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Thread: The children of Windrush

  1. #1

    The children of Windrush

    In May’s “toxic environment” you can live, work & pay taxes in Britain for over half a century - yet still be denied life saving NHS care, lose your job & be treated with utter contempt.

    Toxic? This is inhumane, vicious & utterly indefensible.


  2. #2

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Wasn't one of Tony Blair's murky foundations named Windrush? He shut it down pretty sharpish once Trump came on the scene, and had his eye on the Clinton Foundation.

  3. #3

    Re: The children of Windrush

    When I read about this story I sat and contemplated their plight against the backdrop of non-doms and worshipped tax-exiles from sport and business for just a few moments. What a ****ing stupid country we live in.

  4. #4

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Wasn't one of Tony Blair's murky foundations named Windrush? He shut it down pretty sharpish once Trump came on the scene, and had his eye on the Clinton Foundation.

  5. #5

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Harsh. I've only heard the name Windrush on two occasions. I was just wondering why Blair chose that name, something to do with moving people perhaps?

  6. #6

    Re: The children of Windrush

    I assume you’ve read the article and are aware of the awful way these UK citizens have been treated? This government stinks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Indeed dreadful stuff ,it seems no one has suffered and the government today has committed to a fix Mrs Rudd was annoyed at someone in the backroom over this

  8. #8

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by Auntie Andy View Post
    I assume you’ve read the article and are aware of the awful way these UK citizens have been treated? This government stinks.
    It's not just West Indian people who are being carted off to immigration centres for deportation, there have been many other cases too. It looks like they are going through government databases with a fine tooth comb looking for the flimsiest of cases.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2016

    Re: The children of Windrush

    goes way back apparently to 1973 so various governments

  10. #10

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's not just West Indian people who are being carted off to immigration centres for deportation, there have been many other cases too. It looks like they are going through government databases with a fine tooth comb looking for the flimsiest of cases.
    Like this well documented case in Cardiff.


    The way that young man was treated was just awful.

  11. #11

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    goes way back apparently to 1973 so various governments
    No, just the tories


  12. #12

    Re: The children of Windrush

    What seems particularly bad in regards to timing is that it’s been 50 years this week since Enoch Powell’s Rivers Of Blood speech.

  13. #13

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by Veg1960 View Post
    Beat me to it

  14. #14

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    goes way back apparently to 1973 so various governments
    Your Government is supporting a guide to help those not properly British live at 'home' in Jamaica. The first page tells people the area code for Jamaica.


  15. #15

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Sounds to me like a change was made, consequences not thought through and civil servants carrying it out to the letter etc.

    Has anyone been deported ?, I dont think they have. It will be amended as soon as possible to ensure it doesnt happen I would have thought.

    "New Home Office guidance relating to Commonwealth citizens who arrived in the UK before January 1973 says they will “most likely” have settled status and “the chances are” they are entitled to permanent residency.

    Immigration minister Caroline Nokes appeared to suggest that some individuals may already have been deported in error.


    A Home Office spokesperson said: “We are clear that Commonwealth citizens living in the UK before 1 January 1973 are adequately protected from removal – to report otherwise would be misleading. Legislation is complex and, when revising it, it is the normal process to simplify it where possible and remove duplications in law.”
    I think you’ll find people have been deported. Why are people so quick to defend this government when they have clearly treated their own citizens in this way?


    Oh and also civil servants carry out the laws set out by government, this government.

  16. #16
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    Mar 2016

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Sounds to me like a change was made, consequences not thought through and civil servants carrying it out to the letter etc.

    Has anyone been deported ?, I dont think they have. It will be amended as soon as possible to ensure it doesnt happen I would have thought.

    "New Home Office guidance relating to Commonwealth citizens who arrived in the UK before January 1973 says they will “most likely” have settled status and “the chances are” they are entitled to permanent residency.

    A Home Office spokesperson said: “We are clear that Commonwealth citizens living in the UK before 1 January 1973 are adequately protected from removal – to report otherwise would be misleading. Legislation is complex and, when revising it, it is the normal process to simplify it where possible and remove duplications in law.”
    Do agree monumental civil servant cock up rather than for some nasty political malicious reasons , the output if deliberate has no real impact on immigration figures ,it would just create awful headlines and pain for these poor people .

    Glad it's been spotted and stopped , now onto fixing the issues of other victims, isolated by poor poltics views and thoughts .

