Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
The people on here attacking Corbyn for not rushing in and blaming Russia for the Salisbury false flag operation are complete and utter morons.

Corbyn is just saying that we need to follow the rules of the Chemical Weapons Convention. There is a protocol to be followed when it is suspected that chemical weapons have been used. It looks as if May has ignored this protocol.

It is interesting to note that Israel is one of the few countries (along with North Korea) not to ratify the Chemical Weapons Convention.

According to The Mail several Labour MPs (all Labour Friends of Israel as far as I can see) have signed an early day motion stating "This house unequivocally accepts the Russian state’s culpability for the poisoning of Yulia and Sergey Skripal."

Here is an interesting link to Israeli interference in our affairs :


They will stop at nothing to get what they want.
Not attacking him on this point ( he has a point actually ) its his general silence on all things Russian that worries me .