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Thread: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

  1. #1

    Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    He was a spy. A double agent apparently. That’s a serious bloody thing to be. He knew it was a huge risk surely.
    His poor daughter presumably was collateral but we don’t know that.
    I feel desperately for the innocent policeman that went to their aid. Praying for him.
    More coverage on him would be appropriate. Not sure he even got a mention in the house today.
    These spies are a legitimate target surely. What do they expect. A pat on the back.

    In the Al Hilli case the wife turned out to be the more likely target in the final analysis. We are expected to believe the death of her former husband in the USA in a car crash on the same blinking day was a coincidence.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    You can't have legimate targets on your soil endangering other innocent folk who might be nearby , it's an attempted act of murder .

  3. #3

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    We bring it on ourselves by allowing spies and former spies to live here.
    The story that he was feeding the yanks info on the alleged Russian interference in the US election is interesteing. See the other thread here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysAway2 View Post
    We bring it on ourselves by allowing spies and former spies to live here.
    The story that he was feeding the yanks info on the alleged Russian interference in the US election is interesteing. See the other thread here.
    I do get all that , its still a poor act that endangered poor innocents like the police officer.

    Its worth considering that if it wasn't for spying /defections we might now be under Nazi rule, or Europe becoming a Soviet satellite , and many terrorist events may not have been halted in thier tracks going all the way back to the troubles in Ireland .

  5. #5

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Appears to be another obvious false flag. Why would the Russian state opt to attempt to murder someone in a haphazard, convoluted way with an ultra specialised nerve agent while knowing full well it would give a foreign government and controlled corporate media the opportunity to pump anti-Russian propaganda? It wouldn't. Same goes for why on earth would Syria lob poison gas on terrorist held areas when they're winning the conflict with conventional weapons.

    Russia has the resources to bump off easy targets anywhere on the planet a thousand different ways. They wouldn't need to risk one of their agents to put a bullet in someone when they could sub it out to any number of assassins.

    In the past 10 days Putin delivered a two-hour long State of the Union speech and gave a 90-minute long interview to an American TV network. In the first he revealed that they'd developed a range of hypersonic missiles capable of overcoming all defences. He stated that if Russia was attacked with a nuke he'd respond in kind - i.e. mutually assured destruction. In the TV interview he said some US elites wanted war with Russia but Trump is resisting them. He's been saying that some crazies think they can defeat Russia by launching a shock and awe type blitz; Putin's remarks suggest he'll end all life on earth. including those elites holed-up in DUMBs, as a deterrent.

  6. #6

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Appears to be another obvious false flag. Why would the Russian state opt to attempt to murder someone in a haphazard, convoluted way with an ultra specialised nerve agent while knowing full well it would give a foreign government and controlled corporate media the opportunity to pump anti-Russian propaganda? It wouldn't. Same goes for why on earth would Syria lob poison gas on terrorist held areas when they're winning the conflict with conventional weapons.

    Russia has the resources to bump off easy targets anywhere on the planet a thousand different ways. They wouldn't need to risk one of their agents to put a bullet in someone when they could sub it out to any number of assassins.

    In the past 10 days Putin delivered a two-hour long State of the Union speech and gave a 90-minute long interview to an American TV network. In the first he revealed that they'd developed a range of hypersonic missiles capable of overcoming all defences. He stated that if Russia was attacked with a nuke he'd respond in kind - i.e. mutually assured destruction. In the TV interview he said some US elites wanted war with Russia but Trump is resisting them. He's been saying that some crazies think they can defeat Russia by launching a shock and awe type blitz; Putin's remarks suggest he'll end all life on earth. including those elites holed-up in DUMBs, as a deterrent.
    Superb post. Reading it again.
    Have to agree. No way would Russia have used nerve agent.
    It’s been made to look like a Russian act.
    No evidence here like there was in the Litvinyenko murder. Just suspicion.

    Show me the evidence.

