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Thread: John WoodCock (Lab) v Corbyn on Russian

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: John WoodCock (Lab) v Corbyn on Russian

    Well thats settled everything is fine , who is the lady in the background in glasses who vehemently agrees with him,with a lot of head nodding

  2. #2

    Re: John WoodCock (Lab) v Corbyn on Russian

    You are aware of what this is all about, aren't you? John Woodcock is chairman of Labour Friends of Israel. In other words Corbyn is not his boss. His orders come from another country. The Labour Party have, after a long time, a leader who represents the views of the average Socialist voter, but I doubt if he will be able to withstand the pressure from the "Israel first" lobby. If anyone is going to be "deselected" then it will be Corbyn not Woodcock.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: John WoodCock (Lab) v Corbyn on Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    You are aware of what this is all about, aren't you? John Woodcock is chairman of Labour Friends of Israel. In other words Corbyn is not his boss. His orders come from another country. The Labour Party have, after a long time, a leader who represents the views of the average Socialist voter, but I doubt if he will be able to withstand the pressure from the "Israel first" lobby. If anyone is going to be "deselected" then it will be Corbyn not Woodcock.
    Don't you think a potential leader should have a broader range of views , that are balanced across the spectrum of race and people , knowing that there are many innocent people being offended and isolated by one sided viewpoints and policy direction , we have learned from the past it is dangerous to appear one dimensional , in fact it can attract followers that hold extreme behaviors and view points .

  4. #4

    Re: John WoodCock (Lab) v Corbyn on Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Don't you think a potential leader should have a broader range of views , that are balanced across the spectrum of race and people , knowing that there are many innocent people being offended and isolated by one sided viewpoints and policy direction , we have learned from the past it is dangerous to appear one dimensional , in fact it can attract followers that hold extreme behaviors and view points .
    The Labour Friends of Israel MPs want Syria destroyed. That would allow Israel to grab even more land. The Russians are hated by Labour Friends of Israel MPs because they are blocking this land grab. Corbyn knows the first loyalty of these MPs is not to this country but he can't come out and say it. It has nothing to do with "a broader range of views".

  5. #5

    Re: John WoodCock (Lab) v Corbyn on Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Oh come on Vincey, Corbyn is not afraid of upsetting anyone, he is not afraid of telling anyone who will listen how it is.
    If he thought that, then he would come out and say it, wouldn't he ?

    ps if we have Labour Friends of Israel and Labour Friends of Palestine and Labour Friends of Hez Bollah, doesnt that about even it all out in terms of is looking after whose interests.

    It would be a lot better, if they could concentrate on this country rather than the usual Nigerian Womens Tin Mine Workers Against The Struggle co-operative - or whatever it is he is campaigning for this week
    He is on the the edge of a Labour Party coup organised by Labour Friends of Israel at the moment. He has to watch his step. Anyway a definition of anti-Semitism - written by an Israeli pressure group - which is being accepted by most countries includes criticism of Israel as a symptom of anti-semitism. It will be illegal to criticise Israel in this country.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: John WoodCock (Lab) v Corbyn on Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    He is on the the edge of a Labour Party coup organised by Labour Friends of Israel at the moment. He has to watch his step. Anyway a definition of anti-Semitism - written by an Israeli pressure group - which is being accepted by most countries includes criticism of Israel as a symptom of anti-semitism. It will be illegal to criticise Israel in this country.
    Is the sought after growing Muslim vote effecting the behaviors of the party , when you hear that an alleged 174 inquiries have been in play in a single party it does appear to be more that a pocket of people issue ,and an internal anti-Semitism inquiry ,am I missing something

  7. #7

    Re: John WoodCock (Lab) v Corbyn on Russian

    The average Jewish person wants to live in peace

    Zionists like their current leader want to land grab and ignore in resolutions

    Being anti Zionist is not being anti Semitic

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