Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
Anything to see here then??
I think it goes to show how much trouble Trump and his lawyers think that he is in when this was considered the least worst way of dealing with the problem. No doubt they are trying to create the picture in the minds of his slavish supporters (there will probably be one along on here soon) that he may have been economical with the truth but the payment was legal. They know that the Feds and NYPD have the financial records anyway and will be considering whether electoral law was broken by paying for the story to be suppressed before the election.

Another sign of their fear is that the National Enquirer (a newspaper that is heavily pro-Trump and it has been alleged to have bought other embarrassing Trump stories then not published them) has started going after Michael Cohen. They are trying to paint him as an untrustworthy liar (we already know that!) as they are really concerned that he will flip to save his skin and spill beans all over Trump's bedspread.