gestapo

    I mentioned Lansman - as you seemed to think that because Lansman is Jewish and started "momentum" that ergo Labour doesnt have a problem with anti semitism - I think you will find that Lansman does in fact think Labour has a problem with anti-semites in its party - as he himself has said

    Re Policy / Manifesto - I couldnt give a f uck mate and I wont be going to do your research for you either. You should be able to wipe your own bottom by now - do it yourself.

    Is this the bit now where you start to mention Grindr and peoples cock size (like you did previously)
    I am just asking you to explain what you mean. Do you not know yourself?

    To say they are way too far to the left is an understatement ... so not my bag
    Just wondering how you reached this conclusion.

  25. #25

    Re: Corbyn the Cold War spy

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    What question?
    This one that was for ninianclark:

    Which bits of the manifesto were far-left in your opinion? Labour are beyond far left at the minute so it isn't a difficult question for you to answer.
    I hear very often that Labour are a far left party, I don't really see it. There are questions to be asked of it's leadership and momentum certainly but beyond John McDonnell saying the occasional silly thing (that they could never realistically put into practice as government) the majority of what they push are popular ideas (centre/left of centre).

    This approach is becoming really common in politics (and really really common on here), presenting someones opinion as polarised for effect - Far right/Far left, it is the main thing that inhibits meaningful debate.

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