Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Am I allowed to say, after just the one listen, I prefer the Sinead O'Connor version? That doesn't stop me thinking that Prince is, perhaps, the greatest musician of my lifetime mind- a true giant. Prince wins any who was best competition with Elvis hands down as far as I'm concerned, but that doesn't make the latter some kind of lightweight. Being old enough to have lived through the early years of the Beatles' "world domination", I can recall what it was like - it really did seem as if this pop band were comprised of four of the most important people on the planet. I daresay it was something similar with Elvis for white America and I think it's impossible for anyone who wasn't there watching it to fully understand the impact his first television appearances must have had.
The music is all over the place, whereas the SOC version is a cleaned up one probably worked on from a studio. Great song all the same. Grew up with my mother listening to it, so fond memories.