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Thread: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

  1. #1

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Trump playing 10D chess again? It's certainly unexpected news.

    Did you read about the Coptic Christians in Egypt meeting with the Saudis?

  2. #2

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post

    So it appears whatever pressure was applied has had an affect :-
    Kim will have face to face talks with Trump. They are committed to denuclearisation. Halt all nuclear and missile tests whilst US-South Korean military drills will go on.

    Something has happened that has rattled the cage, US promised them something perhaps, will certainly p1ss off the chinese, would love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting, the fact that it is in May seems very soon though.
    The North Koreans won't denuclearise. Nothing in it for them. Their tests is what has made the Americans talk to them, which they never have before. Lose them and they're back to the backwaters.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    The Trump is changing the world order love of hate him ,he's no sit on the fence politician , with big hitting decesions like , banning immigration from unstable countries, recognising Jerusalem ,threatening tariffs to protect American jobs , intervention in american cars made in Mexico , faced up to North Korea with tough sanctions ,dropping of the MOAB bomb on ISIS , recognises and says what a lot think about Iran.

    I'm no fan of his politics or his unsavoury behaviours, but I also dislike liberal left luvvy politics that some folk and nations exploit our society for thier own end and evil agendas , as the West has far better democratic fa
    society's. (were not perfect , but we have more tolerance and care)

  4. #4

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    The Trump is changing the world order love of hate him ,he's no sit on the fence politician , with big hitting decesions like , banning immigration from unstable countries, recognising Jerusalem ,threatening tariffs to protect American jobs , intervention in american cars made in Mexico , faced up to North Korea with tough sanctions ,dropping of the MOAB bomb on ISIS , recognises and says what a lot think about Iran.

    I'm no fan of his politics or his unsavoury behaviours, but I also dislike liberal left luvvy politics that some folk and nations exploit our society for thier own end and evil agendas , as the West has far better democratic fa
    society's. (were not perfect , but we have more tolerance and care)
    He is also facing down the intel agencies who were spying on behalf of the ruling elites in order to maintain their position of power. How widespread is this practice, global perhaps?

  5. #5

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I tend to agree, he's certainly not a Dem and not much of a Republican. He appears to be doing the job like only he knows how - treating everything as a business deal.

    Years of Bush's, Clinton, Obama doing nothing about North Korea created the mess. Whatever the reason or the cause of it. Maybe it was sabre rattling , maybe it was their weapons advance, this direction seems to be a better route. Although as per there will be people who will find a problem with it.
    The cause was corruption of the highest level, everything was about personal enrichment (which is slowly being uncovered). The people who will find a problem with it are those who get their news from sources who are also players in the same game.

  6. #6

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Hopefully the negotiations will include something about making life better for ordinary nk's who appear to have been completely forgotten.

    Also, I thought it was wrong to talk to brutal violent regimes who you don't understand? Doesn't it mean you are on their side?

  7. #7

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Don't forget Trump still has another 7 years in office, so this is only the beginning!

  8. #8

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Don't forget Trump still has another 7 years in office, so this is only the beginning!

  9. #9

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Trump said that he spoke to North Korea on the phone to set up the meeting. Unfortunately he was actually speaking to the South Korean president.

    But I'm sure his real talks will go well. 10D chess can be tricky sometimes.

  10. #10

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Any jaw jaw is better then war war.

    I’ll hold back before I praise Donny as the second coming though just yet as an hour on the shifter with his hand on his Twitter is a long time for 45 to change his mind again.

  11. #11

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post

    So it appears whatever pressure was applied has had an affect :-
    Kim will have face to face talks with Trump. They are committed to denuclearisation. Halt all nuclear and missile tests whilst US-South Korean military drills will go on.

