Good grief you are so touchy about your beloved government.

Have you read the horror stories and the suffering of our people and friends (if not read above links). Are you aware of any examples in modern times of a government treating such a large group of its citizens so atrociously? Are you aware of the removal of wording to legislation in 2014 brought in by and acted upon by May and Rudd? As well as bragging about introducing a HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT, Mays words. Vans with go home on! They knew the effect changes would have on the Windrush generation and they didn’t give two hoots. If they had then they would have helped those who have suffered for years.

Did these actions and changes target people based on race? If so then this is racism.

Mays reaction, Just tell em we are sorry and give em some money, that should do it.

And the latest story to confirm they knew exactly what was going on, and in the Daily Heil as well.