Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
The beloved guardian says it was the Russians what did it - https://www.theguardian.com/politics...-politics-live

John Mao McDonnell says Labour MP's should not talk to Russia Today, Jezza Corbynski slaps him down for that though here. While Jezza took the political opportunity to blame Russian oligachs for donating funds to the conservative party

Russian ambassador says when Russia / USSR broke up - any number of states could have taken that material and now using it against them (urm.. not sure on that one myself)

Meanwhile Tom Watson is wondering whether to give back the 500,000 spanking donation from Max Mosely even after a newspaper ran a story that he appeared to be anti semitic , attending anti Jewish demos etc back in the 1960's.

Yet another week in the weird and wonderful world of british politics
You appear to be only talking about one party

I'm shocked because you are normally so balanced Mambo (Aren't you meant to at least throw in the token criticism of another party just to prove your objectivity?)