  7. #7

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysAway2 View Post
    We bring it on ourselves by allowing spies and former spies to live here.
    The story that he was feeding the yanks info on the alleged Russian interference in the US election is interesteing. See the other thread here.
    Britain Accuses Russia of Poisoning—Trump Won't Agree

    A normal White House would have rushed to its ally’s defense by now.


  8. #8

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Appears to be another obvious false flag. Why would the Russian state opt to attempt to murder someone in a haphazard, convoluted way with an ultra specialised nerve agent while knowing full well it would give a foreign government and controlled corporate media the opportunity to pump anti-Russian propaganda? It wouldn't. Same goes for why on earth would Syria lob poison gas on terrorist held areas when they're winning the conflict with conventional weapons.

    Russia has the resources to bump off easy targets anywhere on the planet a thousand different ways. They wouldn't need to risk one of their agents to put a bullet in someone when they could sub it out to any number of assassins.

    In the past 10 days Putin delivered a two-hour long State of the Union speech and gave a 90-minute long interview to an American TV network. In the first he revealed that they'd developed a range of hypersonic missiles capable of overcoming all defences. He stated that if Russia was attacked with a nuke he'd respond in kind - i.e. mutually assured destruction. In the TV interview he said some US elites wanted war with Russia but Trump is resisting them. He's been saying that some crazies think they can defeat Russia by launching a shock and awe type blitz; Putin's remarks suggest he'll end all life on earth. including those elites holed-up in DUMBs, as a deterrent.
    It is an obvious inside job. When they searched the house of this rotten spy they probably found a vial of poison labelled "Property of Mr. Putin c/o Kremlin". We have the most clueless electorate in the world. Some of the idiots I talk to even believe the Russians did it.

    Forty years ago journalists like the Times Insight Team would have been all over this. They all know the story has more holes than a Swiss cheese. But today the UK media are completely controlled by the evil elite. Journalists are just writing about how we should punish Putin rather than looking for evidence. The twisted underpants vicar who represents Rhondda is now calling for RT to be banned. Can you just imagine the sordid info Mossad has on that weirdo? They don't even have to buy him off.

    This is all about Israel. The Labour MPs who are saying Corbyn is soft on Russia all have links to Israel.

  9. #9

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Looks like the PM & HS have had a few sleepless nights?

  10. #10
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post

    Looks like the PM & HS have had a few sleepless nights?
    least they are saying something , dont think its good behavior to smile whilst chatting about nerve agents and potential death ,what's JC's view ,hes allegedly is a bit closer to the east ?

  11. #11
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Appears to be another obvious false flag. Why would the Russian state opt to attempt to murder someone in a haphazard, convoluted way with an ultra specialised nerve agent while knowing full well it would give a foreign government and controlled corporate media the opportunity to pump anti-Russian propaganda? It wouldn't. Same goes for why on earth would Syria lob poison gas on terrorist held areas when they're winning the conflict with conventional weapons.

    Russia has the resources to bump off easy targets anywhere on the planet a thousand different ways. They wouldn't need to risk one of their agents to put a bullet in someone when they could sub it out to any number of assassins.

    In the past 10 days Putin delivered a two-hour long State of the Union speech and gave a 90-minute long interview to an American TV network. In the first he revealed that they'd developed a range of hypersonic missiles capable of overcoming all defences. He stated that if Russia was attacked with a nuke he'd respond in kind - i.e. mutually assured destruction. In the TV interview he said some US elites wanted war with Russia but Trump is resisting them. He's been saying that some crazies think they can defeat Russia by launching a shock and awe type blitz; Putin's remarks suggest he'll end all life on earth. including those elites holed-up in DUMBs, as a deterrent.
    14 false flags and counting

  12. #12
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

  13. #13

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    What on earth are we playing at? Poke Russia, they give us the finger, all our 'allies' are temporarily MIA and we have to back down. The Tories have already made it clear that they won't do the one thing at their disposal - kick dodgy Russian money out of London. So where does this go?

