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Thread: The rich getting richer and the poor

  1. #1

    The rich getting richer and the poor

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Gosh big money .

    I notice for the first time the top 100 are self made millionaires like Dyson and not handed down rich kids via hereditary dosh .

    Although its obscene I do wonder if these folk didn't invest or live hear how , that would effect employment overall balance of the economy which sadly would hit the very bottom of society as it always does .

    I don't mind folk being self made rich as long as they add back .

  3. #3

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    No wonder they don't want Corbyn to become PM, life is too good. It's probably the same lot who were plotting against Trump that are behind all the dirty tricks. At least we are now seeing how it all works, as those behind the curtain are slowly being exposed.

  4. #4

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Auntie Andy View Post
    By rich, I assume that you mean the job creators?

  5. #5

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    By rich, I assume that you mean the job creators?
    I knew it would be long before the poorest Tory in Britain stuck his oar in Only joking!

  6. #6

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I knew it would be long before the poorest Tory in Britain stuck his oar in Only joking!
    You ought to try stand up.

  7. #7

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    You ought to try stand up.
    To be fair though, those people in that article are a bit out of your league, I bet you don't even have any secret offshore banks accounts!

  8. #8

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    By rich, I assume that you mean the job creators?
    Gammon snowflake is off.

  9. #9

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    To be fair though, those people in that article are a bit out of your league, I bet you don't even have any secret offshore banks accounts!
    This is none of your business whatsoever and not something I would discuss on a football message board.

  10. #10

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Auntie Andy View Post
    Gammon snowflake is off.

    How old are you exactly?


  11. #11

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Hold on a second, I thought we were all in this together?

    'Self-made' is a very strange term. If the people on that list were born in Somalia they would be selling bananas by the side of the road with barely a pot to piss in. The conditions one exists in are massively important, as is luck.

  12. #12

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Someone called you a snowflake once - and you had a hissy fit. Now here you are doing the same thing.
    Not sure why anyone is trying to convince anyone else to switch their political views - especially on here. I've not seen anyone come forward and say they changed their political ideas because of something someone has posted on here. SO there is very little point in trying.
    Abuse is the hallmark of the hard left, always has been but it can be seen to be getting worse recently. The poster that goes under the name of Aunty Andy has obviously fairly recently been indoctrinated in to the hard left, momentum type movement and has received instructions to dish out childish abuse to those who are not of a hard left persuasion and to anyone who doesn't agree with their views on life, society and politics.

    It is getting noticeably more frequent recently, though the level of abuse is extremely childlike - snowflake, chubby, git etc. It is like that of a naughty young child.

    The poster is more to be pitied than blamed, to be honest.

  13. #13

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Abuse is the hallmark of the hard left, always has been but it can be seen to be getting worse recently. The poster that goes under the name of Aunty Andy has obviously fairly recently been indoctrinated in to the hard left, momentum type movement and has received instructions to dish out childish abuse to those who are not of a hard left persuasion and to anyone who doesn't agree with their views on life, society and politics.

    It is getting noticeably more frequent recently, thought the level of abuse is extremely childlike - snowflake, chubby, git etc. It is like that of a naughty young child.

    The poster is more to be pitied than blamed, to be honest.
    Lol that’s comedy gold.

    You’ve dished our abuse on this forum and been banned for it so many times I’ve lost count.

    I can’t be bothered getting in a decent conversation with you because you’re just not worth it. You put me on ignore and it’s sorted.

  14. #14

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Auntie Andy View Post
    Lol that’s comedy gold.

    You’ve dished our abuse on this forum and been banned for it so many times I’ve lost count.

    I can’t be bothered getting in a decent conversation with you because you’re just not worth it. You put me on ignore and it’s sorted.
    Decent conversation?

    With you, love?

    You're 'aving a laugh.

    Any possibility of that went when momentum performed the lobotomy on you.

  15. #15

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Abuse is the hallmark of the hard left, always has been but it can be seen to be getting worse recently. The poster that goes under the name of Aunty Andy has obviously fairly recently been indoctrinated in to the hard left, momentum type movement and has received instructions to dish out childish abuse to those who are not of a hard left persuasion and to anyone who doesn't agree with their views on life, society and politics.

    It is getting noticeably more frequent recently, though the level of abuse is extremely childlike - snowflake, chubby, git etc. It is like that of a naughty young child.

    The poster is more to be pitied than blamed, to be honest.
    Yep the left with their insults - the triggered beta snowflake libtard zanu-labour cucks

  16. #16

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Yep the left with their insults - the triggered beta snowflake libtard zanu-labour cucks
    If you want to dish it out, you equally have to accept it back. However, I can't see anything abusive in what you have responded to. Just a statement of fact.

  17. #17

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    If you want to dish it out, you equally have to accept it back. However, I can't see anything abusive in what you have responded to. Just a statement of fact.
    Opinion rather than fact.

  18. #18

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Opinion rather than fact.

    Nothing more, nothing less. She has been wholly abusive post after post recently. Snowflake, chubby, fat - post after post the same abuse. I have not thrown abuse at the poster, not once. I have now merely pointed out how very immature and childish her online persona is these days. She is acting like a very spoilt, very immature adolescent. That is not abuse it is a statement of fact.

  19. #19

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post

    Nothing more, nothing less. She has been wholly abusive post after post recently. Snowflake, chubby, fat - post after post the same abuse. I have not thrown abuse at the poster, not once. I have now merely pointed out how very immature and childish her online persona is these days. She is acting like a very spoilt, very immature adolescent. That is not abuse it is a statement of fact.
    No, it is opinion

  20. #20

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    No, it is opinion
    I consider it an absolute fact.
    but i'm not going to argue with you so we will leave there.

  21. #21

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    I consider it an absolute fact.
    but i'm not going to argue with you so we will leave there.
    In your opinion

  22. #22

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    It's almost as if the brain washing is starting to have an effect. Constant bombardment by Momentum and people who are susceptible to this sort of thing start believing it. If you've been around since the 70's - you will have seen it all before. They always say dont feed the troll - in this case maybe we should call weight watchers - it's that bad.
    Via what? Certainly not the press, maybe social media (I try to steer clear).

  23. #23

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Via what? Certainly not the press, maybe social media (I try to steer clear).
    I'd say, social media and increasingly in places such as message boards like this where momentum are peddling their ideas.
    As we are now seeing. They lie and they abuse those that don't follow their every word.

  24. #24

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    I'd say, social media and increasingly in places such as message boards like this where momentum are peddling their ideas.
    As we are now seeing. They lie and they abuse those that don't follow their every word.

    Paranoia is setting in or maybe momentum realise that CCMB is a key battleground they must take before world domination

  25. #25

    Re: The rich getting richer and the poor

    I said places such as this, not specifically CCMB. you know that as well as I do.

    You see their jack boots marching all over message boards these days.

    Dark days ahead unless people begin to see what is happening.

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