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Thread: Tory housing policy joke

  1. #26

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    That's it change the subject from the development of the land at Darren farm......
    He knows lots about the subject , you would get on well , he's a Tory like you

    All u need to do is ask

  2. #27

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    So, 162 property sales in Cowbridge in the last 12 months at an average sales price of £380,274 with prices up over 4% in the past 12 months. The market in Cowbridge really is on its arse isn't it. 162 sales is not bad for a small market town with a population of just 3,600.
    You realise that's including the villages surrounding the town where all the rich ponces live ?

    Come to the town , I will show you

  3. #28

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    You realise that's including the villages surrounding the town where all the rich ponces live ?

    Come to the town , I will show you
    I'm in "town" most weeks. I see whats going on and I also speak with people. The picture you paint is absolutely wrong but it suits the rhetoric, so, go for it.

    The bull you have posted throughout this thread is quite frankly laughable on every level and on every matter within this thread on which you have commented you have been shown to be disastrously wrong.

    But rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric. Keep shouting it and some people will continue to believe you.

    You have not been able to answer one single fact that I have put before you in this thread, not one.

  4. #29

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    I'm in "town" most weeks. I see whats going on and I also speak with people. The picture you paint is absolutely wrong but it suits the rhetoric, so, go for it.

    The bull you have posted throughout this thread is quite frankly laughable on every level and on every matter within this thread on which you have commented you have been shown to be disastrously wrong.

    But rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric. Keep shouting it and some people will continue to believe you.

    You have not been able to answer one single fact that I have put before you in this thread, not one.
    Keep spouting from your empty vessel , name a time and place , see you there

  5. #30

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Keep spouting from your empty vessel , name a time and place , see you there
    Sludge, you are unable to debate properly at all. You cannot accept that you are often wrong on what you say / post - As has been shown on this thread today. So what is the point?

    I'll happily have a cup of tea and chat about the City but it's a complete waste of time debating politics with you.

  6. #31

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    A stark graph below beginning in 1997 when Blair was elected and Labour remained in power for 13 years. During the 21 year span from then until today. Now people in England and Wales have to work twice as long to pay for a typical home than they did then. All great news for the rentier class and banks. Left - right, red - blue = the same thing.

  7. #32

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Supply and demand Morgan, as simple as that. There is a significant and ever increasing demand for new homes throughout the UK, whilst the supply of housing is being strangled from the criminally long planning system in the UK, in which it can take years for developments to come forward. There is also the lack of skilled labour available and the lack of availability of many of the materials required for the development of new homes.

    Simple economics.

  8. #33

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    I did know that. The purpose of the graph and my remarks is that in spite of the Punch and Judy show in Parliament the political class bat for the same side.

  9. #34

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    And I'm still waiting for Sludge to come back to me with answers to the posts that I made about the utter lies and misrepresentations that he has put forward in this thread.

  10. #35

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    If you're lucky and patient expect a reply from him September time as yesterday marked the official start of the 2018 dogging season.

    I'm nominally a big winner from successive governments importing millions of cheap foreign labour and not building nearly enough properties or reforming the planning process (only 8% of UK land is built on), easy and cheap credit due to suppressed base rates, QE and other machinations because this house (5 bedroom detached, Band G) cost £190k in 1999 and its insurance revaluation for building cover came in at £650k last year. I say nominally as I have no intention of ever selling, and it'll bother me not a jot when the housing bubble bursts and prices crash back to an average nationally of three times annual earnings.

  11. #36

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Total crap , they got development for the first phase 18 months ago ......they have done diddly squat

    The opposers are the local town council , full of Tories who don't want their special town spoilt , even though most of them live in new housing themselves !!

    I know all the local estate agents and there are for sale signs everywhere , the market is static
    Sludge - Link to article from today's Walesonline:


    Detailed consent for a further 306 dwellings approved last week by the Council. They will now have to sign the S.106 agreement and discharge all of the pre-commencement planning conditions on these as well before they can start on this phase.