    Something has happened that has rattled the cage, US promised them something perhaps, will certainly p1ss off the chinese, would love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting, the fact that it is in May seems very soon though.
    It could be that Trump would say he is prepared to nuke North Korea, killing millions of innocent people, just to prove a point. No other American President would have that blood on their hands, but Trump? Yes, I reckon he's mad and egocentric enough to do so.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Its a very strange ,a very dislike-able person, who make my skin crawl, is kicking the stuffing out of the systems and world order ,which slightly pleases me in some of the issues he has taken on ( not all though )

    I think he will serve a second term ( Bookmarked myself )

  13. #13

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Tony Blair shared a kiss with Gadaffi in a tent in Libya, Theresa May met the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia yesterday - we like like some violent regimes more than others. We have some political groups demonstrating the Saudi visit - they couldnt manage to find the Russian or Syrian embassy though

    The truth of the matter is - that it needs to be addressed. Hearing the mood music from North Korea - something has happened, which means a change is coming - either they open up their borders and try and build their economy (doubtful as he'll be toppled once they find out what the rest of the world is like) or they will get rid of their nukes in return for food, investment etc. The latter probably.
    I don't think their is a chance they will actually disarm, the only reason USA can be bothered to meet is because trump needs a win and they are a bit wobbly on the capabilities of the NK nuclear arsenal. NK simply want to pretend to their captives (the people of NK) they stand on an equal footing to the USA. How do you think this meeting will be relayed to the people of NK? 'evil and scared usa president begs powerful Kim to give up nuclear arms'. Phoney propaganda from the two most egotistical leaders in the world.

    Or maybe I'm a cynic and this will all be sorted over a cup of tea and a handshake.

  14. #14

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    I find it amazing that people believe North Korea is an evil aggressor - when did they ever invade another country or overthrow foreign governments? The answer is never. Yet the Yanks have been in a state of perpetual war for decades, and they are the perceived goodies. It's bollox!

  15. #15

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I find it amazing that people believe North Korea is an evil aggressor - when did they ever invade another country or overthrow foreign governments? The answer is never. Yet the Yanks have been in a state of perpetual war for decades, and they are the perceived goodies. It's bollox!
    So true.

  16. #16

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I find it amazing that people believe North Korea is an evil aggressor - when did they ever invade another country or overthrow foreign governments? The answer is never. Yet the Yanks have been in a state of perpetual war for decades, and they are the perceived goodies. It's bollox!
    Well they did go South big time in 1950....😃😃

    But yes I see your point, this does reek of macho cock aggrandising by the organge faced one and his chums.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I find it amazing that people believe North Korea is an evil aggressor - when did they ever invade another country or overthrow foreign governments? The answer is never. Yet the Yanks have been in a state of perpetual war for decades, and they are the perceived goodies. It's bollox!
    You can add the Russians into the mix ,they like a bit of territorial pissing

  18. #18

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Interesting discussion on the world at one today where all the options were discussed. The historical political 'experts' on it all had varying opinions on it including the Russians and Chinese options - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09tc4xr#play

    Worth a listen to all of it - starts 7minutes in.

    I think Trump will offer the NK's something which China didnt want to - prosperity and a safe haven for the Jong-un family.
    Trump will offer the North Koreans something in exchange for....what?

  19. #19
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Trump will offer the North Koreans something in exchange for....what?
    Hair leadership tips

  20. #20

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Very few people know the true situation that exists between all these major powers. The rest of us are merely guessing. We're led to believe USA and Russia are arch enemies these days as they supposedly were over decades during the Cold War. That was a period of over 30 years in which their respective armed forces didn't exchange so much as a single bullet but arms manufacturers made a mint and financiers enjoyed a very cosy relationship behind the scenes away from the public bluster.

  21. #21

    Re: Trump face to face talks with Kim Jong-un

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Very few people know the true situation that exists between all these major powers. The rest of us are merely guessing. We're led to believe USA and Russia are arch enemies these days as they supposedly were over decades during the Cold War. That was a period of over 30 years in which their respective armed forces didn't exchange so much as a single bullet but arms manufacturers made a mint and financiers enjoyed a very cosy relationship behind the scenes away from the public bluster.
    Tell that to Gary Powers! Agree about arms manufacturers and their political allies engineering a narrative to serve their own ends though. Who would have predicted that the only substantive change that looks to emerge from the Florida school shooting is the state paying more to arm and train teachers?

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