Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
I’m not bothered what punishment they get, I wouldn’t really want them to be docked points, that’s not fair on thier fans who have done nothing wrong. I just think it’s a point of principle, a club can’t pull a fast one like this and be allowed to get away with it. It just plain wrong.
A lot of people went to a lot of expense to travel up there that weekend. OK, so games can be prone to cancellation for reasons ranging from weather to the death of Princess Diana. Whilst docking points won't see some of those who spent a few quid on a hotel that night get their money back, it would send a message that clubs need to think twice before cancelling a game. A process needs to be put in place that involves all parties, including the opposition.

I wonder if Sky (they were due to show the game) are a little peeved too?