    All shows the lies that you have spouted in this thread about the developers land banking.

    Lies. lies and more lies. That's all you can come up with.

  12. #37

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Also, good to note Sludge, that 40% of the new homes - 190 of the new homes on the site will be affordable homes of different tenures. I'm sure that will please you??

  13. #38

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    It's oh so quiet in here, oh, so quiet.

    Apart from the sweet sound of a leftie being leathered.

  14. #39

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    It's oh so quiet in here, oh, so quiet.

    Apart from the sweet sound of a leftie being leathered.
    I know what's happening on the ground , you don't

    As for affordable , maybe to a jumped up Tory boy like you but not most normal people

  15. #40

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I know what's happening on the ground , you don't

    As for affordable , maybe to a jumped up Tory boy like you but not most normal people
    Keep it civil Sludge

  16. #41

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I know what's happening on the ground , you don't

    As for affordable , maybe to a jumped up Tory boy like you but not most normal people

    See article above, Sludge, that confirms that 40% of the dwellings on the site will be affordable dwellings - that is 190 dwellings that will be affordable dwellings.

    Of these 133 dwellings will be social rented dwellings, that is the vast majority of the affordable dwellings on the site - 23% of the whole scheme for social rented dwellings and 70% of the affordable dwellings will be social rented dwellings.

    That makes them affordable to anyone, anyone at all.

    Again, your argument and rhetoric has been absolutely trashed. You continue to lie incessantly about this issue.

    You are nothing but a liar.

    An apology please.

    And again, keep it civil

  17. #42

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    We all know this affordable tag is nonsense , it's a bit of a discount that's all , not social housing

    As for the land banking , it's no myth , a proposed 400 house development ......with ...lol....affordable units .....just up the road from me saw diggers 18 months ago ......and a few nice signs .......it's been dormant ever since we the local market is stagnant

    That's what happens when , unlike Germany and France etc , too many people have been sold the fantasy of home ownership and social housing is neglected

  18. #43

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Come on Sludge - Not even one of your momentum following colleagues has weighed in to stand up for you on this one. Admit you are wrong and apologise.

  19. #44

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Come on Sludge - Not even one of your momentum following colleagues has weighed in to stand up for you on this one. Admit you are wrong and apologise.
    Sludge, I’ve been waiting for you to apologise for your lies and smears on this thread........

    Come on....

  20. #45

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Sludge, I’ve been waiting for you to apologise for your lies and smears on this thread........

    Come on....
    Bollocks to you , the capitalist builders and bent councils are in it together to force up prices , it's all a smokescreen

  21. #46

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    What is?

  22. #47

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Bollocks to you , the capitalist builders and bent councils are in it together to force up prices , it's all a smokescreen
    Oh and try to be civil.

  23. #48

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Oh and try to be civil.
    The whole point of the private house building programme is maximum profit

    I know this and so does everybody else

    Stick civility up ur arris , I have lost count of how many times you have been deleted for bobbing off

  24. #49

    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    The whole point of the private house building programme is maximum profit

    I know this and so does everybody else

    Stick civility up ur arris , I have lost count of how many times you have been deleted for bobbing off
    Sludge, every single thing that you have uttered throughout this thread has been proven to be lies, time and time again.

    Labour's housing output has always been shocking, your lies about the Cowbidge development, your lies about the affordable housing within the development. All pointless lies, virtually everything you write on here.

  25. #50
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Tory housing policy joke

    It is very misleading to quote housebuilding rates under the Thatcher/Major governments and the Blair/Brown governments - because the tap was being turned off during the first period (but not right off in year one) and was being turned back on (a bit) at the end of the Labour period. The Tories were killing the patient. Labour (belatedly) started to revive it!

    Labour's record under Blair and Brown was poor - but the last 18 months when Brown, Prescott and John Healey (as the Housing Minister) really started to move on Right To Buy discounts and Housing Revenue Account reforms (Self Financing HRA which allowed the start of Council building again) laid the groundwork for some of the progress claimed by the Tories (although undermined from 2015).


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