Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
Now Now Eric - lets see the full context
Auntie said "Did I say you are Jewish? Honestly! "

I said - erm yes you did when Auntie Andi said "I started this thread about The children of Windrush. As usual you’ve hijacked the thread for your own agenda. Why are you going on about being Jewish and working for an Israeli company, you’ve really lost the plot big time."

If there are any plots being lost - it's the ones that you and Auntie Andy live on...

I used to work for an Israeli Company (that doesnt make me Jewish by the way) and on my next another contract I worked with a gay Palestinian man, so please understand this - Im as Jewish as a bacon sandwich and as Palestinian as a pretzal at a kabutz.
I mean for the personal stuff and dragging me into your hyperbolic tirade

Another leftie loving lunatic that cant handle free speech and a different opinion other than their own, Maybe you and your alter ego Eric should have your own forum, "Left of the Left' a place where only JC4PM hashtags can go,no one else welcome - LibDems,Conservatives,Plaid Cymru, or anyone else, including Israelis are not welcome. A sort of a political caliphate for you
Who is welcome in your caliphate? No one who you define a lunatic presumably? This obsession with a left/right label exposes you as naive. You spend a lot of time attacking people for things you thought they were going to say rather than discussing the things they did say.