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Thread: The up all night World War 3 thread.

  1. #26

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's the hidden Instagram account of that former underage girl who Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew both have in common (Epstein related). I follow John Podesta on Twitter, and the image popped on my feed. I just mentioned it as you seem to be knowledgeable about Q, which I am not.

    BTW, I follow him for political reasons, as he's in my basket of 50% influential leftists, but he does seem to attract a certain type of follower!

  2. #27
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    BTW, I follow him for political reasons, as he's in my basket of 50% influential leftists, but he does seem to attract a certain type of follower!

    I follow lefties and righties, twitter & press, you have to try and balance between them. Been following Q since it started back in October in addition to the CBTS & various other 8 chan boards, i tend to think Q as an authorised psyop and also is a team of people, the writing styles change from time to time, some of the dissemination of the Syria bombing has been interesting reading. The Ray Chandler stuff was given to the masses by Q, there was a lot more stuff posted on this once this crumb was posted, the cryptic posts are way beyond my thought process but the anon followers go to town with it, i see Comey has had a right leathering today, the seed has been sewn but we will have a bit more Stormy Daniels this week, i'm not sure Bill had as much attention when he was getting knoshed off in the oval office

  3. #28

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I follow lefties and righties, twitter & press, you have to try and balance between them. Been following Q since it started back in October in addition to the CBTS & various other 8 chan boards, i tend to think Q as an authorised psyop and also is a team of people, the writing styles change from time to time, some of the dissemination of the Syria bombing has been interesting reading. The Ray Chandler stuff was given to the masses by Q, there was a lot more stuff posted on this once this crumb was posted, the cryptic posts are way beyond my thought process but the anon followers go to town with it, i see Comey has had a right leathering today, the seed has been sewn but we will have a bit more Stormy Daniels this week, i'm not sure Bill had as much attention when he was getting knoshed off in the oval office
    Yep, it's best to stay sitting on the fence, positioned at the halfway line. Great view! Some people are so far left, or so far right, that they are sitting behind the corner flag!

  4. #29
    Join Date
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    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    Again what should be done about gassing innocent children

  5. #30

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    Trump and allies approach World War III in Syria, on literally no evidence

    How much do we really know about the alleged chemical attack in Syria? Almost nothing. Has anyone noticed?


  6. #31

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    Again what should be done about the hundreds of thousands already killed by conventional weapons. Why’s is gassing a child any different to putting a bullet in their head or leaving them to die under rubble caused by a bomb?

  7. #32

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

  8. #33

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.


    I thought this was an interesting read.

  9. #34

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    After reading the Fisk report even the most stupid people will now begin to realise that the wool was pulled over their eyes.

    Our evil government will not be bothered by the truth coming out. Telling us obvious lies is just another way of humiliating us. We are their prisoners and we can't do anything about it.

  10. #35

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I suppose the idiots on here will say that Pearson Sharp is Russian mole, but you can see from his blog that he is just an intelligent person who wanted to know what was really happening in Syria. Most British reporters just cut and paste government propaganda handouts.


  11. #36

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    Well at least the conspiracy theorists cant pin this one on oil being the real 'we' are trying to stop it.
    Other than nuclear weapons - chemical weapons are seen as the next worst type of bomb - so Ive read. As such 'normalised' use of them will never be allowed and stopped wherever possible. I presume because they can inflict a greater number of people in one go - rather than a 'gas'

    Would you step into every conflict where a child is killed ? - if you were a PM you'd bankrupt this country in weeks.
    If you are ok with letting kids die by Syrian/Russian chemical bombs being dropped on them - and then you doing nothing - then I guess that is your opinion.

    If we had done nothing you would be complaining we arent doing enough to stop them. Dialog is pointless with them. It wasnt about regime change (ala Tony Blair) , it wasnt even about helping the men women and children that had those chemicals dropped on them. It was about making sure he doesnt do it again. Lets see what they do next - my guess is that it wont happen again - but if it does - then we do it again.

    Now - whether those places had any chemicals still inside is another matter, Trump telling them the 'missiles' are coming meant they probably moved them anyway. But Putin and Assad are now under no illusion of the 'intent' by the the US,UK and France to do whatever it takes to stop it.

    The Russians early warning systems didnt detect the tomahawks last time - and by all accounts not this time either. They did fire some missiles but that was into thin air.
    Kinell, from beginning to end that was utter shite.

    Ultimately this is all about a debt-based money system that's dying and has been since the 1970s when growth spluttered and inflation along with even more debt filled the void. US national debt has doubled every eight years since then and is approaching $21 trillion. That scheme has almost run its course. The solution for the elite is another world war and massive depopulation.

  12. #37

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    I suppose the idiots on here will say that Pearson Sharp is Russian mole, but you can see from his blog that he is just an intelligent person who wanted to know what was really happening in Syria. Most British reporters just cut and paste government propaganda handouts.

    Their careers rests upon going along with the establishment narrative.

  13. #38

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    Surprised it hasn't been mentioned on here that Theresa Mays husband's company owns almost 8% of Lockheed Martin - who's share price has gone which way since the bombings?

    I don't actually think it has anything to do with it, just know how you lot love this sort of thing

  14. #39

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

  15. #40

    Re: The up all night World War 3 thread.

    This one is going to run and run I think until the government actually explains what intelligence they had - It feels a bit like they might be looking down the back of the sofa for some now...

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