  14. #14

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    The beloved guardian says it was the Russians what did it - https://www.theguardian.com/politics...-politics-live

    John Mao McDonnell says Labour MP's should not talk to Russia Today, Jezza Corbynski slaps him down for that though here. While Jezza took the political opportunity to blame Russian oligachs for donating funds to the conservative party

    Russian ambassador says when Russia / USSR broke up - any number of states could have taken that material and now using it against them (urm.. not sure on that one myself)

    Meanwhile Tom Watson is wondering whether to give back the 500,000 spanking donation from Max Mosely even after a newspaper ran a story that he appeared to be anti semitic , attending anti Jewish demos etc back in the 1960's.

    Yet another week in the weird and wonderful world of british politics
    You appear to be only talking about one party

    I'm shocked because you are normally so balanced Mambo (Aren't you meant to at least throw in the token criticism of another party just to prove your objectivity?)

  15. #15
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    You appear to be only talking about one party

    I'm shocked because you are normally so balanced Mambo (Aren't you meant to at least throw in the token criticism of another party just to prove your objectivity?)
    There's very little balance on yer.

  16. #16

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    There's very little balance on yer.
    In English?

  17. #17

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    I thought I had here - "Russian oligachs for donating funds to the conservative party" ,

    John Mao McDonnell says Labour MP's should not talk to Russia Today, Jezza Corbynski slaps him down for that though here. While Jezza took the political opportunity to blame Russian oligachs for donating funds to the conservative party
    You are clearly making a point about the conservative party here

    Not all Russian Oligachs are mates with Putin though, or work for the Russian Secret service.
    Those ones that aren't tend to get strangled...

    I forgot to add - you need to add your voting history - for the last 25 years or so.
    That would be tricky.

  18. #18

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    The deadline is looming...

  19. #19

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    From the age of 18, whats your voting record, candidate and party (and why?)
    I honestly don't actually remember. It is practically irrelevant as my seat is the definition of a safe Tory seat. I think labour got within 5000 in 97. I have voted green and labour depending on what is going on in the local area and who is a bit of a nob.

    Quite predictable I guess. Is this the bit you tell me you have voted for every major party? I don't really see that as a badge of honour, either you are voting based on whichever party best serves your interests at that time (which is a selfish) or you don't even know yourself what you believe is the correct approach to fundamental issues.

  20. #20

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    I bet the PM is waiting on your opinion Eric as to what she does next.....
    Well it's either nuclear war, an embarrassing climb down or something actually worthwhile that might cost us some blood money.

  21. #21
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    A subject like this should cross party poltics, and be looked at objectively , will it , nah , someone is placing our citizens in danger and I think the majority of folk know, who has history in this matter .

  22. #22

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    The current political climate has a lot to do with the chancing of the arm by Russia.

    How are the U.K. supposed to respond ? Weve got no status on the world stage. We’ve fallen out with the EU, Trump makes a few token gestures but he respects and believes Nigel Farage more then Theresa May.

    Let’s face it we’rve haven’t been so vulnerable for a long time and it’s only going to get worse.

  23. #23

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    The current political climate is sat had a lot to do with the chancing of the arm by Rissia.

    How in the U.K. are supposed to respond ? We’ve fallen out wit the eh EU, Trump makes a few token gestures but he respects and believes Nigel Farage more then Theresa May.

    Let’s face it we’rve haven’t been so vulnerable for a long time and it’s only going to get worse.
    The EU comes to the rescue in our hour of need and we all live happily ever after?

  24. #24

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The EU comes to the rescue in our hour of need and we all live happily ever after?
    Nice thought, doubtful though eh 😃

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    The current political climate has a lot to do with the chancing of the arm by Russia.

    How are the U.K. supposed to respond ? Weve got no status on the world stage. We’ve fallen out with the EU, Trump makes a few token gestures but he respects and believes Nigel Farage more then Theresa May.

    Let’s face it we’rve haven’t been so vulnerable for a long time and it’s only going to get worse.
    You even get politicians appearing on some UK based Russian television , imagine that happening in the great suppressed democracies of Russia,Syria and Iran ,at least the evil USA ,Israel and UK allows some freedoms and tolerances.

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