Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
What a bunch of arseholes. What the **** is wrong with people?
It's a very emotive subject, sadly, the cretins amongst us love this kind of thing, they seem to thrive on tragedy. I think it must give them a sense of identity and belonging, in a society where they either don't feel included, or simply don't know how to. False borderline hysteria has flourished since the Death of our 'Queen of Hearts' and has become an endemic during the rise of social media and 24 hour news broadcast. I suppose it makes these people feel empowered and included, nobody wants a child to die, or innocents blown up, or loving caring princesses to die.......I think there actions and behaviour reflect their own lives rather than the poor people who have perished.

On a side note, i'm always amazed at how understanding their bosses are, as they seem to be able to get out of work very quickly for a tragic event. How understanding.