  17. #17

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by Auntie Andy View Post
    Why are people so quick to defend this government when they have clearly treated their own citizens in this way?
    It is a strange reaction considering they actively changed the law, this hasn't landed upon them. They were either thick or evil - I will give them the benefit of the doubt and say thick.

  18. #18
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    Mar 2016

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    It is a strange reaction considering they actively changed the law, this hasn't landed upon them. They were either thick or evil - I will give them the benefit of the doubt and say thick.
    Just listened to a lovely elderly lady from the Caribbean, who was caught up in this , she was so reasoned to why and how this has happened , not wishing to blame , but calmly and rightly seek a solution and explanation as to how some folk got caught between legislation changes since 1943 and the right to work 2012 bill brought about by folks attitude in this country to immigration.

    Some of these poor folk got caught due to simple ignorance, some caught through civil service incompetence, some through lack of understanding , and poor education , many of us in times like this rush to blame the political party they dislike so much , no one would wish this headline .

    If it was a thought through right wing political agenda ,it was a crazy one and an unlikely one in my view , as it effects a tiny minority in relation to the population ,and a much bigger unwanted headline.

    According to the Caribbean lady who came over with the Windrush , they are all mainly very elderly folk now , some too frightened/ cautious out of ignorance to come forward , or simply not that organised to find or able too substantiate thier lost or never held paperwork , it was left fester or was hidden away, as a consequence , by not coming forward that left them a void of not knowing on either side ,real folk and paperwork clock up then folliwed .

    All very sad, however ,thankfully it all looks like being addressed , thank God , as we owe them a lot.

    Going back in time , I can remember their arrival on our shores the dreadful headlines when they took up jobs in inner cities being badly taken ,folk looked down upon them called them names and isolated them into specific areas and communities and that in my experince ordinary working class folk, poorly aimed insults and name calling followed, which I won't repeat , as its was shameful ,as it was forced upon us by our own folk and not just as our inotbwilling to drive buses, trains , empty bins etc , how times have changed ,thankfully for the better ,that includes governents and awful folk like Enoch Powell and TV charecters like All Garnett accusing coloured folk of taking our jobs which ironically we didnt want , that was the biggest insult and crime we delivered to our Caribbean friends .

  19. #19

    Re: The children of Windrush

    I won’t and say evil

  20. #20

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Your support for this government is admirable but this is just another example of how this government treats those in society who need help the most. Good God even the DM are having a go, surely a first.


    And the guardian


  21. #21

    Re: The children of Windrush

    What I don’t understand was the need for Police/Immigration Officer raids and whisking them off to detention centres.

    I mean for FFS someone’s dropped a right bollock here.

  22. #22

    Re: The children of Windrush

    It looks like they have cobbled together some kind of legislation (a form!) as a short term fix.

    Some lady interviewed on the BBC news with her daughter described how she hid the initial inflamatory documentation received from her daughter to mitigate the stress on her.
    The daughter is rightly upset and angry, especially as they have been told they do not now have to leave the country within 6 months as originally stated.... but will need to be revisited in 2014. WTF

    Pigeon holing people is an obsession these days. The daughter was saying that even reference to the term 'windrush' is derogatory.
    Yes, it has been through many governments since the 'windrush' but Teresa May has to take responsibility in bringing this to a head.

    The government are crapping themselves at the undoubted public outcry ahead of the BBC programme which is being aired tonight.
    It will be uncomfortable watching and will cause more angst for our carribean friends who have suffered enough prejudice in this country for decades.

  23. #23

    Re: The children of Windrush

    FFS you patronising twat. For the last time I AM NOT YOUR LOVE. Give it a rest and accept that this government are a bunch of evil bastards.

  24. #24

    Re: The children of Windrush

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    You are just desperate for a story love, any story to get the news away from your anti Israel, anti zionist mates over at Labour HQ

    No one has been deported over this, Home Office quote this morning on Radio4 .

    The law was changed as the advice was that the windrush kids were already covered in other existing laws etc.

    Im sure you can find something soon though, maybe a Tory councillor in the Home Counties whose married his goat and then denied the goats human rights etc
    People have been detained though. As someone who worked in the Criminal Justice system from what I saw it looks a pretty horrific experience especially when you haven’t done anything wrong.

    Some what flippant response I think.

  25. #25

    Re: The children of Windrush

    He’s a Tory troll NQAT. They still don’t know if anyone had been deported


    Amber Rudd delivered an unprecedented apology in the Commons on Monday for the “appalling” actions of her department.

    So there you go, never trust a Tory.

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