Quote Originally Posted by beanyblues View Post
Don't know if it's still there, but the Manhattan Brewing Company was a cracking night out when I was there in the early 90s
I'm back now. I wouldn't rave about NY but thanks for the tips. The highlights for me were Ellis Island and the boat trip to it and to the Statue of Liberty, the view from the top of the Rockefeller building. Disappointingly unremarkable: Greenwich Village and Brooklyn. Weird atmosphere award: a deserted and very Coney Island theme park with less than a handful of people in it on a chilly Sunday.
My hosts, who kindly let me have their Manhattan apartment to myself and free of charge took me to a gay chap's birthday party with a balcony view of the city at night and to the Friar's Club, reserved mainly for top celebs, mainly comedians (my host being an attorney for some of them).
I thought that the city was far more relaxed, airy and clean than I imagined but I found it expensive and simply not alien enough.